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The Application of COREIN Model to Estimate Soil Erosion Risk in the Basin of Mrqyieh River, Tartous, Syria, Using Geographic Information System (GIS)

تطبيق نموذج كورين في تقدير خطر انجراف ترب حوض نهر مرقية في طرطوس بسورية باستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية (GIS)

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 Publication date 2020
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The soil water erosion risk is one of the most important problems and challenges facing the agricultural process in the Syrian coast today. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of dangerous areas of water erosion in the basin of the Mrqyieh River using CORINE model. To achieve this objective, the first phase of the study was to evaluate the soil erosion viability based on soil characteristics (soil texture, soil depth and percentage of stones); these properties were classified according to their influence degree on soil erosion. The potential risk erosion map was based on crossing all information obtained from soil erodibility, erosivity index and the degree of slope at study area by using GIS technologies. The land cover map of the study was produced and classified to two classes depending on soil protection degree. Then, an actual risk map of soil erosion was prepared after crossing land cover and potential risk erosion classes of study sites. This study showed that 14.8% of the studied area facing high risk of soil erosion, while the soil risk was moderate in 40.4% and low in 44.8% of the study area. The highly risked erosion area was located in the center, northern and northwest parts of the study area. Moreover, the study confirmed that the land cover is the most influential factor on soil water erosion. The results showed that the Corine model for soil water erosion mapping is a highly effective and cost-effective approach

References used
Aydin, A.; H.B.Tecimen (2010). Temporal soil erosion risk evaluation: a CORINE methodology application at Elmali dam watershed, Istanbul. Environ Earth Sci. 61: 1457-1465
Corbane, C.; D.Raclot; F.Jacob; J.Albergel; and P.Andrieux (2008). Remote sensing of soil surface characteristics from a multiscale classification approach. Catena. 75: 308-318.
rate research

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The Drastic method has been used to assess the potential sensitivity of the Groundwater In Lattakia basin using Arc GIS 9.2 Where the modified Drastic system has been developed by combining the land uses and its divisions with general Drastic model .As a result, final values of Drastic have been modulated into two categories "low and moderate sensitivity" It has been found that the introduction of the human criteriahas increased the potentialof the moderate sensitivity of the Groundwater. As a final result, the general content of the sensitivity map which has been establishedfor Lattakia basin, showed, the domination of low sensitivity category in the north western and the north eastern areas which has big location depths of the Groundwater and high topographic altitudes.In contrast, the moderate sensitivity category dominated in the southern areas of the study region. The latter areas which are characterized by the existence of varied human activities havelocation ofGroundwater levels close to the surface.
The aim of this research is to predict the quantities of soil lost by the water erosion in the Al-Hawiz Dam basin area using GIS and RUSL. R factor was calculated through matimatical equation after collecting rain data during 2008-2017 from weather station at Basel-Al-Assad airport .k value of each soil sampl was calculated after determination of txture,structure,saturated hydrolic conductivity, and organic matter).a map were prepared showed local distribution of k values .slop factor was determined as well as using DEM for studied region, and slop map was introduced in mathematical equation through a GIS to obtain LS map .NDV used for studied region to calculate C map.To obtain predictive map of soil lost quantitis ,maps of LS,C,K was multiplicated with R value. The results showed that R value in studied region 342.78 ,while k factor value was 0.7-0.28.soil with low value concentrated at medium part of studied region,whil slop factor value was between 0 and 38.87.C factor value was 0.29 at west part and 0.98 at east part .prediction map of lost quantites was classified in to 4 degrees according erosion risk ( very low risk ,low,medium,high .The results of soil lost quantities were classified in to 4 classes in studied region : very low( 0-5) t/h/year,low( 5-12 ) t/h/year and medium ( 12-24 t/h/year and severe in which soil loss exceeded 24 t/h/year
Water erosion is the most serious environmental problem which cause soil degradation in watershed areas in Syria cost .for this reason, this study aimed to defined spatial distribution of water erosion risk for land Bhmra Dm basin using corine mode l. Corine model depend on calculating all factor that affect water erosion ,soil erosion vability ,rain erosivity ,slop and land cover.
The eco-tourism is an important element in the economic and social development at the both local and international levels. It represent an essential economic resource for the governmental sector, so this research particularly important because it i s looking for the possibility of using GIS techniques in the protected areas management. The objective of this study is to verify the GIS importance in creating data-base which is significant for Naby Matta protected area managers; this data-base is basically helping in the development of the ecotourism. The results of research confirmed the importance of geographic information systems in designing of database and the various maps and its role in determining the steps tourism development such as determining the places of assimilation and classify it according of the visitors density, select the better tracks for pedestrians, the appointment of entry points and restaurants, observation points, in addition to the investment potential of geographic information systems in spatial analysis such as proximity and distance analysis of particular point from another point, or search for a particular tourist attraction and find it such as searching for the best spots to enjoy the picturesque scenery away from sensitive environmental housing thus saving time and effort and speed in the service of visitors.

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