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Dialogue summarization has drawn much attention recently. Especially in the customer service domain, agents could use dialogue summaries to help boost their works by quickly knowing customer's issues and service progress. These applications require s ummaries to contain the perspective of a single speaker and have a clear topic flow structure, while neither are available in existing datasets. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a novel Chinese dataset for Customer Service Dialogue Summarization (CSDS). CSDS improves the abstractive summaries in two aspects: (1) In addition to the overall summary for the whole dialogue, role-oriented summaries are also provided to acquire different speakers' viewpoints. (2) All the summaries sum up each topic separately, thus containing the topic-level structure of the dialogue. We define tasks in CSDS as generating the overall summary and different role-oriented summaries for a given dialogue. Next, we compare various summarization methods on CSDS, and experiment results show that existing methods are prone to generate redundant and incoherent summaries. Besides, the performance becomes much worse when analyzing the performance on role-oriented summaries and topic structures. We hope that this study could benchmark Chinese dialogue summarization and benefit further studies.
In a typical customer service chat scenario, customers contact a support center to ask for help or raise complaints, and human agents try to solve the issues. In most cases, at the end of the conversation, agents are asked to write a short summary em phasizing the problem and the proposed solution, usually for the benefit of other agents that may have to deal with the same customer or issue. The goal of the present article is advancing the automation of this task. We introduce the first large scale, high quality, customer care dialog summarization dataset with close to 6500 human annotated summaries. The data is based on real-world customer support dialogs and includes both extractive and abstractive summaries. We also introduce a new unsupervised, extractive summarization method specific to dialogs.
In online domain-specific customer service applications, many companies struggle to deploy advanced NLP models successfully, due to the limited availability of and noise in their datasets. While prior research demonstrated the potential of migrating large open-domain pretrained models for domain-specific tasks, the appropriate (pre)training strategies have not yet been rigorously evaluated in such social media customer service settings, especially under multilingual conditions. We address this gap by collecting a multilingual social media corpus containing customer service conversations (865k tweets), comparing various pipelines of pretraining and finetuning approaches, applying them on 5 different end tasks. We show that pretraining a generic multilingual transformer model on our in-domain dataset, before finetuning on specific end tasks, consistently boosts performance, especially in non-English settings.
The aim of this research is to study the relationship between digital fingerprint analysis and consumer impact across the buying process. In order to achieve this, a main hypothesis has been formulated with three sub-hypotheses, according to the stag es of the procurement process (pre-purchase, procurement, post-purchase). The researcher used the descriptive method, where the researcher used the questionnaire method to collect the data that were analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which are: One- Sample T. test and Pearson Correlation. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which are: There is a good orientation for the adoption of websites for digital fingerprint analysis as a rich source of data, in addition to a strong positive relationship between digital fingerprint analysis and influence on consumer behavior at every stage of the purchasing process. The study recommended that companies analyze the digital footprint in order to better understand customer behavior and provide information about them.
Customer Retention Management (CRM) provides a strong competitive advantage for the organization to stay in the market. It helps management to track customer interactions with the organization and allows employees access to all customer,s previous i nformation; CRM gains its importance by creating a strategic vision to achieve the organization's goals of maintaining customers and reaching loyalty through integration with marketing policies and product development To increase the sales of the organization and to make offers that attract the target customer and interact with him in a way that ensures its preservation. The aim of the study is to define the reality of the application of CRM during the crisis period (2011-2018) in the Syrian private banks in Lattakia, and study the dimensions of customer relationship management in these banks, and then study the impact of these dimensions on the performance indicators that were measured through indicators of profitability, customer complaints, strong relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve this, two main hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were the one-sample t. test, and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: a good evaluation of the availability of CRM dimensions in the studied banks, and there is a positive relationship between these dimensions and performance.
Customer Retention Management (CRM) provides a strong competitive advantage for the organization to stay in the market. It helps management to track customer interactions with the organization and allows employees access to all customer,s previous information; CRM gains its importance by creating a strategic vision to achieve the organization's goals of maintaining customers and reaching loyalty through integration with marketing policies and product development To increase the sales of the organization and to make offers that attract the target customer and interact with him in a way that ensures its preservation. The aim of the study is to define the reality of the application of CRM during the crisis period )8402-8400( in the Syrian private banks in Lattakia, and study the dimensions of customer relationship management in these banks, and then study the impact of these dimensions on the performance indicators that were measured through indicators of profitability, customer complaints, strong relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve this, two main hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were the one-sample t. test, and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: a good evaluation of the availability of CRM dimensions in the studied banks, and there is a positive relationship between these dimensions and performance.
The research aims to study the reality of Marketing Intelligence (Customer Intelligence, Competitor Intelligence, Communicating Marketing Information among departments) in the private banks operating in the Syrian Coast. The research adapts the des criptive approach. A questionnaire has been developed to collect primary data from the research sample, which is a soft sample of 50 of Syrian Coast Private Banks' managers. 39 valid questionnaires have been returned, which then have been analyzed by using some Statistical tools provided by the statistical program SPSS, like: Means, relative importance, and T-test. The most important research's results are represented in:The Banks under study adapt customer intelligence as one of the most important components of marketing intelligence, with a relative importance reached to (75.81%), and Competitor Intelligence as one of the most important components of marketing intelligence, with a relative importance reached to (73.846%).The researcher also made a number of recommendations, including: The banks in question should give a more formal character to the activities of marketing intelligence, carry out pilot studies to obtain information about customers, and They should have update and detailed reports about competitors; to stay informed about their strategies and movements.
Bank credit is exposed to a range of risks resulting in credit default and the customer's inability to meet its obligations to the bank since the process of granting credit it is in accordance with the process of acceptance deposits provided that the credit provide granted with the terms of the deposit granted.
The aim of this research is to investigate the effect of preparing the financial statements through International Accounting Standard /29/ on the financial analysis through ratios, since the increase in the inflation rate affects social and econom ic aspects, the purchasing power of cash had been decreased, so the financial statement of the listed companies in the Syrian Stock Exchange didn't show the right position of these companies because it didn't take into consideration the changes in purchasing power even they are in compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), so it wouldn't be possible to rely on it for making decision, when use the financial analysis which is one of the methods to help the financial statement user for their decision.

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