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The study aimed at determining the extent of the company's commitment to social responsibility according to the following areas: Social responsibility towards: community, environment, auditors, employees, shareholders, government, suppliers, competit ors, The study was based on the Descriptive Methodology. The research society included all the employees of Joud Trading Company, which numbered (860) workers and workers. The sample size was determined by the statistical sample law. The sample size was 266 workers, (231) complete and valid for statistical analysis, with a response rate of (86.84%). The researcher used data processing SPSS.23, which is based on the following statistical methods: arithmetic average, standard deviation, relative importance, arithmetic mean. Test t) for one sample. One of the most important results of the study is that the company in question is committed to social responsibility according to the aforementioned fields and to a large extent.
From these study it was shown that there are direct relationship between the offensive behavior of displaced families students , and the family violence, where it was shown that the offensive behavior of students is the defection act of another act ion of family violence in side the displaced families , and we fined different types of family violence toward against children , and it was shown that there are different between boys and girls from there reactions , where there are statistic index differ on the offensive behavior scale for boys in the step 0.0005 . which correspond with the social teaching theory, where the offensive behavior of sons is the emulation natural results, and imitation response offensive behavior of parents against them like a chastisement, and self supersensible pain, and sufferance, and others sorts of violence.
Islam has protected humans from anything that can cause harm and spread of sins. Some of what Islam has provided is the law of Punishment that puts society in order and organize people's relations in order to make them live in harmony. On of the important rules that the Islamic law was built on,is that a person is not punished on behalf of another person's mistake. The Punishment comes along with how bad the criminal act was,so the robber wasn't punished by killing, nor the murderer jailed for tow days for example, and then no Punishment was build on suspicious doubts, unless solid evidence and eye witnesses are provided. Islam made the Punishment of harming society stronger. The drug dealers Punishment was not mentioned in the Quran or sunna. But because of the great damage caused to individuals and society, therefore the death sentence is justified under special circumstances and comes by the measurements of Islamic rules.
The current study handles what related to the Information Society including aspects of concept, origin, essential terms that have been circulating on this concern, characteristics, in addition to the most significant theories of information society that have hypnotized the scholars of various backgrounds and specialties the most obvious of which are the sociologists, economists, and the technologists, not to mention the economical and technological essentials and their impact on such a society. This study concludes with a constellation of findings most important of which are: information become among the basic sources that obviously affect various sectors of life: economical, social and cultural. They are however looked at as a resource that could be utilized as a commodity. The improvements in the field of information technology has led to dividing societies into three constituents, as follows: sharing societies, affiliated societies and secluded societies.
Research aims to observation of The services provded by civil society Organizations in the governorate of Latakia for the development of rural women condition and to improve the Educational cultural ,economic ,health, Educational, and social level, and the difficulties facing that Organizations the implementation of its programs ,plans and activities in order to achieve the comprehensive development of rural women,and to achieve the goal of study the researcher designed an iner view cards based on the goals of the syrian NGOs, and it has been confirmed validity and reliatity and then applied to the sampl (60)members the sample of research included five organizations governorate of latakia results of research have shown there were differences of statistical significant between the average scores of members according to difficulties that facing in implementation of plans, programs,and activities to serve rural woman a ccording to changes of organization,and research confirms that the civilsociety organization a chieve some services related to sensitize raval women and educate,rehabilitate and traine her in all the educational,cultural, social,economicand health fields,but not at the level that helps to develop all round and full development to the degree of her participation in the development process whichis pushed by the Syrian society for the development and modernization process because she is half of society and the fundamental basis subsequent generations builts on.
This paper aims to identify the socio-political effects of Social Media Networks on University students and to uncover the ways in which they have affected the social relations of those students especially as to reshaping their political outlooks. The research sample consisted of (157) students of which there are (70) male students while the other (87) are female ones. Those students were selected both systematically and randomly. To achieve this, the research has implemented a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire included (44) questions which were answered by the population of the sample. The paper has come with following conclusions: 1-The females were found to use the social Media Networks the most. 2-The overuse of social Media Networks affected the ongoing political changes. 3-The overuse of Social Media Networks increased the participation of the youth in national affairs.
Women is the half of society, which born and grow the second half, so take-up the oppression on women men to take-up it on whole society , because the women is the whole society, so the freedom of women is the freedom of country and human, where the thrall mother cannot born freedom child , and sick mother cannot born healthy body, and mind child, so we must be attention toward necessary care of women ,and create suitable climant ,which help her to egress from the crucible of blindness, and darkness toward the court of science , and light supply the suitable circumstance, which command her to developed herself , and subsequently to developed the whole society, so man must stop to uses the Violence against women, because these thing disrupt her capability to life, and to feel her dignity, and humanity, but if he did not belief in these thing ,so we must constraint him by all possible procedure ,or methods.
The Study aimed at identifying the most important problems confronting the rural society in Lattakia. The study was based on data collected by means of personal interview from a sample of (270) individuals. percentage and (x2) test were used for data analysis. The research results showed that percentage of illiteracy in Countryside of Lattakia was about 12.6 % . Rural society has problems in several fields , social , health , economic, education ,agricultural aspects as well, and the turn of religion men was insufficient. Other problems were found such as health service in some villages was low, minimal religious guidance , high price of consumer durable ,and low confidence in agriculture engineers.
The Individual is the main entity of society, if he's in good health he's able to positively contribute to the development of the society, developed countries have recognized this fact, making it an interest in providing health care to the individual , which is not limited to aspects of membership, but it also included the psychological aspects that become a most important aspect in health of the individual because of the increase of the destitute in the number of psychiatric patients, which coincided with technological progress and civilization so it led to a change in the concept of mental health care than it was previously, also led to changes in methods of treatment for psychiatric patients, and changes in the concepts of the place, which provides this health care, the modern concept of building health care for psychiatric patients must take into account the important role played by those buildings in the treatment, no longer seen as containers separating of these patients, but rather becoming more like living organisms that interact with them, they are affect them equally affected by them and through its behavior .

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