التأطير له تأثيرات كبيرة ولكن خفية على الرأي العام والسياسة.نقترح إطار NLP لقياس إطارات التركيز للكيان.نستخدمها لفهم التغطية الإعلامية حول أعمال عنف الشرطة في الولايات المتحدة في إطارات أعمال عنف جديدة من أعمال شرطة تضم 82 ألف مقالة إخبارية تمتد من عمليات قتل الشرطة 7K.لا يكشف عملنا عن أكثر من عشرة أجهزة تأطير ويكشف عن اختلافات كبيرة في طريقة تأكيد مصادر الأخبار الليبرالية والمحافظة مسألة أعمال عنف الشرطة والكيانات المعنية.تؤكد مصادر محافظة متى تكون الضحية مسلحة أو مهاجمة ضابط وأكثر عرضة للإبلاغ عن السجل الجنائي للضحية.تركز المصادر الليبرالية أكثر على الظلم النظامي الأساسي، مما يبرز عرق الضحية وأنهم غير مسلحين.نكتشف المسامير المؤقتة في هذه الإطارات الظلم بالقرب من أحداث إطلاق النار رفيعة المستوى، وأخيرا، نعرض حجم الاحتجاج يرتبط بقرارات تأطير وسائل الإعلام وتسبقها.
Framing has significant but subtle effects on public opinion and policy. We propose an NLP framework to measure entity-centric frames. We use it to understand media coverage on police violence in the United States in a new Police Violence Frames Corpus of 82k news articles spanning 7k police killings. Our work uncovers more than a dozen framing devices and reveals significant differences in the way liberal and conservative news sources frame both the issue of police violence and the entities involved. Conservative sources emphasize when the victim is armed or attacking an officer and are more likely to mention the victim's criminal record. Liberal sources focus more on the underlying systemic injustice, highlighting the victim's race and that they were unarmed. We discover temporary spikes in these injustice frames near high-profile shooting events, and finally, we show protest volume correlates with and precedes media framing decisions.
References used
Women is the half of society, which born and grow the second half, so take-up the oppression on women men to take-up it on whole society , because the women is the whole society, so the freedom of women is the freedom of country and human, where the
The framing of political issues can influence policy and public opinion. Even though the public plays a key role in creating and spreading frames, little is known about how ordinary people on social media frame political issues. By creating a new dat
In this paper, we measure variation in framing as a function of foregrounding and backgrounding in a co-referential corpus with a range of temporal distance. In one type of experiment, frame-annotated corpora grouped under event types were contrasted
Violence is clear in the story works of Zakarayya Tamer. It signifies most of his
works forming a chracteristict that distinguishes his own works from other written works
in this age and he proved himself a popular different writer who has his way
Much recent work in bilingual lexicon induction (BLI) views word embeddings as vectors in Euclidean space. As such, BLI is typically solved by finding a linear transformation that maps embeddings to a common space. Alternatively, word embeddings may