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This Paper aims to Studying the factors of Quality measurement in information systems applied in telecommunications companies. The study is divided into four main factors; the first factor is time which consists of four sub factors (Timelines, upd ating, Frequency, and Availability). Second is Form which includes Five sub factors (Clarity, Details, Presentation, Order, Media).Third is Content which includes nine sub factors (Accuracy, Relevance, Completeness, Concinseness, Scope, Security, Reliability, Economy, Competency).Technical, the final factors, it consists of two sub factors (Software Quality, Hardware Quality). We have tested this model in Syriatel Company to prove its validity, and applicability in many other types of organizations. Time and content factors was the final result for factors of Quality measurement in information systems applied in the syriatel company.
Perhaps no one opposes herm emetics per se, and no one denies its significance; but many object to the degrees and levels of hermeneutics: its places and its practices. We will search one of the main problems of hermeneutics. The parameters of he rmeneutics. This means the levels of hermeneutics' process which change the concept of hermeneutics in every degree of hermeneutics' process. There are five parameters return to origin or root, going beyond apparent meaning, going the into inner meaning, making the text a spring of significations, and the and Rinally going to what the text ean and cannot say.

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