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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the twelfth grade (science stream) mathematics textbook from the teachers’ perspective in light of (the economy of knowledge). The study also explored the effect of gender and experience within the sample. The sample consisted of 75 male and female teachers all of whom were randomly selected from government schools in the five directorates in Amman during the academic year of 2009/2010. In order to achieve the purpose of this study, the researcher developed a questionnaire that was made up of 30 items which were distributed over 5 domains. The results revealed that 4 of these domains received high scores (high quality) in which the average was over 3.7. However, the content domain received the lowest scores (medium quality). In addition, the results showed that there were no statistical differences in the sample with regard to gender. On the other hand, there were statistical differences regarding the teachers’ experience wherein the more experienced teachers gave a higher evaluation of the textbook than the less experienced ones.
This paper aims at studying realism in the feminist novel in both Jordan and Palestine. It starts by giving a thorough definition of realism and what it means, within exactly the domain of literary criticism. As in other literary trends and approa ches, there seems to exist an evident discrepancy among these viewpoints, that is to say in how these schools view realism. Realism appears to be prevalent in the Jordanian and Palestinian novel, as a result of various factors. Furthermore, a number of effects from within the literary movement itself participated in the dominance and the materialization of this trend.
إن مشروع البحوث المعنون بعناصر من أجل تدريس اللغة الفرنسية لغير الناطقين بها في الأردن دفعنا للتفكير في كيفية تدريس مادة الأدب الفرنسي في الجامعة. إن البحث يقدم حصيلة تقرير على أرض الواقع و هو من أول البحوث في هذا المجال في المملكة. يكرس هذا البحث م كانة كبيرة للمعطيات المتعلقة بالدراسات النقدية للعلوم و يبين أطر الفضاء الجامعي المتعلق باللغة الفرنسية في الأردن. بجانب التذكيرات حول الخطوط العريضة للبرنامج الأكاديمي، يقترح هذا البحث حصيلة ميادين تعليمية متتبعاً السنوات الخمس الأخيرة في قسم اللغة الفرنسية في جامعة آل البيت بما يتعلق بالأدب و التعبير الكتابي.
This study aims at evaluating the efficiency and the effectiveness of the Math Textbook prescribed to the second secondary scientific class in Jordan . It aims at identifying the extent to which the book has achieved the objectives of the curricul um. This study has been conducted to answer the following questions: -What is the degree of achieving the educational objectives related to a Math curriculum for the second secondary class (scientific branch) measured through the students' performance in the achievement test ? - What is the teachers' and the students' assessment of the Math Textbook prescribed for the second secondary scientific class ?
This study aimed at investigating the effect of individualized, computerized learning and computerized learning within groups on developing creative thinking skills for seventh graders in geography in Jordan. To achieve the aim of this study, the researchers developed a computerized educational program of the unit of environmental problems from the geography book for the Seventh Grade, Specifically, it was developed according to individualized learning and learning by groups.
This study aims to evaluate and compare the financial performance of the Jordanian Islamic and conventional banks using the five financial indicators of the "CAMEL" method represented by: Capital Adequacy index, Asset Quality index, Management Qua lity index, Profitability index, and the Liquidity index. This comparison will detect which of the two banks Islamic or Conventional achieves a better performance than the other. In order to study the reflection of financial performance on customers at the level of public trust, and to achieve these purposes, we select a total of thirteen Jordanian Conventional banks and two Islamic banks as a sample for this study during the period of (2006-2012). We employ a test “t-test” to study the significance of the differences between the averages of financial ratios and the use of multiple linear regression analysis to show the impact of financial performance indicators individually and collectively on the level of public trust. The result of this study clearly shows that Conventional banking achieves a better financial performance than Islamic banking, although the level of public trust of customers in Islamic banking stems mainly from its achieved financial performance, contrary to what has been obtained during this study for Conventional banking.
تؤدي نظم المعلومات دوراً محورياً في تنافسية الشركات، إذ من خلالها يمكن للشركات تحقيق ميزة تنافسية عالية، خصوصاً عندما ينظر إلى المعلومات بوصفها مورداً أساسياً من موارد المنظمة. لذا حاول الباحثان تعرف تأثير نظم المعلومات بأنواعها المختلفة في مستويات ا لإبداع في شركات التأمين الأردنية المسجلة في بورصة عمان. حيث تمثلت نظم المعلومات في أنواع النظم المختلفة، في حين تمثلت مستويات الإبداع في الإبداع على المستوى الفردي، و الإبداع على مستوى الجماعات، و الإبداع على مستوى المنظمات.
هدف هذا البحث إلى إلقاء الضوء على نقاط الضعف و نواحي القصور في أدلة و قواعد حوكمة الشركات في البلدان محل الدراسة (مصر، و الأردن، و سورية) مقارنة بمبادئ منظمة التعاون الاقتصادي و التنمية OECD حول الحوكمة.
Multichannel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) is increasingly applied in earthquake engineering and geotechnical problems, because of simple field procedures, time and cost saving. It can allow for maximum areal coverage, thus reduces the number o f needed boreholes. This study illustrates the importance of the use of active and passive MASW to measure the average shear wave velocities of the upper surface layers (upper 30m) of the city of Irbid in North Jordan by integrating the outputs of the active and passive approaches, and by investigating the relationship between the estimated average shear wave velocity with the following geotechnical variables, Bearing capacity, depth of embedment, and soil thickness.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تعرف تقييم المديرين العاملين في المراكز الصحية الشاملة في إقليم الشمال للمناخ التنظيمي السائد (فلسفة القيادة، و نمط اتخاذ القرارات، و نمط الاتصالات، العلاقات السائدة بين العاملين، و سياسة الأجور و الرواتب، و الولاء التنظيمي). كما ترمي هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على وجود فروقات دالة إحصائيًا عند في درجة مستوى تقييم الإداريين العاملين في المراكز الصحية (α≤. مستوى ( 05 الشاملة إقليم الشمال للمناخ التنظيمي السائد تعزى للمتغيرات الديمغرافية. تألف مجتمع الدراسة من جميع الإداريين العاملين في المراكز الصحية الشاملة إقليم الشمال و البالغ عددهم ( 103 ) إداريًا حيث تم توزيع استبانة أعدت لتحقيق أهداف هذه الدراسة.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا