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Recent research using pre-trained language models for multi-document summarization task lacks deep investigation of potential erroneous cases and their possible application on other languages. In this work, we apply a pre-trained language model (BART ) for multi-document summarization (MDS) task using both fine-tuning and without fine-tuning. We use two English datasets and one German dataset for this study. First, we reproduce the multi-document summaries for English language by following one of the recent studies. Next, we show the applicability of the model to German language by achieving state-of-the-art performance on German MDS. We perform an in-depth error analysis of the followed approach for both languages, which leads us to identifying most notable errors, from made-up facts and topic delimitation, and quantifying the amount of extractiveness.
Most work in NLP makes the assumption that it is desirable to develop solutions in the native language in question. There is consequently a strong trend towards building native language models even for low-resource languages. This paper questions thi s development, and explores the idea of simply translating the data into English, thereby enabling the use of pretrained, and large-scale, English language models. We demonstrate empirically that a large English language model coupled with modern machine translation outperforms native language models in most Scandinavian languages. The exception to this is Finnish, which we assume is due to inferior translation quality. Our results suggest that machine translation is a mature technology, which raises a serious counter-argument for training native language models for low-resource languages. This paper therefore strives to make a provocative but important point. As English language models are improving at an unprecedented pace, which in turn improves machine translation, it is from an empirical and environmental stand-point more effective to translate data from low-resource languages into English, than to build language models for such languages.
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between the mother and her infant immediately post-delivery is an important procedure that must be included in the care given to mother and her infant many health benefits. The mother's desire and reaction towards (SSC) is the decisive factor in the success of this procedure, where personal factors in the mother's life play a role in agreeing to this way of care. Therefore, the present study aims to identifying the mother's initial Reaction to (SSC) with her infant after childbirth, and identifying the factors affecting this and finding a scientific solutions to it. This descriptive study was conducted to investigate the initial reaction of 200 women towards (SSC) immediately after their vaginal delivery were randomly selected from labor section of the obstetric hospital and national children in Lattakia, the data were collected using a developed questionnaire for this purpose. The results showed that nearly three-quarters of mothers agreed to have contact with their children in (SSC) and nearly three-quarters of approvals preferred to be covered. The highest rate of response to approvals for contact with their children immediately after birth was the expression of joy in child and then hugging and kissing him. While the highest response of non-approvals for contact with their children immediately Post-Delivery refused to touch the child because they were suffering of pain, There was also a significant difference between the consent of women to their child's carry and non- carry according to the variables of the cultural level, the economic situation, the number of births and the current state of birth. The study recommended that every mother in the labor room should be investigated for carrying her naked child or swaddled with a blanket immediately after birth, not forcing them to immediately postpartum (SSC), and to conduct continuing education and training courses to provide all midwives and nurses working in labor rooms as well as mothers in their care settings With information and skills on the implementation of SSC between mother and newborn immediately after birth, and further research on nurse and midwife information on the importance of prompt (SSC) immediately Post-Delivery.
هدف الدراسة: دراسة تأثير العوامل الآتية على حدوث الفزر الحملية: وزن الأم, عمر الأم, معدل كسب الوزن خلال الحمل, القصة العائلية, وجود خطوط التمدد و وزن الجنين. طرق البحث و مواده: أجريت الدراسة على الحوامل بعد الأسبوع 24 حملي و النساء بعد الولادة اللوا تي ظهرت لديهن الفزر خلال الحمل أو لم تظهر,من مراجعات قسم الأمراض الجلدية في مشفى تشرين الجامعي بين عامي 2016-2017 ممن تحققت فيهن الشروط المطلوبة للدخول في الدراسة (حالة–شاهد).معايير الاستبعاد:النساء اللواتي لديهن فزر على البطن لم تظهر خلال الحمل أو التي ظهرت نتيجة استخدام أدوية ستروئيدية. نظمت استمارة لكل من المشاركات في الدراسة. النتائج: عمر الأم الصغير يترافق مع فزر حملية شديدة. وزن الأم (>60 كغ) و معدل كسب وزن خلال الحمل(>12كغ)له دور في حدوث الفزر الحملية(p=0,02)(p=0,01). وجدنا علاقة بين تناول مانعات الحمل الفموية قبل الحمل و حدوث الفزر الحملية(p=0,04) القصة العائلية الايجابية لها دور هام بحدوث الفزر(p=0,0001). وضحنا دور وزن الجنين (أكثر من3 كغ) في حدوث الفزر(p=0,001)
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between the mother and her infant immediately postdelivery is an important procedure that must be included in the care given to mother and her infant many health benefits. The mother's desire and reaction towards (SSC) is the decisive factor in the success of this procedure, so the current study aimed to investigate the initial reaction of 200 women towards (SSC) immediately after their vaginal delivery were randomly selected from the obstetric hospital and national children in Lattakia, data were collected using a questionnaire developed for this purpose. The study showed that nearly three-quarters of mothers agreed to have contact with their children in (SSC) and nearly three-quarters of approvals preferred to be covered. The highest rate of response to approvals for contact with their children immediately after birth was the expression of joy in child and then hugging and kissing him. While the highest response of non-approvals for contact with their children immediately Post-Delivery refused to touch the child because they were suffering of pain. The study recommended that every mother in the labor room be investigated for carrying her naked child or swaddled with a blanket immediately after birth, not forcing them to immediately postpartum (SSC), the study recommended to continuing education and training sessions to provide all midwives and nurses working in the labor rooms with information and skills (SSC) for all mothers immediately Post- Delivery, and further research on nurse and midwife information on the importance of prompt (SSC) immediately Post-Delivery.
Skin-to-skin contact (SSC) between the mother and her infant immediately post-delivery is an important procedure that must be included in the care given to mother and her infant many health benefits. The mother's desire and reaction towards (SSC) is the decisive factor in the success of this procedure, so the current study aimed to investigate the initial reaction of 200 women towards (SSC) immediately after their vaginal delivery were randomly selected from the obstetric hospital and national children in Lattakia, data were collected using a questionnaire developed for this purpose. The study showed that nearly three-quarters of mothers agreed to have contact with their children in (SSC) and nearly three-quarters of approvals preferred to be covered. The highest rate of response to approvals for contact with their children immediately after birth was the expression of joy in child and then hugging and kissing him. While the highest response of non-approvals for contact with their children immediately Post-Delivery refused to touch the child because they were suffering of pain. The study recommended that every mother in the labor room be investigated for carrying her naked child or swaddled with a blanket immediately after birth, not forcing them to immediately postpartum (SSC), the study recommended to continuing education and training sessions to provide all midwives and nurses working in the labor rooms with information and skills (SSC) for all mothers immediately Post-Delivery, and further research on nurse and midwife information on the importance of prompt (SSC) immediately Post-Delivery.
This study deals with the role that the mother should play in raising her children in a virtuous and benign education in order to provide them with the necessary values that enable them to assume their future responsibilities at all levels. The st udy deals with many aspects, first: the nature of the role of the mother in the upbringing of her children, second: the general rules used in raising children, the moral needs of childhood, Sixth: Ethical values necessary for raising children healthy education. In conclusion, several proposals were made to contribute to the goal of the study to take advantage of the mother's creative abilities in raising children and to prepare a healthy, moral and moral generation armed with good morals as a way to make a successful future.
The aim of this research is to study the relationship between the emotion perception among children of neuroticism mothers and of emotional stability mothers in The sample of the study consisted of 78 child ( 45 male and 33 female) in Homs city. The researcher used Eysenck's Personality neuroticism test axis ( neuroticism and emotion stability) Howlin, Cohen and Hadwin recognize emotional gestures test 1997.
A study of chemical composition of woman's milk has been made and compared with cow's milk in the province of Homs. The findings of this study show that The total value of the solid material in cow's milk is (12.26 ± 1.2%). It is approximately eq ual to woman 's milk content of the total solid material which is (12.11 ± 0.09%). The woman 's milk content of mineral elements is (02% ± 001%), while the cow's milk content is (0.71 ± 0.14%). For the value of fatty material in the mother's milk, it is (3.5 ± 0.02%) and this is almost equal to cow's milk content of the same material which is (3.4 ± 0.05%). The cow's milk content of protein is equivalent to (2.92 ± 0.019%), whereas cow's milk content is equivalent to ( 1.25 ± 0.009%). The value of calcium in the mother's milk is (32 ± 4.3 mg), and this is significantly lower than the value of the calcium in cow's milk, which is (118 ± 8.2 Mg/ kg).
The researcher in the history of ancient Eastern civilizations observes an essential aspect in them, which is the important role played by the belief in those civilizations, as it motivation and directed the foundation to her, and what submitted of m ankind's varied civilized achievements of (political, architectural, artistic, and others)proves that. As the impact of religious belief was apparent regarding the human life, in terms of worship of many gods idealized according to their functions believed in that era, so since human minds were occupied by the prevailing myths and fantasy which also control their thoughts and activities, and that is what the different archaeological findings reflected to us such as the clay dolls which through them, they expressed the female god or the mother god in primitive spontaneous way, so it was the language spoken and expressed their vision and imagination spontaneously away from theories or artistic trends. But when we try to read and analyze them we are surprised by what they included of aesthetic and formative values appear in the beauty of artistic expression, and the way they formed the shape and linked it to the content, As if they were aware of what he was doing, which added high artistic values to its historical value it may be relatively comparable to what was carried out by contemporary academic sculptor.

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