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This approach discusses one of the most important ideas which has been brought to us from the ancientIraqian civilization which has been called the (special God). Who is the special God? How (special God) was born? What is his work? And can he c hange the destiny of people who belong to him? The thinking about being has been interested by man along ages, and that will stay as man stay and as his mind thinks about the existence. Man has tried along Ages to find rest and peace, but the ancient Iraqian civilization hascreated a(special God) who works to give the Iraqian people peace and rest by finding a kind of harmony between the human world and God world. And according to that, man must obey the (special God) and offer him sacrifices. This topic will form the main ideas which will be discussed to takea further step in knowing the ancient Iraqian civilization.
The researcher in the history of ancient Eastern civilizations observes an essential aspect in them, which is the important role played by the belief in those civilizations, as it motivation and directed the foundation to her, and what submitted of m ankind's varied civilized achievements of (political, architectural, artistic, and others)proves that. As the impact of religious belief was apparent regarding the human life, in terms of worship of many gods idealized according to their functions believed in that era, so since human minds were occupied by the prevailing myths and fantasy which also control their thoughts and activities, and that is what the different archaeological findings reflected to us such as the clay dolls which through them, they expressed the female god or the mother god in primitive spontaneous way, so it was the language spoken and expressed their vision and imagination spontaneously away from theories or artistic trends. But when we try to read and analyze them we are surprised by what they included of aesthetic and formative values appear in the beauty of artistic expression, and the way they formed the shape and linked it to the content, As if they were aware of what he was doing, which added high artistic values to its historical value it may be relatively comparable to what was carried out by contemporary academic sculptor.

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