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This research aims basically to highlight the role and importance of climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in the activation of organizational loyalty status of employees in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations (TPSS) at issue. For that reason, the researcher has randomly distributed copies of the questionnaire for 210 employees working in (TPSS). The results obtained are as follows: • There is a low rate of the climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a low rate of organizational loyalty in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a significant positive relationship between all the dimensions of the climate of psychological empowerment (Meaning, Autonomy, competence, Impact) and organizational loyalty. In the light of the results obtained, this study recommends that attention be given to activating the strategic role of human resources management, making them hold their advanced positions in order to be able to coordinate and integrate all their functions and then direct these functions towards supporting the climate of psychological empowerment for personnel through the establishment of an organizational culture supportive of creativity, enhanced by a flexible organic structure design allowing to practice these functions from a strategic behavioral perspective.
تعد العلاقة بين سياسات التحفيز و الولاء التنظيمي من الموضوعات المهمة في إدارة الموارد البشرية لأثر ذلك في الأداء و الإنتاجية. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح كل من مفهومي سياسات التحفيز و الولاء التنظيمي نظرياً بالاعتماد على ما ورد في هذا الشأن بالأدب الإ داري و تبيان العلاقة بين سياسات التحفيز و الولاء التنظيمي.
This study aims at investigating the organizational commitment to job satisfaction of the teaching staff at Jordanian private Universities. It attempts to answer the following questions: 1. What is the level of the organizational commitment with i ts: (continuous, affective and normative) dimensions? 2. Is there any statistical significant difference (α =0.05) between the affective, continuous and normative dimensions and job satisfaction of teaching staff at Jordanian private Universities?
The purpose of this study was to examine the organizational justice of the Academic Chairpersons at the Jordanian Public Universities and its relationship to organizational loyalty of the faculty members. The population of the study consisted of a ll 2905 Jordanian teaching faculty members, appointed on full-time basis at the Jordanian public universities, whereas the sample of the study consisted of 450 members selected by using the stratified random technique
The purpose of this study was to know the impact of material incentives in achieving of organizational effectiveness through the adoption of indicators of job satisfaction and organizational loyalty. We used the statistical program (spssv20) for hypotheses testing and analyze of the results of the study sample, which consists of 120 employees in the Commercial Bank of Syria, public administration.
The importance of this study emerged to identify the relation between workers empowerment and organizational loyalty level. From the practical point, the importance of the study is represented in the possibility of providing consultation and guida nce to the professionals in the human resources management to develop the methods of workers empowerment in harmony with the job enrichment of business the thing that reflects positively on creating high degree of organizational loyalty at the workers.
The objective of this study is to examine the relationship between the organizational support and the organizational loyalty of the staff at the Mouwasat Governmental Hospital. The organizational support that the nursing profession understands ca n have an effect on the level of organizational loyalty they want towards the hospital in which they work. The most important dimensions of organizational support, which is influential in organizational loyalty. To achieve the objectives of the study, a questionnaire was developed to collect data from the sample of the sample of 100 workers working in all sections of the hospital in Damascus.
The objective of this study is to identify the basic characteristics of the organizational loyalty of the employees of ASIA and what factors affect the organizational loyalty of the employees. As well as the level of effect of these factors on the organizational loyalty of the employees of Asia.
This study aims to identify the effect of leadership styles according to the theory of (Path - Goal) in the General Customs Directorate 0n the organizational loyalty", in addition to identifying all of the leadership styles own theory (Path - Goal) and the types of organizational loyalties prevailing in the Directorate General of Syrian Customs, and the relationship among them.
The research seeks to identify the relationship between work pressure and organizational loyalty among faculty members at Al- Baath University. In order to achieve the objectives of the research, the work pressure and organizational loyalty indices were used. The research was carried out on a sample of 237 faculty members with 38% the original.

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