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تضمن هذا البحث دراسة التغيرات التي طرأت عل مستويات الإنفاق للأسر السورية في مدينة حمص ومستواهم المعيشي خلال أعوام الأزمة السورية
This study aims to identify the specific family factors for violence, the sample of this study consists of (214) students from Latakia city schools. The results of the study indicated the existence of a relationship between each of: (the income le vel of the family, the nature of the relationship between the spouses, the nature of the relationship between parents and children, the educational level of the mother) and teen violence. While the study showed that there is no relationship between each of: ( the educational level of the father, the confidence of the teen parents, the absence of one the parents) and teen violence. The study reached to wide lines can be taken into account, which could contribute to the rehabilitation of future youth.
The current research problem sheds light on family socialization and its relation to drug abuse by presenting the concept of social upbringing in general and family in particular, and identifying the forms of this formation that may contribute to i ts erroneous models in the emergence of many phenomena of deviation such as drug abuse. The aim of the research is to: Recognize the functions of social upbringing in order to activate its role in the treatment of phenomena of deviation. This research has reached a number of results, the most important of which is that the form of family formation in which the individual is exposed plays an important role in predicting the normal or abnormal behavior patterns that the individual will exercise in the future. This research ended with a number of proposals reached through the theoretical framework of this research as well as an analysis of the results of previous studies related to the subject.
The goal beyond this research is to highlight the influence of the social family factors on the academic excellence of sons. This research sample was on (240) of (408) male and female students who are in the first, second and the third secondary st ages for the school year 2016-2017. For reaching the intended goals of this research, a questionnaire was adopted as a tool for collecting both the preliminary data and the data related to the variables of this research. The results of the research assured that the number of the family members does not have that clear effect on the academic excellence and most of the students do not get negatively affected by the parental divorce or even by the absence of one of the parents so this factor does not affect the sons' academic excellence. Also, the birth order in any student's family does not affect positively or negatively the student's academic excellence. The good and healthy relationship between the father and the sons has a clear effect on their academic excellence but, on the other hand, the relationship between the mother and the sons does not have that clear effect on their academic excellence. Moreover, this research stated that there is a positive link between the parents' moderate control and treatment practiced inside the family towards the sons and the sons' academic excellence. On the other side, this research stated that there is no link between the parents' dominating control and treatment towards the sons and the sons' academic excellence.
The research aims at identifying the extent to which food exporting companies in Syria are interested in cultural and social influences (family, women, education, reference groups, language, religion, aesthetics, customs and traditions) in the ta rgeted international markets. The research adopted descriptive analytical method. The research community was one of the exporting food companies in Syria.
يظهر البحث عناية المجتمع العربي و الإسلامي باليتامى -و من في حكمهم- منذ مرحلة ما قبل الإسلام ، و من ثم العناية العظيمة التي أولتها الشريعة الإسلامية لليتيم ، مما زاد من حرص المجتمع به و رعايته له، تنفيذا لأمر الله و تأكيدا لوصية رسوله ، و رغبة في صحبته ، و حماية لأشد الفئات عوزا . يبين الباحث معنى اليتم الحقيقي و الحكمي ، و معاني رعاية اليتيم و كفالته ، و وجوه رعاية اليتيم وأنواع الكفالة التي تقدم له في المجتمع العربي قبل الإسلام و بعده .
This study aimed at studying factors influencing the probability of processing dairy products by rural women, the importance of food processing as an income-generating activity through the analysis of profitability of these products, and identifyi ng some of the economic and social effects of producing dairy products on rural households.
The koran came down to earth in order to reform the human relations and the society. The koranic verses have proved that the organized family is the core and the fundament of the civilization of nations. This study will uncover the texts and the ru les mentioned in the koranic verses, which have been subsequently used by the legislator as the base of the law number 10 to create the family courts. The intensive cooperation between the national committees of woman, infancy and maternity and the civil associations, known to care about the Egyptian family, lead to create this law with all the advantages which consider the best interests of people, to facilitate them and to give them the means to demand justice.
The current study aimed to know the roleTopresent study aimed to identify the role of parent councils in activating the relationship between the family and the school from the viewpoint of the first episode parameters. The researcher relied on th e descriptive analytical method and the Questionnaire Directed to teachers was used (prepared by the researcher) as a tool for verification of research ُs hypotheses. Therese arch sample has been formed from (60) teachers, which selected randomly from Kindergartens which apply the parent councils in the Directorate of Education of Homs, so the selected teachers were from (26) kindergartens in city Homs., and the results were analyzed using Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) and (TTest) to measure the significance of the differences.
من المؤكد أن المساحات السكنية التي نعيش بها اليوم في تناقص مستمر، مقارنة بتلك التي كانت منذ عدة سنوات، الأمر الذي انعكس سلباً و بشكل أكثر وضوحاً على المساحة المخصصة لغرف الأطفال، لاسيما و ان الحاجة إلى الفراغ هي اليوم أكثر من ذي قبل، و أصبح من الصعب علينا أن نخصص غرفة مستقلة لكل طفل من أطفالنا، و مع إن أغلب الأهل يعتقدون خطأً بأن تلك الغرف هي الأقل أهمية ضمن تراتبية غرف المنزل، بعد الاستقبال و الجلوس و المطبخ، و غرف النوم الأخرى، لكن و لخصوصية الدور الذي تؤديه، و لكونها تخدم أكثر من وظيفة في آن واحد، فإن النقص الحاصل في المساحة يؤدي إلى كم كبير من المشاكل التي لا يمكن حلها بالطرق الكلاسيكية التقليدية، ما يتطلب إعادة النظر بالطريقة التي يتم بها تصميم الفراغ الداخلي، و إعادة ترتيب الوظائف بطريقة مبتكره، ما يضمن ترك فراغات داخل الغرفة للحركة و اللعب مع عدم إهمال الوظائف الرئيسية الأخرى كالنوم و الدراسة و متطلباتها المختلفة.

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