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Realism in the Feminist Novel in Jordan and Palestine

الاتجاه الواقعي في الرواية النسوية في الأردن و فلسطين

1942   0   41   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper aims at studying realism in the feminist novel in both Jordan and Palestine. It starts by giving a thorough definition of realism and what it means, within exactly the domain of literary criticism. As in other literary trends and approaches, there seems to exist an evident discrepancy among these viewpoints, that is to say in how these schools view realism. Realism appears to be prevalent in the Jordanian and Palestinian novel, as a result of various factors. Furthermore, a number of effects from within the literary movement itself participated in the dominance and the materialization of this trend.

References used
إبراهيم خليل: في الأدب والنقد، رابطة الكتاب الأردنيين ، عمان ، 1980
إبراهيم خليل: الانتفاضة الفلسطينية في الأدب ، دار الكر مل عمان ، 1989
أحمد حرب: رواية إسماعيل ، منشورات القدس ، 1987
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This study aims at studying the feminist novel in Palestine under the Zionist occupation. The researcher chose the novelist (Sahar Khalifa) as a model since she is considered one of the most prominent creative writer in the field of the contemporary feminist novels in her novels (We are No More Bond girls for you) and (An Autobiography of An Impractical Woman) and (The Cactus) and (The Sun Flower) Any researcher will not be able to understand the feminist novel in Palestine without understanding the Zionist occupation and the essence of the contradictions that a creative person lives in the atmosphere of repression, suppression siege, oppression and daily killing. The research tries to show the image of the woman in these novels and did the writer (Sahar Khalifa) harmonize with her real life in Palestine or did she divert from her covey. This is what the writer tries to show at the end of his study.
It seems that the concept of experimentation in terms of conceptual semantics and conventional meanings is essential, inevitable, due to frequent trading and its prevalence among researchers, specialists and non-specialists in addition to what the co ncept of diversification in procedural techniques and tools on the one hand, and the maturity of intellectual and ideological dimension, on the other hand, this paper provides an illustrative study of the concept of experimentation from significant linguistic and idiomatic, Through its relationship with its associated concepts such as modernity, authenticity and alienation, for confirming that experimentation is not a concept, and that it is as much a reflection of attitudes or philosophical insights into Existentialism and the aesthetic and historical control the overall creative process.
This research has targeted to present Al Waqf fact which is legislated by Islam and stating its legal judgment along with evidences, as well as this research has presented Al Waqf role in prospering the Educational & scientific movement in Palesti ne at Al Mamaleek era, where it indicated to Al Waqf role in financing the religious establishments such as (Mosques ,schools ,chokes ,corners ,libraries ,children houses , kindergartens ,and also the different religious issues.
It is almost well known that Franz Kafka has practiced serious influences on so many Arabic novelists and short story writers, especially in the sixties and the seventies of last century. Among the most important and central themes in this writer' s works is what we call (The authority and the chased hero). And being one of Kafka's most influential themes on Arabic novelists, we have chosen it as the topic of this paper. For the practical study we took, on one side, all Kafka's novels, and on the other, that is the Arabic novels, we took some of four writers' novels. Those four writers are: Fadhil al- Azzawi, Jabra I. Jabra, George Salim and Muhyi Eldeen Zangana. The study traces the encounter faces between the novels of Kafka and those of the chosen Arabic novelists.
يتناول البحث تحولات الخطاب الأنثوي في الرواية النسوية في سورية، و بخاصة من حيث صلتها بالرجل و المجتمع و العادات و التقاليد ، و قد بين البحث أن نضال المرأة على صعيد الرواية قد مر في ثلاث مراحل متعاقبة تبعًا للمعطيات التي مرت بها البلاد منذ الخمسينا ت من القرن العشرين إلى اليوم، و نتيجة للإقبال المتزايد نسويًا على كتابة هذا الجنس الأدبي.
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