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The impact of failure debts on the liquidity of commercial private banks operating in Syria (An applied study)

أثر الديون المتعثرة على سيولة المصارف التجارية الخاصة العاملة في سورية (دراسة تطبيقية)

2006   5   77   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2018
  fields Financial
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Bank credit is exposed to a range of risks resulting in credit default and the customer's inability to meet its obligations to the bank since the process of granting credit it is in accordance with the process of acceptance deposits provided that the credit provide granted with the terms of the deposit granted.

References used
Andrian,T ,and Hyun Sh- Liquidity and Leverage ,Journal of financial intermediation ,N19,2010,p418-437
Allen ,F. and G. Douglas- Liquidity and Assets prices ,journal of the European Economic Association ,N6,2004 ,p1015-p1048
Arif ,Ahmad, Liquidity risk and performance of banking system , journal of financial regulation and compliance , 2012
rate research

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Liquidity is considered to be one of the most important subject in the banking sector because it’s the key to maintain a secure financial position and it’s the main mean to gain the customer and depositor trust, and meet any obligation that might c ome up. In this paper we study effect of the liquidity and risk on the Syrian private bank’s profitability and the nature of this effect, to achieve this object we choose ten financial ratios for a sample of ten commercial banks between 2008 – 2014. The data have been basically collected from the financial statements of the studied banks. To analyze the research data we use one of the Panel Data Models which is the Fixed Effects Model. The data have been analyzed by using EViews 7. We conclude that the liquidity ratio have a significant negative effect on the bank’s profitability. liquidity risk have a significant positive effect on the profitability ratio .
The research aims at identifying the factors affecting the returns of loan portfolios of private commercial banks in Syria during the period (2007- 2012), where it was studying the behavior of the dependent variable represented in (Yield Loan Portfol ios) and the independent variables of (employment rate of deposits in loans, the size of the bank liquidity the age of the bank, the number of branches, and the capital adequacy ratio) is studied. Research findings There is a significant positive effect for independent variables, such as age of the bank, capital adequacy ratio (except Byblos Bank Syria) affecting loan portfolios returns on private commercial banks under study. There is not a statistically significant effect for independent variables like employment rates of deposits in loans, the size of the bank, and liquidity (except Byblos Bank Syria), and the number of the bank branches (except Bank of Syria and overseas) returns on the loan portfolios private commercial banks under study
This research aims to investigate the impact of macroeconomic variables on credit risks in the private commercial banks operating in Syria. Considering 10 commercial banks during 2009-2015, we study and analyze a number of macroeconomic variables pr oposed by the associated economic literature, and it seems that these variables have an important effect on credit risk. Preliminary tests are applied to test for the Stationarity of the selected variables. Besides, a (co-integrating) long-term relationship between the explanatory variables and the dependent variable is investigated using an ARDL model. A Fixed Effect panel model is fitted to assess the potential effects of the considered macro-variables on credits risks. It seems that macroeconomics variables have a significant role in explaining the changes in quality loans portfolio, which causes an increasing in the nonperforming loans in Syrian commercial banks. In effect, it results that there is a negative and statistically significant effect of both economic growth and inflation rate on credit risk, whereas, there is a positive and statistically significant effect of both real interest rate and real effective exchange rate on credit risk
This paper aimed to discuss whether bank marketing mix affect the profitability of traditional private commercial banks operating in Syria during the period 2010 - 2017. Where the effect of the following independent variables has been studied: the nu mber of banking services, the price of traditional services, the price of modern services, distribution, promotion, pepole, process and physical evidence, on the rate of return on equity as a dependent variable. The study adopted the Panel Data, which were collected from the financial reports of the studied banks, then the models of these data were estimated and the comparison between them was done on the basis of the restricted F test, where it was found that the fixed effects model is the most appropriate model for the study. The study concluded that there was no statistically significant effect of any of the elements of the marketing mix on the rate of return on equity of the studied banks, in other words, the banking marketing mix had no significant impact on the profitability of these banks during the period studied.
This research aims to study the problem of liquidity excess، so it considers from the important problem that is facing the Islamic banks especially in this obstacles: 1- Modernity time of Islamic banks. 2- littleness of financial tools that used to manage the liquidity in Islamic banks. 3- Nonexistence Law are fitting with targets and field of activity of Islamic banks. And It is done that through knowing the liquidity in these banks and the tools used to manage the liquidity، inside to the best Islamic financial tools that Islamic banks are able to use in manage the liquidity.

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