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The research tries to define the most important social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement in the schools of the first phase of the basic education stage. These factors have been clarified through a theoretical study an d a field study that was conducted in Lattakia city in the academic year (2011-2012). The theoretical study includes an explanation of the concept of social upbringing of the children, and the educational role that the family plays in the student’s life via the surrounding environment, and the methods of upbringing. The research also shows the importance of social relations at school between the teacher and students, the relation among friends at school in general and the influence of these relations on the students’ achievement. It yielded many results as to the social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement, the most prominent of which are: the low social level of the family; separation within the family; incorrect methods of upbringing; the negative effect of the television; abnormal relations with the friends; the passive character of some teachers.
We can notice nowadays that globalization, with its own variety of means, has worked and is still working to spread chaos and violence and to destroy affiliation through its project oriented against women, youth and childhood. Globalization is trying to uproot their identity and affiliations and subordinate them to the market economy that disregards the sense of nationalism and replace it with a bank account and credit card number. It also works to objectify our humanity and change it into a commodity to change the individual into a domesticated human being in rigid molds, wasting his/her existence and transforming them into a tool. The image of female body is no more than an advertising tool, used for the promotion of various merchandise through focusing on the instinctive sexual aspects. This transforms women into a myth with multiple connotations (distraction and "breastfeeding" entertainment, violence and delinquency, excitement of physical desires, etc). Has TV drama on Syrian TV satellite channels contributed to the promotion of this image? Or has it worked to change this image and reduce the phenomenon of domestic violence actually practised? What are the recommendations and suggestions that can enrich this research and provide solutions regarding the phenomenon of domestic violence against women in our society? .
Folk medicine is one of the most important issues that deserve studying not because it`s being scientific issue, but for being social fact that must be stopped on and study, specially for it`s becoming within the interest of a lot of cultures and s ocieties. The study aimed to identify the university students attitudes towards Folk Medicine in related with some variables: Gender, Residence, and income for the father and mother, to achieve this purpose the attitudes towards Folk Medicine test applied at a sample consisted of (228) from Tishreen University- Faculty of Nursing. The results showed: The (75,9%) from study subject showed positive attitudes towards The Folk Medicine, but only (24,1%) of them showed negative attitudes.
The successful management an important and essential role in the life of human societies through its direct influence on all human, economic, social and educational development institutions, and its ability in instilling radical changes in these inst itutions and move them from stillness and recession into a dynamic active state that establishes a materialistic infra structure that reflects the supra-structure such as education, teaching, religion and ethics. For this reason, all the interested countries in development process pay great attention to develop management methods in its central and non-central aspects. In this research will we focus on the role of a successful the central and non-central administration in developing the staff performance in their companies and in developing the production of these companies, and study the central and non-central administration and generalize the best model that serves the matter of the overall development in our country which we need to develop our country in all aspects of overall development s we can achieve an ongoing development.
This study aimed to determine the effect of advertising on the purchasing behavior of the university youth and to monitor the extent of their interest in follow-up ads and the extent of its influence in addition to the quality of those ads and how th ey believe it s and to know whether their purchase decision is related to the ads seeing or not? television advertisements is one of the most important ways of advertising in the present time, with the technological development in photography ,lighting, and communications; a combined development occurred with the format and style of the production of TV advertising, concerning its classification, method of implementation, the effects used visually and acoustically . it now has its effective psychological impact on the receiver in different countries via satellites. Depending on advertising for marketing of goods, services, and even ideas is irreplaceable nowadays.
يقوم البحث بتحليل مضمون الأغنية الموجهة إلى الجولان و تعرف الموضوعات ذات الصلة بالجولان في الأغنية السورية. فالقضايا التي يعيشها أهل الجولان المحتل تُشكل مسألةً مهمةً على الصعيد السياسي و الوطني و الإنساني و الاجتماعي و الديني.
تعد الاتجاهات ذات صلة وثيقة بحياة الإنسان و بأفكاره و قيمه و ثقافته و سلوكه، لكل إنسان اتجاهاته الخاصة به نحو القضايا السياسية و الاجتماعية و الاقتصادية و النفسية و السلوكية، و هذه الاتجاهات جاءت بعد مراحل التنشئة الاجتماعية، و الظروف الخاصة التي مر بها هذا الإنسان و بعد خبراته السابقة، و طبيعة المجتمع الذي نشأ فيه و غيرها من العوامل التي تسهم في تكوين الاتجاهات لدى الأفراد.
This study aims to investigate the work values embedded in the Arabic language textbooks taught in the first and second cycles of basic education in the Sultanate of Oman. The number of textbooks analyzed is 18. The study adopted a quantitative as well as a qualitative approach to content analysis.
This study aims at realizing the relationship between some family factors and problems related to pupils’ behavior as to define the most widespread problems among pupils. The first chapter handles the problem of the studyand its importance, the obj ectives of the study, previous studies, the concepts and terminologies of the study, and the scientific methodology used.The second chapter of this study deals with the relationship between pupils and their social environment including their relationship with their family (their parents and their brothers), their relationship with their school (dynamic relationship between children and school and between parents and school.) . The study provides in the third chapter an analysis of the results of the field study based on questionnaire as an essential tool by directing it to the pupils themselves in the schools of the townof JawbatBerghäll - the second stage of basic education. The results of the study show that the social problems among males are more than those among females. Those problems are evident among higher classes compared to lower ones. It is also noted that problems are deeper among pupils whose parents’ education level is lower. The conclusion of this research is a set of suggestions based on the analysis of the results.
The study aimed to shed light on people with special needs (disabled audio and video), with surrounding the concept of disability, and some of the obstacles on the reintegration into society. It was through the study shed light on a number of care s for people with special needs schools, and the number of beneficiaries. The study included a sample of disabled acoustically and visually in the city of Damascus and at 70is disabled, taking into account gender, in the time period2008, the study relied on the descriptive approach, and used the in terviewtool, the study concludeda set of proposals, which would be reintegrated as elements active in community.

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