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This study comes to reveal about the psychological and social effects of the use of special young university for social networking sites, and by knowing the motives of undergraduates to use these sites, and the various factors that led them to enga ge in, as well as to identify the psychological and social effects of the use of specifically Facebook site, through a study field on a sample of university students Tishreen users of Facebook, where we relied on the analytical descriptive approach and we used the questionnaire to collect data from a sample of the tool (150) students from the University of Tishreen.
The study aimed to identify the role of university youth in achieving development in its different dimensions (sociocultural- social-political). To achieve this goal, the researcher prepared a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of students of Damascus University, consisting of 566 students.
The purpose of the research is to identify the trends of university youth towards civil marriage, and to know the extent of the influence of some factors such as education and the presence of civil marriage cases within the large family in the acce ptance of young people to the idea of associating a life partner from outside their religion or doctrine. Did legislation in both Christian and Islamic religions hindered this type of marriage? And to what extent does the media play the role in accepting or rejecting the idea? The researcher designed a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 30 students from the Department of Sociology at Tishreen University. The results of the study show the following: It was found that there is acceptance of the idea of civil marriage by a large part of the sample studied but they prefer and encourage religious marriage, and that the education and study at the university and the social environment play a large role in accepting this type of marriage. It turns out that a large proportion of the sample find that the media plays a large role in accepting the idea of civil marriage, and that religious legislation plays a major role in the alienation of society from this kind of marriage.
Choosing the university Specialty is one of the most important decisions that a student must take at the beginning of his university life, and the student faces a range of difficulties that may affect the process of choosing the profession of the f uture. This research deals with some of the factors that may affect the student's choice of university Specialty. The extent of these factors will be determined by selecting the following hypotheses: - There is a statistically significant relationship between parents' pressure, and the inability of the student to choose the right university Specialty. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the low economic level of the family and the inability of the student to choose freely. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the student’s age and his inability to choose the university Specialty that suits him. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the intervention of friends and the inability to choose the appropriate Specialty. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the freedom to choose university major and academic excellence. The researcher designed a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of fifty students from the fourth – year students of the Department of Sociology at Tishreen University. The results of the research show the following: The weakness of the role of the family such as the parents pressure, economic aspect in the university major selecting process. I also shows the weakness of the role of peers in the selection process, and it became clear that the young age of the student greatly affects the process of selection of his Specialty, but that success and excellence is not limited to those who choose their own specialty, A person may succeed and make his life a success story as long as he has the will to do so.
In light of the existing events, social institutions lead to a major role in preventing the intellectual and behavioral deviations of a large number of university youth. The facts indicate that the conflict between countries began to take on an int ellectual character, with each party invading ideas and distorting them through various means: cultural or informational in order to challenge the principles and ethics of the other party and weaken its capabilities, dispersing its efforts and provoking strife and suspicions and questioning its principles, values and the replacement of alternative concepts, values and ideas with perverse principles that lead in one way or another to the intellectual and social collapse of society. The present study deals with the impact of intellectual deviation on the social security of the society. To achieve the objectives of the research, a questionnaire was designed and administered to a sample of students of the Department of Sociology, the fourth year Sociology Students in Tishreen University, reaching 61 students. The Search yielded the following results: - The study revealed the extent of the awareness of the sample members of the role of social institutions in the prevention of intellectual deviation. - The study showed that the various manifestations of intellectual deviation lead to destabilizing the social security of society.
This study aims to identify the level of volunteer work culture (perception and participation business volunteer) at Damascus University students under the current Syrian crisis, and know the most prominent expected benefits from the practice of v oluntary work, as well as to identify the main obstacles that prevent the practice of voluntary work among students undergraduates. And depending on the descriptive approach through the design of the questionnaire included four axes contained (40) is in addition to the demographic variables, were distributed to a random sample of the class in a way choice, of which there were 384 students in all faculties of the University of Damascus.
The research aims to expose the of The Educational Effects Social Connections Network on University Youth. This research depended on the descriptive approach. The questionnaire was toll used to collect data. The questionnaire content (26) terms in three axis, they are about effects: (personality, social and cultural).
In the midst of the ongoing revolutions on the level of communication ,Technology , the reflection of that on the events in the communities and the media play an important role in shaping the Political culture of a large number of university youth wh o get their information from these means and adopt views, positions and tendencies about different topics, according to their reading, their observations and through following the electronic media in all the spheres. The current research deals with the impact of electronic media in shaping the political culture of university youth. And to achieve the objectives of the research a questionnaire was designed and applied on students of the French language, geographical , sociology and philosophy departments. We ended up with the following results: There is statistical significance between the use of electronic media and the formation of political attitudes among university youth. There is statistical significance between the use of electronic media and the motives of this use among university youth. There is statistical significance between the impact of electronic media on the political tendencies of university students and its association with their sex.
This research aims to reveal the extent of the manifestationspsychological alienation among university youth, and the effect of gender, marital status and accommodation on the level of psychological alienation phenomenon. This research was applied on (110) university students from Tishreen University. To achieve this goal the following tool was used: psychological alienation scale by the researcher after reviewing the previous studies, the scale includes (Normlessness, Powerlessness, Aimlessness, Meaninglessness) dimensions. The results showed thatThe most prevalent manifestations of psychological alienation was normlessness, followed by powerlessness, then aimlessness, and finally meaninglessness. the prevalence of psychological alienation phenomenon among university students is by (57.27%). The results didn't show statistically significant differences between the study sample in the level of psychological alienation phenomenon according to gender, marital status, and accommodation variables.
The study aimed to identify the degree of student participation in university activities at the University of Damascus, and the differences in the level of participation in university activities among university students in the University of Damas cus, according to the variables (sex) and (jurisdiction), and make appropriate proposals to increase student participation in university activities, as adopted researcher in the study descriptive and analytical approach being more curriculum in line with this study, and use the questionnaire as a tool for study and applied study on a sample of Damascus University / fourth year / composer students (425 students).

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