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Visually impaired and hearing impaired, and how to integrate them into society

المعوقين بصرياً وسمعياً و كيفية دمجهم في المجتمع

1256   0   17   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Sociology
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The study aimed to shed light on people with special needs (disabled audio and video), with surrounding the concept of disability, and some of the obstacles on the reintegration into society. It was through the study shed light on a number of cares for people with special needs schools, and the number of beneficiaries. The study included a sample of disabled acoustically and visually in the city of Damascus and at 70is disabled, taking into account gender, in the time period2008, the study relied on the descriptive approach, and used the in terviewtool, the study concludeda set of proposals, which would be reintegrated as elements active in community.

References used
الفيروز أبادي، القاموس المحيط، بيروت، مؤسسة الرسالة، ط3, 1993.
ميثاق الأمم المتحدة، جامعة دبلن, 2004.
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Visual Question Answering (VQA) systems are increasingly adept at a variety of tasks, and this technology can be used to assist blind and partially sighted people. To do this, the system's responses must not only be accurate, but usable. It is also v ital for assistive technologies to be designed with a focus on: (1) privacy, as the camera may capture a user's mail, medication bottles, or other sensitive information; (2) transparency, so that the system's behaviour can be explained and trusted by users; and (3) controllability, to tailor the system for a particular domain or user group. We have therefore extended a conversational VQA framework, called Aye-saac, with these objectives in mind. Specifically, we gave Aye-saac the ability to answer visual questions in the kitchen, a particularly challenging area for visually impaired people. Our system can now answer questions about quantity, positioning, and system confidence in regards to 299 kitchen objects. Questions about the spatial relations between these objects are particularly helpful to visually impaired people, and our system output more usable answers than other state of the art end-to-end VQA systems.
Myelomeningoceles are very common anamoly in our country. Mostly it ends with permanent damage and handicap. Lot of these children die due to meningitis as a complication. It still till now a large number of children with myelo meningoceles seek me dical care in pediatric hospital and other health centers. So, we must know the reasons and the predisposing factors for the myelomeningoceles to reduce their incidence.
This study aimed to recognize the parent’s attitudes of normal and hearing impaired pupils towards the inclusion of those pupils in first stage of basic learning. The sample consisted of 40 hearing impaired parents and 40 normal pupils’ parents. T he researcher applied the descriptive analytic approach. The instrument used is a scale for parents’ attitudes towards inclusion hearing impaired pupils in public schools. Then the data were analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study were: 1- There are statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils’ parents and normal pupils’ parents for the sake of hearing impaired pupils’ parents in all scale dimensions. 2- There are no statistically significant differences in normal pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of gender in the first and fourth dimensions (general attitude towards inclusion, the effect of inclusion program on normal pupils). However there are statistically significant differences in normal pupils parents towards inclusion in second and third dimensions (the parents’ attitudes of hearing impaired and normal pupils towards inclusion and the effect of inclusion on hearing impaired pupils). 3- There are no statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of gender. 4- There are no statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils parents and normal pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of educational level.
This research is an attempts for studying security considering it as an phenomenon in society, which must be focused on, and work on the application of sociological analysis tools for research and study.Especially as security-related problems and c oncerns become an integral part of our lives at the individual and collective levels, which also influence the shaping of social relations, whether through discourse or practice.Therefore, the primary objective of the research is to gather all the data related to the general dimensions of what we can call sociology of security; to deal with security as a basic social process, subject to change, without which human life can become in danger.

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