تم في هذا البحث تناول أهم المؤشرات التنافسية لصادرات الفستق السوري, حيث تم تحليل بيانات منظمة التجارة العالمية لهذه المؤشرات و التوصل من خلالها إلى نتائج توضح الوضيعة التنافسية لمنتج الفستق السوري. إذ تم تحليلها بشكل منفرد أولاً ليتبين أن صادرات هذا المنتج ذات حصة سوقية جيدة على المستويين المحلي و الدولي و ذات مستوى توافقي جيد مع متطلبات الأسواق الدولية و الإقليمية, و هي قادرة على تلبية مختلف أنماط الطلب العالمي من حيث الجودة و السعر و التجانس, و لها القدرة على الاندماج مع مختلف أطياف الطلب الخارجي لذلك المنتج, كما تعتبر شديدة التركُّز في صادراتها بسبب اعتمادها و تركيزها على مجموعة محدودة من أصناف و أشكال هذا المنتج في التصدير, أما عند مقارنة تلك المؤشرات مع مؤشرات الدول الأخرى المنتِجة للفستق فإن نتائج التحليل تشير إلى أن المؤشرات السورية هي من أفضل المؤشرات على المستوى العالمي بعد كل من إيران و أمريكا و تركيا, و لكنها تحتاج إلى إضافات تكنولوجية أكثر مما هي عليه, لتتمكن من زيادة القيمة المضافة في هذا المنتج, إضافةً لحاجتها إلى استثمارات إضافية من شأنها تحقيق إنتاج أكبر و حصة تصديرية أعلى .
In this paper, taking most important indicators of the competitiveness of Syrian
pistachio exports, where data were analyzed WTO to reach these indicators and which to
menial describes results competitiveness of Syrian pistachio product. It has been analyzed
individually first to prove that the exports of this product way good market share both
domestically and internationally, and with the level of harmonic well with the requirements
of the international markets and regional and are able to meet the patterns of global
demand in terms of quality and price, and have the ability to integrate with various
spectrums external demand for that product, and are highly concentrated in exports
because of its dependence and its focus on a limited range of varieties of this product in the
export, but when you compare these indicators with indicators of other countries producing
pistachio, the results of the analysis indicate that the indicators Syria is one of the best
indicators at the global level after both Iran and the United States and Turkey, but they
need to technological additions more than it is to be able to increase the added value in this
product, in addition to the need for additional investments that will achieve greater
production and higher export share.
References used
OECD1996 Industrial Competitiveness : Benchmarking Business Environment in the Global Economy
Professor Boyan Jovanovic, Department of Economics, New York University, 269 Mercer Street, New York, NY 10003
Trade Can2003:Databes Software for a Comprehensive Analysis of Nation World Bank
The aim of this research was to analyze the current structure of Syrian apple exports,
and highlighting the relative advantage of this crop and its competitive position on
the markets of the key importing countries of Syrian apples. The analysis wa
This research studies the competitiveness ability of Syrian exports and the major factors empowering this ability, the availability of these factors considers one of the most important elements to ensure maximum productivity and best use of resources
The modern economic environment is characterized by its unstable
variables due to the increasing competition conditions and the great
technological development in various fields. This requires various
sectors of the economy, including banks, to co
The objective of this research was to identify the potentials of Syrian olive
oil exports through studying the current situation of the Syrian olive oil in the
world and local markets and the most important factors effecting its
competitiveness ca
In light of the rapid developments witnessed by the world of globalization and
integration to the global economy and large developments in information and
communications technology, taking the competitive concept widely watched, and the