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This paper aims to identify the socio-political effects of Social Media Networks on University students and to uncover the ways in which they have affected the social relations of those students especially as to reshaping their political outlooks. The research sample consisted of (157) students of which there are (70) male students while the other (87) are female ones. Those students were selected both systematically and randomly. To achieve this, the research has implemented a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire included (44) questions which were answered by the population of the sample. The paper has come with following conclusions: 1-The females were found to use the social Media Networks the most. 2-The overuse of social Media Networks affected the ongoing political changes. 3-The overuse of Social Media Networks increased the participation of the youth in national affairs.
يسعى هذا البحث إلى الكشف عن ماهية (الإعلام الجديد) الذي ولد في عصر المعلومات و ذلك في ضوء ظاهرتين بارزتين تميز بهما هذا العصر، ظاهرة (تفجر المعلومات) بشكل غير مسبوق و ظاهرة (الاتصال عن بعد) . حيث حمل هذا النمط الإعلامي الجديد كل مظاهر العصر الذي و لد فيه و تناقضاته، و اكتسب سمات جديدة تميزه في المفهوم و الوظائف و التأثير عن النظم الإعلامية السابقة.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا