الفرد ركيزة المجتمع الأساسية، فإذا كان سليما تمكن من المساهمة في تنمية المجتمع الذي ينتمي إليه، تلك الحقيقة استوعبتها مجتمعات الدول المتقدمة جيدا مما جعلها تهتم بتوفير الرعاية الصحية للفرد و التي لم تقتصر على النواحي العضوية فقط و انما شملت النواحي النفسية التي أصبحت تمثل الجانب الأكبر أهمية في صحة الفرد بسبب التزايد المضطر في أعداد المرضى النفسيين الذي تزامن مع التقدم التكنولوجي و الحضاري، مما أدى إلى تغيير في مفهوم الرعاية الصحية النفسية عما كان سابقا، كما أدى إلى تغييرات في الأساليب الخاصة بالرعاية و العلاج للمرضى النفسيين، و هو ما يتبعه تغيرات في المفاهيم الخاصة بالمكان الذي يقدم هذه الرعاية الصحية، و بالتالي فان المفهوم الحديث لمباني الرعاية الصحية للمرضى النفسيين يجب أن يراعي الدور الهام الذي تقوم به تلك المباني في علاج هؤلاء المرضى، فلم تعد تلك المباني خزانات مملوءة بالمرضى المعزولين عن المجتمع، و إنما أصبحت أشبه بالكائنات الحية التي تتفاعل معهم، فهي تؤثر فيهم بنفس القدر التي تتأثر بهم و بسلوكياتهم.
The Individual is the main entity of society, if he's in good health he's able to positively contribute to the development of the society, developed countries have recognized this fact, making it an interest in providing health care to the individual, which is not limited to aspects of membership, but it also included the psychological aspects that become a most important aspect in health of the individual because of the increase of the destitute in the number of psychiatric patients, which coincided with technological progress and civilization so it led to a change in the concept of mental health care than it was previously, also led to changes in methods of treatment for psychiatric patients, and changes in the concepts of the place, which provides this health
care, the modern concept of building health care for psychiatric
patients must take into account the important role played by those buildings in the treatment, no longer seen as containers separating of these patients, but rather becoming more like living organisms that interact with them, they are affect them equally affected by them and through its behavior .
References used
Shafie ,Zakia " Drug Addict Care : An Added Dimension to Mental health care" Proceedings of the XIX International public Health Seminar,Cairo,March 1999
DHSS) Department of Health and Social Security, Hospital Bulding Note 35, Department of Psychiatry(Mental Illness) For A District General Hospital, Welsh Office, HMSO, London ,1973)
The American Institute of Architects,'' Guidelines For Design And Construction Of Hospital And Health Care Facilities ", The American Institute of Architects Press, USA, 1993
Marberry ,Sara o , (Editor) " Health Design ", John Wiley & Sons, Inc, USA,1997,ed.p166
The American Institute of Architects,' Design Considerations For Mental Health Facilities", The American Institute of Architects Press, USA, 1993
Playing is right for all children , and it's an important activity in their life, they
discover through it the world around them, and it was confirmed by philosophers,
psychologists and educators on the importance in children's lives and in their b
يشكل الرصف المرن (Flexible Pavement) النوع الأكثر انتشاراً في انشاء الطرق في الجمهورية العربية السورية كما أنه يستخدم بشكل واسع في كافة مناطق العالم حيث تبلغ نسبة الطرق التي تعتمد في انشائها على هذا النوع من الرصف حوالي 93% في الولايات المتحدة الأمري
Building maintenance is gaining an increasing attention in the field of scientific
research and there was a need for the use of new technologies in maintenance
management, , as the facility management deal with a large amount of information relatin
Constant changes occur to the family requirements of housing with the flowing of time, and these changes
are due to the number of its members, their needs , the standard of living the economic conditions , or as a
result of increasing technical dev
The window is an important part of the atmosphere that contains
and organizes the group of humanitarian activities, this is because
the window affects the quality of the environment that is intended to be created within the architectural spaces by