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The research discusses the Education Preparation Diploma Attitudes Students' Towards Cosmetic Surgery, and to study the effects of such attitudes according to variables (sex, marital status, work). To achieve the objectives of the research, was dev eloped measure Towards Cosmetic Surgery prepared for this purpose, has been included (32) methods, then applied to a sample of students of (228) during the academic year 2017/2018. The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (7) of the teaching staff of educational at Damascus and Tishreen Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (38) students, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.92(, and Spearman-Brown (0.798) by Split- half.
The research aim to realized discusses the First Grade Secondary Students' Attitudes Towards Learning French in Lattakia City, and to study the different of such attitudes according to variables (sex, branch). To achieve the object of the research a questionnaire has been included (56) methods, distributed to four areas: (the value of French language, used French language outside school, the role of parents in Learning language French, usefulness French language in study and future life). .then applied to a sample of students of (434) ones school year 2016/2017. The present research used the descriptive analytical approach. Validity of the questionnaire was established though a jury of (9) of the teaching staff of educational at Syrian Universities. Pilot sample consisted of (48) students, Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability (0.93( . The research ended up with the following results: - The Attitudes of the first grade secondary students Towards Learning French in Lattakia City was positive. - There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable sex in favor of the females. There were significant statistical differences in attitudes the First Grade Secondary Students toward Learning French according to variable branch in favor of the scientific and literary branches. The research introduced following proposals: Interest in learning French language, and Making training courses for French teachers, also Providing schools with supportive materials necessary for improving learning French.
The study aimed at investigating linguistic performances of the teachers of Arabic language and their relation to their attitudes towards teaching. The sample of the study consisted of 40 Arabic teachers from the public schools in the Northeastern Badia Directorate of Education. To achieve the purpose of study, analytical descriptive approach was used. The instruments of the study were a note card, and a measure of trends towards the teaching. The results of the study showed that the linguistic performances of Arabic teachers and their attitudes toward teaching were medium which indicates a strong correlation between their linguistic performances and their attitudes toward teaching.
The research aims to explore the impact of globalization on modern trends to human resources management in industrial organizations. The questionnaire was used as a tool data collection, and the questionnaire was distributed to a sample of 44. In order to test the hypotheses, the researcher used the T-test for one sample.
This study aimed to recognize the parent’s attitudes of normal and hearing impaired pupils towards the inclusion of those pupils in first stage of basic learning. The sample consisted of 40 hearing impaired parents and 40 normal pupils’ parents. T he researcher applied the descriptive analytic approach. The instrument used is a scale for parents’ attitudes towards inclusion hearing impaired pupils in public schools. Then the data were analyzed using SPSS. The results of the study were: 1- There are statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils’ parents and normal pupils’ parents for the sake of hearing impaired pupils’ parents in all scale dimensions. 2- There are no statistically significant differences in normal pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of gender in the first and fourth dimensions (general attitude towards inclusion, the effect of inclusion program on normal pupils). However there are statistically significant differences in normal pupils parents towards inclusion in second and third dimensions (the parents’ attitudes of hearing impaired and normal pupils towards inclusion and the effect of inclusion on hearing impaired pupils). 3- There are no statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of gender. 4- There are no statistically significant differences in hearing impaired pupils parents and normal pupils parents towards inclusion according to the variable of educational level.
This study aimed to know the attitudes of Jordanians people toward marriage for persons with sensory disabilities (visual or hearing impairment). And it aimed to Investigated the effect of some variables on these attitudes. In order to achieve the aims of this study, a scale of attitudes toward marriage for persons with sensory disabilities were used to collect data from (800) persons. The results indicated that the percentage of Jordanians people who supported marriage for persons with sensory disabilities was (82.1). Also it indicated that there are statistically significant differences between the Jordanians people in the attitudes toward marriage for persons with sensory disabilities due to Gender and Age. Also there are no statistically significant differences between Jordanians people in the attitudes due to Educational level and Existence of a disability in the individual's family).
The purpose of the research is to identify the trends of university youth towards civil marriage, and to know the extent of the influence of some factors such as education and the presence of civil marriage cases within the large family in the acce ptance of young people to the idea of associating a life partner from outside their religion or doctrine. Did legislation in both Christian and Islamic religions hindered this type of marriage? And to what extent does the media play the role in accepting or rejecting the idea? The researcher designed a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of 30 students from the Department of Sociology at Tishreen University. The results of the study show the following: It was found that there is acceptance of the idea of civil marriage by a large part of the sample studied but they prefer and encourage religious marriage, and that the education and study at the university and the social environment play a large role in accepting this type of marriage. It turns out that a large proportion of the sample find that the media plays a large role in accepting the idea of civil marriage, and that religious legislation plays a major role in the alienation of society from this kind of marriage.
Choosing the university Specialty is one of the most important decisions that a student must take at the beginning of his university life, and the student faces a range of difficulties that may affect the process of choosing the profession of the f uture. This research deals with some of the factors that may affect the student's choice of university Specialty. The extent of these factors will be determined by selecting the following hypotheses: - There is a statistically significant relationship between parents' pressure, and the inability of the student to choose the right university Specialty. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the low economic level of the family and the inability of the student to choose freely. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the student’s age and his inability to choose the university Specialty that suits him. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the intervention of friends and the inability to choose the appropriate Specialty. - There is a statistically significant relationship between the freedom to choose university major and academic excellence. The researcher designed a questionnaire that was applied to a sample of fifty students from the fourth – year students of the Department of Sociology at Tishreen University. The results of the research show the following: The weakness of the role of the family such as the parents pressure, economic aspect in the university major selecting process. I also shows the weakness of the role of peers in the selection process, and it became clear that the young age of the student greatly affects the process of selection of his Specialty, but that success and excellence is not limited to those who choose their own specialty, A person may succeed and make his life a success story as long as he has the will to do so.
This research aimed at recognizing the efficiency of multiple intelligences strategy in the improvement of attitudes towards social studies for fourth grade students of basic educational level in Damascus City, this study was adopted on experimenta l approach. The research tool formed of attitude scale designed by the researcher. The population of the research consisted of (177854) fourth- grade basic education students in Damascus. The research sample consisted of (72) male and female students divided into two groups: an experimental group consisted of (34) male and female students of Safia Al-qurashia school studied by multiple intelligences strategy, and a control group consisted of (38) male and female students of the same school studied by traditional manner. The findings of the study were as follows: - The multiple intelligences strategy was effective in the improvement of attitudes towards social studies for fourth grade students of basic educational level. - There were significant statistical differences between the attitudes of experimental group students in the pre and post application of attitude scale, due to multiple intelligences strategy. - There were significant statistical differences between the attitudes of experimental group students and control group students in post application of attitude scale, due to multiple intelligences strategy. Similar studies are suggested for different age stages and studying subjects.
The research aimed at determining The effectiveness of using ofCognitive Accelerationmodel in attitudesprimary fourth grade pupils towards social studies, The researcher adopted the experimental method, The sample consisted of a group of fourth gr aders in a primary school, where they were selected using the random simple method. The sample was divided into two groups: “control group,” taught using the followed traditional method, “experimental group” taught using of Cognitive Acceleration model.

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