المرأة هي نصف المجتمع الذي ينجب و يربي النصف الآخر، و رفع الظلم عن المرأة هو رفعه عن المجتمع كله فهي المجتمع بأكمله ، و من هنا كان تحرر المرأة هو تحرر للأوطان، و الإنسان حيث لا يمكن للأم المستعبدة أن تنجب ولداً متحرراً، و لا يمكن للأم المريضة أن تنجب صحيح الجسم ، و العقل ، و لهذا كان لا بد من توجيه الأنظار إلى ضرورة الاهتمام بالمرأة، و خلق المناخ الملائم الذي يساعدها في الخروج من بوتقة الجهل و الظلام إلى ساحة العلم و النور، و تهيئة الظروف المناسبة التي تمكنها من تطوير نفسها، و بالتالي تطوير كل المجتمع . لذا يجب أن يكف الرجل عن ممارسة العنف ضدها ، فهذا الأمر يشل قدرتها على الحياة، و على الشعور بالكرامة و الإنسانية ، و إذا لم يقتنع بهذا الأمر فيجب إجباره بكافة الوسائل، و الطرائق الممكنة .
Women is the half of society, which born and grow the second half, so take-up the oppression on women men to take-up it on whole society , because the women is the whole society, so the freedom of women is the freedom of country and human, where the thrall mother cannot born freedom child , and sick mother cannot born healthy body, and mind child, so we must be attention toward necessary care of women ,and create suitable climant ,which help her to egress from the crucible of blindness, and darkness toward the court of science , and light supply the suitable circumstance, which command her to developed herself , and subsequently to developed the whole society, so man must stop to uses the Violence against women, because these thing disrupt her capability to life, and to feel her dignity, and humanity, but if he did not belief in these thing ,so we must constraint him by all possible procedure ,or methods.
References used
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غريب سيد أحمد : علم اجتماع الأسرة ، دار المعرفة الجامعية، 2001 م
فرج عبد القادر طه: موسوعة علم النفس و التحليل النفسي، ط 1، دار سعاد الصباح ، الكويت، 1993 م
We can notice nowadays that globalization, with its own variety of means, has worked and is still working to spread chaos and violence and to destroy affiliation through its project oriented against women, youth and childhood. Globalization is trying
Aim: The study aimed to reveal the relationship between
violence against women and the emergence of personality
The Sample: the study sample consisted of(182) married
Tools: The researcher used the spousal violence measure
prepared by researcher and personality disorder measure
prepared by Mario Rahall
The phenomenon of the shadow economy represents a threat to the national economy in most countries because it is high rates of gross national product., Which includes all economic activities practiced by individuals or companies have been not recorde
The phenomenon of begging is one of the social phenomena that have become evident in all human societies. There is hardly a society without this dangerous phenomenon, especially in Arab societies, including Syria. Beggars, describing their condition,
"Women working in the informal sector," the study aims to identify the conditions
and problems of women working in the informal sector as well as the reasons for their
work in this sector, and also aims to identify the future aspirations so as to i