بحث اختلاف فاعلية الذات لدى التلاميذ ذوي صعوبات التعلم باختلاف النوع، علاقة فاعلية الذات بكلٍ من القلق و التحصيل الدراسي و كذلك اختلاف كل من فاعلية الذات و القلق و التحصيل الدراسي للعينة التجريبية باختلاف التطبيق القبلي و البعدي لبرنامج تنمية فاعلية الذات .
discovering the difference of self efficacy among students
with learning disabilities according to the difference of gender , the
relation between self efficacy & both of academic achievement & anxiety
, & discovering the difference of self efficacy , academic achievement ,&
anxiety of experimental sample according to the difference of test (pre&
post test).
References used
Anderson, J. (2000): Self Efficacy & Social Skills As Predictors Of Social Competency Of Students With Learning Disabilities , Dissertation Abstracts International- A. 61/ 07, P. 2656
موسى، فاروق عبد الفتاح و الدسوقي، محمد أحمد ( 1981 ): اختبار تقدير الذات للأطفال، كراسة التعليمات، القاهرة: النهضة المصرية .
موسى، رشاد عبد العزيز ( 2002 ):علم نفس الإعاقة، القاهرة، الأنجلو المصرية .
This study aims at investigating the relationship between self-efficacy and learning
disabilities among the stuednts who have learning disabilities; the study applied the tools
of (self-efficacy test learning disabilities tests) on a sample of 21 m
The aim of the research was to identify the relationship
between the two levels of social anxiety and psychological
Hardiness among the general secondary school students in
Damascus city, and their differences in the levels of social
anxiety and
The study aims to determine the effect of a group counseling
(Rogers), accompanied with biofeedback and relaxation training in
reducing the degree of stress caused by the teaching profession and some
other variables ,trait anxiety, self-concept, blood pressure, and heart rate.
The aim of the research is to identify the effectiveness of an teaching
program based on the model of generative learning in development of
educational achievement of students in the third grade in Damascos. The
research was based on the experimen
The aim of this study is to investigate the level of selfefficacy
and the type of goal orientation at college student's
and the relationship between the goal orientation and self –
efficacy beliefs.
Data was gathered through the scales" self-effi