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Integration Between Tourist Data and GIS To Determine The Tourist Routine(Application Study On Tartous)

تكامل البيانات السياحية و نظم المعلومات الجغرافية لتحديد مسار سياحي (دراسة تطبيقية على طرطوس)

2913   5   143   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper presents the producing of touristic tour using tourist data and management the data in GIS environment by using the extension network analyst in ARCGIS to find the better time routine with time as obstacle. The base map was the tourist map for Tartous with scale 1:250 000. DTM and several three dimension data was generated for studying area for helping people to know nature of the area, by using the topographic map for Tartous with scale 1/250000 . Also, in this research the spatial tourist data base was generated for Tartous province using GIS which contains data about road, town, ruins sites, services ( like oil stations, restaurants and hotels and others serve the tourist). Network analyst was applied on ruins sites in Tartous province to calculate the better routine from the hotel to supposed several ruins sites. The integration between tourist data and ArcGIS software with its extension network analyst can help for obtaining better touristic services by determining the better touristic tour to visit the desirable touristic sites in short time.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
يقدم هذا البحث دراسة حول إنتاج مسار سياحي باستخدام بيانات سياحية وإدارة هذه البيانات في بيئة نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS) باستخدام محلل الشبكات في برنامج ArcGIS. يهدف البحث إلى إيجاد المسار الأفضل زمنياً باستخدام عائق الزمن وخريطة الأساس السياحية بمقياس 1/250000 لمحافظة طرطوس. تم توليد النموذج الرقمي للارتفاعات (DEM) للمنطقة المدروسة ومجموعة من الخرائط ثلاثية الأبعاد التي تساعد في التعرف على طبيعة المنطقة. كما تم إنشاء قاعدة بيانات مكانية سياحية لمحافظة طرطوس تشمل بيانات الطرق، البلدات، المواقع الأثرية، والخدمات مثل محطات الوقود، المطاعم، والفنادق. تم تطبيق تحليلات الشبكة على مجموعة من المواقع الأثرية بهدف حساب المسار الأفضل من الفندق باتجاه مجموعة من المواقع الأثرية المفترضة. تبين أن التكامل بين بيانات السياحة وبرنامج ArcGIS وامتداده Network Analyst يمكن أن يساعد في تأمين خدمات سياحية أفضل من خلال تحديد المسار الأفضل للسائح لزيارة الأماكن الأثرية المرغوبة في أقصر زمن ممكن.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: يعد هذا البحث خطوة مهمة نحو تحسين الخدمات السياحية باستخدام التكنولوجيا الحديثة مثل نظم المعلومات الجغرافية. ومع ذلك، هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى كيفية تحديث قاعدة البيانات السياحية بمرور الوقت لضمان دقتها. ثانياً، يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لمزيد من الدراسات الميدانية للتحقق من فعالية المسارات المقترحة على أرض الواقع. وأخيراً، يمكن أن يكون من المفيد تضمين آراء وتجارب السياح الذين استخدموا هذه المسارات لتحسين النظام بشكل مستمر.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من البحث؟

    الهدف الرئيسي من البحث هو إيجاد المسار الأفضل زمنياً للسياح لزيارة المواقع الأثرية في محافظة طرطوس باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية ومحلل الشبكات في برنامج ArcGIS.

  2. ما هي الأدوات والبرامج المستخدمة في البحث؟

    تم استخدام برنامج ArcGIS وامتداده Network Analyst، بالإضافة إلى توليد النموذج الرقمي للارتفاعات (DEM) والخرائط ثلاثية الأبعاد.

  3. ما هي الفوائد المتوقعة من تطبيق هذا النظام؟

    الفوائد المتوقعة تشمل تحسين الخدمات السياحية من خلال تحديد المسار الأفضل للسياح لزيارة الأماكن الأثرية في أقصر زمن ممكن، مما يعزز تجربة السياحة ويزيد من كفاءة إدارة الموارد السياحية.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحث لتحسين النظام؟

    من التوصيات تحسين قاعدة البيانات السياحية باستمرار، إجراء دراسات ميدانية للتحقق من فعالية المسارات، وتضمين آراء وتجارب السياح لتحسين النظام بشكل مستمر.

References used
WEI W., " Research on the Application of Geographic Information System in Tourism Management ", Procedia Environmental Sciences 12 ( 2012 ) 1104 – 1109
DOYLE, F. J.," Surveying and Mapping with Space Data", ITC Journal 1984
rate research

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New sciences have greatly contributed in improving analysis processes and subsequently lead to better understanding of the future. The more knowledge and information are available, the better planning process will be. Furthermore, better data lead s to better decision-making. This is the basis of Geographic Information System (GIS). Due to its great ability in processing and analyzing extensive and various amount of spatial data, GIS has solved many obstacles in the research field since it was first launched. GIS plays an important role in the field of tourism planning as it contributes in developing new applications that serve modern touristic. In this research paper, GIS will be used to build an effective system that will improve touristic planning in Lattakia governorate. A spatial database will be created, that includes the most prominent touristic places in the city, such as restaurants, hotels, religious and historical sites.etc. Each of the touristic attractions will be evaluated, and then a tool , created in GIS environment, will be used for weighting roads network, in order to determine the touristic weight for each path in roads network.
The leadership plays pivotal role in any organization, where the success and the failure of all resources in organization depends upon. It is the starting point and the end of any organization, whatever its shape. Therefore, it was necessary to focus the studies in the subject of leadership, and leadership traits that should be characterized by it In order to be more effective. Therefore, the goal of this study is to recognize on the preferred leadership traits for Administrators in tourist organization. The questionnaire, which includes 39 traits of leadership, was distributed on 82-administration leader in tourist organizations in Tartous. The analysis has been using the spss program. We arrange the traits from the most preferred to the least preferred, and the results were as follows: The first group includes the first ten traits most favored and its arranged according to their preference from the top to the lowest as follows: take responsibility and experience, Justice, problem solving, efficiency, boldness in decision-making, setting a good example, time management, strength of character, attention to training, guidance. The second group-Vitality activity- Clear style- Honest-Persuasiveness –Good appearance-Respect for others-Planning-Encourage teamwork -Self, Confident –Faithfulness-Enthusiasm-Courageous-Wisdom-Knowledgeable-Exchange views. The third group Independence-change and development- patience- intelligence -the ambition-quiet-devolution of powers-flexibility-affiliation-control and monitoring-beams-humility-human relationships.
This research have been the role of tourist fairs in stimulate tourism demand, the research emerges it's importance from the international competition and racing to open a new tourist market, many countries and tourist companies are racing to inven t an effective promotional methods which aims to developing marketing effectiveness of its tourist products within promotional mixture elements which fairs are one of it, the process of organizing and managing fairs becomes a professional act and need high level of innovation and experience. the most important results reached by: - There is a Positive correlative relationship between tourist fairs and tourism demand. - There is an effect of destination promotion, price, tourism service Quality, Public Relations. - There is no effect for sample features on tourist fairs and tourism demand.
The tourist price is considered one of the important activities of tourist work, and an important element of the tourist marketing mixture elements. This due to its impact on the tourist activity. Because of the importance of Price, this study has ai med to highlight the price promoting policies that Lattakia Hotel followed during marketing crisis phase which the business generally faced, and the current crisis especially; and realizing the promo policies types which the management applied and how effective they were. However, the hotel management’s applied policies have been (discount (reduction), psychological price and package price). Moreover, the study has focused on the extent of the tourist demand impact on the given products through applying this strategy by the Hotel management. The study community consisted of the Lattakia Hotel administrative staff of different administrative levels whose number was 35 members. A questionnaire has been established and distributed to the Lattakia Hotel administrative staff. In addition, data has been studied and analyzed by using SPSS. After data has been analyzed the researcher had a set of results: the discount (reduction) and package price policies applied in the business are successful and have a positive influence on the tourist demand, whereas the psychological price policy is unsuccessful and is almost absent in the business according to Lattakia Hotel Administrative employee.
The soil water erosion risk is one of the most important problems and challenges facing the agricultural process in the Syrian coast today. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of dangerous areas of water erosion in the basin of the Mrqyieh River using CORINE model. To achieve this objective, the first phase of the study was to evaluate the soil erosion viability based on soil characteristics (soil texture, soil depth and percentage of stones); these properties were classified according to their influence degree on soil erosion. The potential risk erosion map was based on crossing all information obtained from soil erodibility, erosivity index and the degree of slope at study area by using GIS technologies. The land cover map of the study was produced and classified to two classes depending on soil protection degree. Then, an actual risk map of soil erosion was prepared after crossing land cover and potential risk erosion classes of study sites. This study showed that 14.8% of the studied area facing high risk of soil erosion, while the soil risk was moderate in 40.4% and low in 44.8% of the study area. The highly risked erosion area was located in the center, northern and northwest parts of the study area. Moreover, the study confirmed that the land cover is the most influential factor on soil water erosion. The results showed that the Corine model for soil water erosion mapping is a highly effective and cost-effective approach
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