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The study aimed to shed light on people with special needs (disabled audio and video), with surrounding the concept of disability, and some of the obstacles on the reintegration into society. It was through the study shed light on a number of care s for people with special needs schools, and the number of beneficiaries. The study included a sample of disabled acoustically and visually in the city of Damascus and at 70is disabled, taking into account gender, in the time period2008, the study relied on the descriptive approach, and used the in terviewtool, the study concludeda set of proposals, which would be reintegrated as elements active in community.
With substantial development in the field of surveying instruments, and the emergence of various and different generations of Theodolites which are used to measure horizontal directions and angles, it is urgent to develop the methods of assessing a nd determining the accuracy of measurements using these instruments. This is achieved by taking into consideration all the internal and external factors affecting the measurement system. The research team studied the famous error equation (Colcord equation) of horizontal directions and tested it using a several equipments of theodolites and targets on a 250 m long, 5-sections base-line. The team concluded that there was a need to develop Colcord equation by taking into consideration the factors involved mainly by Colcord equation (positioning error, initial sitting error, reading error) in addition to the type of target and the distance of the line of-sight. The proposed equation was tested in practice, which proved that expected errors of measurements were close to their actual values. This could be adopted to estimate the root mean square error (r. m. s. e.) of measurements of horizontal directions.

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