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Evaluating the Financial Performance of Jordanian Islamic And Conventional Banks, Using the Indicators of the “CAMEL” Method: A Comparative Analysis

تقويم الأداء المالي للمصارف الإسلامية و التقليدية الأردنية باستخدام مؤشرات نموذج "CAMEL" (دراسة تحليلية مقارنة)

4200   15   205   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study aims to evaluate and compare the financial performance of the Jordanian Islamic and conventional banks using the five financial indicators of the "CAMEL" method represented by: Capital Adequacy index, Asset Quality index, Management Quality index, Profitability index, and the Liquidity index. This comparison will detect which of the two banks Islamic or Conventional achieves a better performance than the other. In order to study the reflection of financial performance on customers at the level of public trust, and to achieve these purposes, we select a total of thirteen Jordanian Conventional banks and two Islamic banks as a sample for this study during the period of (2006-2012). We employ a test “t-test” to study the significance of the differences between the averages of financial ratios and the use of multiple linear regression analysis to show the impact of financial performance indicators individually and collectively on the level of public trust. The result of this study clearly shows that Conventional banking achieves a better financial performance than Islamic banking, although the level of public trust of customers in Islamic banking stems mainly from its achieved financial performance, contrary to what has been obtained during this study for Conventional banking.

References used
ERNST&YOUNG.World Islamic Banking Competitiveness Report 2012- 2013,Vol.20,Bahrin,2012
FAYED.M.Comparative Performance Study of Conventional and Islamic Banking in Egypt. Journal of Applied Finance & Banking, vol. 3, no. 2, 2013, 1-14
KHAN,Z. FAROOQ,M. FAWAD,M. Analysis of the Performance of Islamic and Conventional Banks in Pakistan. Journal of Managerial Sciences, Volume V, Number 1,2010
rate research

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Islamic banks were created as an Islamic alternative to traditional banks. Hence, the existence of legitimate oversight is considered necessary to Islamic banks. The importance of Shari'ah control is related to its role in a legitimate banking provis ions, and ensuring the Bank's commitment, to ensure all transactions are in accordance with the Islamic Shari'ah, and thus ensures the integrity and credibility of Islamic banks. From these importance, this research deals with the Shari'ah control in Islamic banking and its role in evaluating the performance according to the Shari'ah. The concept of Shari'ah control, its structure, stages, and problems were studied. Then the Shari'ah control in Syria and its role in adjust the performance of Islamic banks was evaluated by a set of appropriate standards. At the end, the research drew a set of conclusions and recommendations. One of the most important conclusions is that, the Shari'ah control board in Islamic banks in Syria has many features that enable them to perform its role in controlling and evaluating the work of the Islamic banks in terms of Shari'ah. Through the form and composition of the Commission, having a degree of administrative and financial autonomy, mandatory resolutions, and the nature of the tasks entrusted to it. As a result, Shari'ah control boards in Islamic banks in Syria are considered to be in line with their goal of ensuring full adherence to Islamic Shari'ah. One of the most important recommendations is that, working to avoid shortcomings and deficiencies, providing more features and requirements for activation of Shari'ah control, and enabling it to adjust and correct performance of the Islamic banks.
The study aims to evaluate the financial performance of Islamic banks in Syria by using financial ratios during the periods (2009_2015), and study the factors affecting on financial performance of those banks. This was based on studying the relati onship between financial performance evaluation as dependent variable measured by (return on assets, return on equity, return on deposits, and earnings per share) and the following independent variables (deposits, investment, liquidity and risk, profitability, and crisis in Syria). The study employed the methods of Panel Data through estimating Pooled Regression and Fixed Effects Models. The study concluded that there is a significant positive relation between the investment and the bank financial performance evaluation. There is a significant negative relation between the profitability and the bank financial performance evaluation. And there is no significant relation between (the deposits, the liquidity and risk, the crises) and the financial performance evaluation in Islamic banks in Syria.
The research aims to specify the impact of the disclosure and transparency principle on the financial performance of the private banks. The researcher has used the descriptive analytical method. The data collection has been based on the questionnaire , where the researcher had distributed 200 questionnaires to the CEOs, their deputies, their assistants, financial directors and internal auditors of 14 banks listed on the Damascus Stock Exchange. 190 questionnaires have been retrieved, including 15 incomplete questionnaires and 175 analyzable ones. The researcher has analyzed the data using the SPSS 20 statistical analyses program. The research has concluded that the application of disclosure and transparency effects on the financial performance of the private banks under study. The research came out with a set of recommendation the most essential of which is that enhancing the applying of the disclosure and transparency principle due to its positive role in improving the financial performance in the banks.
The study aims to analyze the developmental role of Islamic banks operating in Syria. To achieve this goal has been set of financial indicators relating to Islamic banking under study account (Sham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank, Al Baraka Bank) relating to the ability of these banks to attract savings, employment of resources, creating value, and its ability to create jobs.
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