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Framing has significant but subtle effects on public opinion and policy. We propose an NLP framework to measure entity-centric frames. We use it to understand media coverage on police violence in the United States in a new Police Violence Frames Corp us of 82k news articles spanning 7k police killings. Our work uncovers more than a dozen framing devices and reveals significant differences in the way liberal and conservative news sources frame both the issue of police violence and the entities involved. Conservative sources emphasize when the victim is armed or attacking an officer and are more likely to mention the victim's criminal record. Liberal sources focus more on the underlying systemic injustice, highlighting the victim's race and that they were unarmed. We discover temporary spikes in these injustice frames near high-profile shooting events, and finally, we show protest volume correlates with and precedes media framing decisions.
News media structure their reporting of events or issues using certain perspectives. When describing an incident involving gun violence, for example, some journalists may focus on mental health or gun regulation, while others may emphasize the discus sion of gun rights. Such perspectives are called frames'' in communication research.We study, for the first time, the value of combining lead images and their contextual information with text to identify the frame of a given news article. We observe that using multiple modes of information(article- and image-derived features) improves prediction of news frames over any single mode of information when the images are relevant to the frames of the headlines.We also observe that frame image relevance is related to the ease of conveying frames via images, which we call frame concreteness. Additionally, we release the first multimodal news framing dataset related to gun violence in the U.S., curated and annotated by communication researchers. The dataset will allow researchers to further examine the use of multiple information modalities for studying media framing.
This thesis is dedicated to study the phenomenon of verbal violence in high schools in Syria by introducing it and study its causes and its relation to the society in which it is spreading rapidly.
From these study it was shown that there are direct relationship between the offensive behavior of displaced families students , and the family violence, where it was shown that the offensive behavior of students is the defection act of another act ion of family violence in side the displaced families , and we fined different types of family violence toward against children , and it was shown that there are different between boys and girls from there reactions , where there are statistic index differ on the offensive behavior scale for boys in the step 0.0005 . which correspond with the social teaching theory, where the offensive behavior of sons is the emulation natural results, and imitation response offensive behavior of parents against them like a chastisement, and self supersensible pain, and sufferance, and others sorts of violence.
Violence is clear in the story works of Zakarayya Tamer. It signifies most of his works forming a chracteristict that distinguishes his own works from other written works in this age and he proved himself a popular different writer who has his way stating with cursing and ending in crime regadless to his issues concerning (family, street,power) even if they are different if we think of circumastances which lead to this colour of writing. In this world the scenes of troublesome, fighting, raping and killing. Thus violence signifies this world in which it is difficult to live out of desire to blood by killing in the most terrified way seprating heads. This describes his way of revealing the disasterous sort of writing away from the causes of these problematic affairs which go deeper than what we are expecting. This is what the search is trying to deal with and focus.
The aim of this research is to identify the mothers' point of view about the role of children's satellite TV programs in emergence of verbal, physical and symbolic violence. To achieve that, a questionnaire was applied on a sample of (134) mothers in Lattakia. The most important results were as following : - MBC3 is the most favorite channel for children from the respondents' point of view. - most respondents answer that children watch TV during afternoon for a period of not less than four hours a day. - children's programs on specialized satellite channels have a high role in emergence of verbal, physical and symbolic violent as assessed by mothers.
Family violence against children is considered a dangerous aspect in society within the tense psychological social atmosphere incurred by economic and social pressure, together with sources of provocations surrounding parents. This negatively refl ects on the psychology and personality of the child. Such violence, whether psychological or physical, causes deterioration of the mental health of these children. Moreover, it causes psychological and social mismatch. It also negatively affects all aspects of their behaviours. Due to the seriousness of such kind of violence, this research aimed at: Recognising the relation between violence against children (negligence, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and physical abuse) and the trait of anxiety among the members of the research sample.
International terrorism is considered a serious problem in the international community which can be used for political purposes and to put pressure on countries. In the Middle East in particular, and in the light of sharp conflicts, the internation al community gave this issue special attention and adopted several treaties and agreements under the supervision of UN and other regional and religious organizations, such as the Organization of Islamic Conference. The study aims at presenting the discrepancy between Islam and terrorism in addition to challenging and denying the unfair charge that terrorism is linked to Islam. We will discuss in our study the phenomenon of terrorism in accordance with the Organization of the Islamic Conference Treaty and show the definition of the crime of terrorism and its cornerstones and penalty owed by linking this topic to the terrorism experienced by Syria and practiced by terrorist groups disguised by takfiri extremist ideas which are definitely unrelated to Islam.
Women is the half of society, which born and grow the second half, so take-up the oppression on women men to take-up it on whole society , because the women is the whole society, so the freedom of women is the freedom of country and human, where the thrall mother cannot born freedom child , and sick mother cannot born healthy body, and mind child, so we must be attention toward necessary care of women ,and create suitable climant ,which help her to egress from the crucible of blindness, and darkness toward the court of science , and light supply the suitable circumstance, which command her to developed herself , and subsequently to developed the whole society, so man must stop to uses the Violence against women, because these thing disrupt her capability to life, and to feel her dignity, and humanity, but if he did not belief in these thing ,so we must constraint him by all possible procedure ,or methods.
This study aims to identify the social and cultural factors that cause violent behavior among school students, the study population included students at the basic education level Episode II (seventh, eighth and ninth grade at secondary level) in Latt akia State schools in Syrian Arab Republic. The study reveals a correlation between the methods of punishment used by parents with students and their acquisition of violent behavior, and also reveals a relationship between social deprivation in the family and the emergence of violent behavior among students. The study results show that the weakness of the relationship between teacher and pupil affects the emergence of violent behavior among students, and also show that the majority of students in the first group who had violent behavior and the second group who did not exercise their violent behavior, assert the existence of the media role in the acquisition of pupils for violent behavior.

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