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This research aims to investigate the correlative relationship between the cognitive style (impulsivity/reflectivity) and psychological stress among college students. It aims also to investigate the differences in the cognitive style (impulsivity/reflectivity) and psychological stress according to gender and academic specialization (education/fine art). Matching Familiar Figures Test to measure the cognitive style impulsivity/reflectivity was used in this study H. Al-Fermawi). Also, a psychological stress test was prepared by the author and used in this research.
The objective of this study is to know the level of psychological stresses of mothers of children with intellectual disability in Lattakia city. it aimed to find differences in the psychological stresses according to some variables : mothers educat ional level, child's gender , and the child's disability degree. The sample consisted of 34 mothers . The test of Sertawi& Abdul Aziz (1998) had been used. The results indicated that 14.7% of the participants experienced high level of psychological stress, 58.8% experienced medium level and 26.5% didn’t show any symptoms of psychological stresses. The study did not show any notable differences regarding variables: mothers educational levels, child's gender or the child's disability.
This study aimed at investigating future anxiety and its relationship with the psychological stress on a sample of Tishreen University students. Furthermore, the study attempted to explore whether students differ according to their gender in the fu ture anxiety and the psychological stress. The sample comprised of (188) students: (95 male and 93 female). In order to achieve the goals of this study the Inventory of University Students’ Anxiety Future was constructed. The final version of the scale consisted of (28) items. And the Inventory of University Students’ Sources of psychological stress was constructed, the final version of the scale consisted of (60) items. The results showed: there are correlation statistically significant between the future anxiety and the psychological stress. The results also indicated to significant differences (α≤ 0.05) between males and females means in the psychological stress, and its indicated to no differences between males and females in the future anxiety.
This study aimed at investigating Tishreen university students’ psychological stress sources. Furthermore, the study attempted to explore whether students differ according to their gender, their academic specializations. The sample of this study comprised of (200) students: (100 male and 100 female). In order to achieve the goals of this study the Inventory of University Students’ Sources of psychological stress was constructed. The final version of the scale consisted of (60) items. These items distributed in seven dimensions: family stress, economic stress, personal stress, security stress, social stress, and environment of the learning stress. The results showed that most areas of the psychological stress is security, and least influential in them are social stress. The results also indicated to significant differences (α≤ 0.05) between males and females means in the social, personal, family, and the economic domains. according to the variable students’ academic specializations, the results showed no differences statistically function (0.05 "≥α) between the students.
This research aimsto know the severity ofpsychological stressina sample of firstlevel teachers(the first cycle) in Jablehand to know if there are any statistically significant differences according to gender,marital status and experience. The sampl e of the research consisted of (60) teachers (males and females). They have been chosen bya simple random way. To achieve the researcher's aims, the researcher used(Psychological Stress Scale) which was prepared by Dr.RiadAl_aassmi. To answer the questions of the research, the means and standarddeviations were extracted and applied One Way ANOVA.Theresults revealed that psychological stress on the teachers was moderate and that there were no statistically significant differences between teachers due to gender, marital statusand experience. The results also revealed that the major dimensions that affect teachers weresocial and psychological stress.
The research aims to identify the level of psychological stress in patients with diabetes type II,as well as to identify differences in the differences between the mean responses of patients with diabetes type II on a scale of sources of psycholog ical stress due to the variables(sex, years of disease, marital status).Search sample Included(272)male and female patients. they were applied to a scale consisting of(56)statement divided into six levels which are (emotional stress, pressures resulting from diabetes,pressures resulting from friends and colleagues, physical pressures,family and social pressure, customs and traditions pressures).Pilot sample consisted of (32)patients, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.71), and (0.718)by Test – Retest. Results showed that the level of psychological stress was moderately.The findings also revealed the presence of statistically significant differences depending on the gender variable for the benefit of female patients and the presence of statically significant differences depending on the variable of marital status for the benefit of the married patients,as well as the presence of statically significant differences depending on the variable of number of years of the disease for the benefit of high number of years of disease.

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