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This study aimed to extract the psychometric characteristics of the Statistical Anxiety Scale when applied to a sample of graduate students the Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, to ensure the ability to using the statistical anxiety scale to diagnose postgraduate students' statistical anxiety reliability. Statistical anxiety scale (which was translated by into Arabic Abou Hashem, 2002) has been applied on a sample of research postgraduate students in the courses phase and in the dissertation phase in the Faculty of Education at the Tishreen University. The study results indicate a high significant internal consistency and statistically significant of the scale items, the scale also enjoyed a high degree of reliability. The items that to cause concern were extracted from the sample, and were arranged according to the level of concern caused by calculating the specific weight of each item. It was verified of a set of hypotheses that confirmed the scale validity and reliability.
This study aimed to extract the psychometric characteristics of the Statistical Anxiety Scale when applied to a sample of graduate students the Faculty of Education, Tishreen University, to ensure the ability to using the statistical anxiety scale to diagnose postgraduate students' statistical anxiety reliability. Statistical anxiety scale (which was translated into Arabic by Abou Hashem, 2002) has been applied on a sample of research postgraduate students in the courses phase and in the dissertation phase in the Faculty of Education at the Tishreen University. The study results indicate a high significant internal consistency and statistically significant of the scale items, the scale also enjoyed a high degree of reliability. The items that to cause concern were extracted from the sample, and were arranged according to the level of concern caused by calculating the specific weight of each item. A set of hypotheses was verified, it confirmed the scale validity and reliability
A group of 200 subjects was divided into five groups consisting of dentist, students of the last year predoctoral dental, students of pediatric dentistry, students of dental assistants, and pediatric dentists. The groups were surveyed in order to elicit their responses to a series of ten simple line-drawn faces. Each person was asked in a questionnaire to medicate on a five-point scale the degree to which an adjective was appropriate or inappropriate for each simple line-drawn face. Twenty adjectives were repeated for the ten different faces. Means and standard deviations were calculated for all responses. Results indicate that each face yielded a unique set of appropriate adjectives as perceived by all subjects. Beyond this basic agreement, however, group differences were found in the selection of other appropriate adjectives. Based upon a random subset of responses, discriminant analysis correctly assigned group membership for 96% of the subjects. It was also found that eight of the ten faces discriminated among the groups with correct reclassification ranging from 88% to 96%.
discovering the difference of self efficacy among students with learning disabilities according to the difference of gender , the relation between self efficacy & both of academic achievement & anxiety , & discovering the difference of self efficacy , academic achievement ,& anxiety of experimental sample according to the difference of test (pre& post test).
The study aims to determine the effect of a group counseling (Rogers), accompanied with biofeedback and relaxation training in reducing the degree of stress caused by the teaching profession and some other variables ,trait anxiety, self-concept, blood pressure, and heart rate.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of teaching method via computer on students’ level of anxiety with respect to the gender, computer experiences, and academic achievement. The sample consisted of 40 students (21 females and 19 m ales) from the Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Jordan. The participants who enrolled in a required undergraduate course of methods of teaching physical education class during the second semester of 2003/2004 were selected purposely. The participants were taught via Computer-Assisted Instruction (CAI) method for ten weeks.
Family violence against children is considered a dangerous aspect in society within the tense psychological social atmosphere incurred by economic and social pressure, together with sources of provocations surrounding parents. This negatively refl ects on the psychology and personality of the child. Such violence, whether psychological or physical, causes deterioration of the mental health of these children. Moreover, it causes psychological and social mismatch. It also negatively affects all aspects of their behaviours. Due to the seriousness of such kind of violence, this research aimed at: Recognising the relation between violence against children (negligence, sexual abuse, verbal abuse and physical abuse) and the trait of anxiety among the members of the research sample.
This paper introduces a negative factor that is related to foreign language acquisition/learning and regarded as a barrier that impedes the foreign language from accessing the brain. Even if the foreign language is granted access, this factor prevents it from being processed properly inside the brain, and hence no output to be produced.
The present research aimed at revealing the nature of the relationship between exposure to violent scenes during collecting and preparing of news to Anxiety among a sample of communiceters in Damascus state. The research attempted to determine the degree of exposure to violent scenes, and to disclose the nature of the differences between males and females in each of exposure to violent scenes and Anxiety. The sample of the research consisted of (103) communiceters, the number of male communiceters was (84) and, the number of female communiceters was (19). The tools of the research included a questionnaire of exposure to violent scenes and a test of state- trait Anxiety STAI, and were verified to ensure their validity and reliability by using appropriate scientific methods. This research came up with the following results: - There is a negative statistical significant relationship at the level of significance 0.01 between tests of exposure to violent scenes and Anxiety. -There are statistical significant differences at the level of significance 0.05 between males and females in exposure to violent scene. -There are no statistical significant differences at the level of significance 0.05 between males and females in Anxiety.
Pregnancy is a stressful physiological period, where some women may suffer from some degree of anxiety. Our aim is to study the prevalence of anxiety among pregnant women attending routine antenatal care clinics. Methodology: This was a cross sectio nal study for pregnant women coming for their routine antenatal care at Jordan University Hospital, during the period from October 1st to 27th, 2019.They were interviewed while waiting for their turn by a trained 6th year medical student using the Generalized Anxiety Disorder -7 (GAD-7) questionnaire. Results: A total of 200 women were interviewed with a mean age of 30 ± 5.3years, ranges between (18 and 45years). Their gravidity mean was 3.3±2.9 (ranges from 0-22) and their mean parity was 1.6 ± 1.4. 59 women (29.5%) had previous history of miscarriage. Number of miscarriages ranged from 1 to 12 with a mean of 2.5 ± 3.3.In our study, 66 (33.0%) women had moderate and 42 (21.0%) had severe symptoms. For women with history of previous miscarriages, there was no significant correlation with anxiety, except for those with recurrent miscarriages (p-value= 0.019). Conclusions: Recurrent miscarriage can affect women's psychological well-being; with an increase in the possibility of experiencing anxiety. Implementing mental health assessment in antenatal care has long-lasting benefits for both mother and infant.

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