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universities Iraq University of Babylon

University of Babylon


Babylon University is one of the great Iraqi universities. It is located in the Babylon Governorate, located in central Iraq, on the banks of the Euphrates River. The university consists of 19 colleges distributed in three main campuses, all located in the city of Hilla. The central campus is located to the west of the city of Hilla on the road linking Babylon and Najaf, and it is the largest complex in terms of area and number of colleges, followed by the complex of medical colleges located in the center of the city of Hilla in the Iskan neighborhood. The College of Fine Arts is located one street from this complex. And finally, a small complex in the northwest of Hilla, near the Marjan Hospital and the Al-Jazaer neighborhood. The university had another campus in Al-Qasim district, which included the College of Veterinary Medicine, before the latter separated in mid-2012 and became affiliated with the newly established Al-Qasim Green University, to which the campus became affiliated. The university was founded on 4/25/91.

country : Iraq

establish date : 1991 BC

university kind : public

number of students : 25000

The total number of research : 1 (View research within the Academia service)

  07601402140   [email protected]


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