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This research aims basically to highlight the role and importance of climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in the activation of organizational loyalty status of employees in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations (TPSS) at issue. For that reason, the researcher has randomly distributed copies of the questionnaire for 210 employees working in (TPSS). The results obtained are as follows: • There is a low rate of the climate psychological empowerment (by its four dimensions) in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a low rate of organizational loyalty in Tourist Public Service Sector organizations for the personnel concerned. • There is a significant positive relationship between all the dimensions of the climate of psychological empowerment (Meaning, Autonomy, competence, Impact) and organizational loyalty. In the light of the results obtained, this study recommends that attention be given to activating the strategic role of human resources management, making them hold their advanced positions in order to be able to coordinate and integrate all their functions and then direct these functions towards supporting the climate of psychological empowerment for personnel through the establishment of an organizational culture supportive of creativity, enhanced by a flexible organic structure design allowing to practice these functions from a strategic behavioral perspective.

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