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تمثل الهدف الأساسي للبحث الموسوم بـ : ((السلوك العدواني لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الأساسي وعلاقته بغياب أحد الوالدين" دراسة ميدانية في مدراسة مدينة جرمانا ")) في دراسة عوامل السلوك العدواني لدى تلاميذ مرحلة التعليم الأساسي ومظاهرة في ظل الحرب على سورية
The study aimed to identify the effectiveness of the proposed teaching scouting methods of "problem solving" a model in the collection of knowledge-based high in the Arabic language through the study sample, "the control group and the experimental " and a comparison between the views of gender on the effectiveness of the proposed teaching methods and the existing views on the learner's effort and the teacher in the achievement of the collection cybernetic high in the Arabic language, So was teaching program design, and judgment, and designed final tests (before me, and after me / Direct and deferred) for each lesson of the selected lessons from the Arab rule my (archives of texts and applaud).
This research aimed to explore self-efficacy beliefs in science teaching of class teachers, and to investigate whether these beliefs are different among participants according to general secondary school branch and years of teaching experience. The sample consisted of(70)subjects. Science Teaching Efficacy Belief Instrument was used. The results were: The class teachers had positive self-efficacy beliefs in science teaching on the overall scale. There was significant difference between the mean scores of class teachers on the overall scale according to (general secondary school branch , years of teaching experience) in favor of the teachers who studied the scientific branch, and who had (7and less than 11) years of teaching experience, and there was an effective impact of the two variables interaction on self-efficacy beliefs. The research recommended that carrying further researches about the effects of another variables on Self-Efficacy beliefs in science teaching.
The cooperative learning is teaching techniques that came in the contemporary educational movement, which researches and studies have shown its positive impact in the academic achievement of pupils and their contribution to building together social tools they have, and gives pupils with a significant impact on their teamwork skills today and in the future. The present study aims to investigate the impact of the use of research collective of cooperative learning in the collection of basic fourth grade in science and health education pupils strategy, and to achieve the objectives of the research were taken random sample size / 100/ pupils of pupils fourth grade primary city of Latakia, and dish them achievement test before start implementing educational program as a test before me, and after the application of the educational program as a test after me. Search and ended the following results: -The existence of differences between the average scores of the experimental group and the control group average grades at a level of significance (0.05) after the application of the educational program, to test academic achievement in the dimensional measurement, and these differences in favor of the experimental group. -The lack of differences between the average scores of the experimental group males and females average score of the experimental group at the level of significance (0.05) after the application of a tutorial on test academic achievement in the dimensional measurement.
This study aimed to assessing the role of school administration in health education in basic education schools in Lattakia city. The researcher used analytical descriptive method. The questionnaire was used to collect the study data from 30 principal s, who were chosen by using simple random sample. The findings indicated that the degree of the role of the school administration in health education in basic education schools of Lattakia city was low average as a whole is (2.42). The degree in achieving the means of health and safety was low average is (2.58), securing good environment suitable for good nutrition was low average is (2.25), and health culture was the lowest average is (2.10). Where achieving hygiene was the highest average is (2.78). This study recommended exploiting and following the applying of the health education programs. Developing the health culture programs of the school pupils and activating the role of health guide in school health field by holding seminars, training courses and sessions.
The research aims at disclosing the relationship between the existential concept and the internal-external locus of control for the teachers of basic education in the city of Homs. The research community consists of basic education teachers in Hom s city during the second semester of the academic year 2014 – 2015. The research sample is formed of 352 male and female teachers selected randomly from Homs city schools. The researcher used the test of existential concept as well as Rotter’s Scale of Internal-External Locus of Control. The research tools have been limited to Syrian society. Moreover, the validity and reliability of the tools have been verified prior to practical application of the research.
This research try to defined the Temperament Models of sample of Basic education teachers in Latakia city, as well as to identify differences in the differences between the mean responses of Basic education teachers on a scale of Temperament Models to the variables (sex, place of residence, Stage school). Use the search descriptive analytical method. Application a scale of Temperament Models on the sample included (274) male and female teacher, Pilot sample consisted of (50) teachers. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.73) and (o.796) by Spearman-Brown. Results showed the field of the dynamic operations of Neurotic was the most spreading between teachers , and came after the field of the power to cease operations, at last the force in the excitement field , there are statistically significant differences according to six in favor of female, and there are statistically significant differences according to Stage school, there are no statistically significant differences according to place of residence.
This study aimed to know the teachers of basic education trends towards individualized instruction in schools in the province of Homs, and most important teachers proposals to activate the use of individualized instruction strategies in the educat ional process, so was prepared to identify trends that have been applied to a random sample of teachers of basic education in the schools of the province of Homs and totaling (84) teachers.
This research aimsto know the severity ofpsychological stressina sample of firstlevel teachers(the first cycle) in Jablehand to know if there are any statistically significant differences according to gender,marital status and experience. The sampl e of the research consisted of (60) teachers (males and females). They have been chosen bya simple random way. To achieve the researcher's aims, the researcher used(Psychological Stress Scale) which was prepared by Dr.RiadAl_aassmi. To answer the questions of the research, the means and standarddeviations were extracted and applied One Way ANOVA.Theresults revealed that psychological stress on the teachers was moderate and that there were no statistically significant differences between teachers due to gender, marital statusand experience. The results also revealed that the major dimensions that affect teachers weresocial and psychological stress.
This study aims at realizing the relationship between some family factors and problems related to pupils’ behavior as to define the most widespread problems among pupils. The first chapter handles the problem of the studyand its importance, the obj ectives of the study, previous studies, the concepts and terminologies of the study, and the scientific methodology used.The second chapter of this study deals with the relationship between pupils and their social environment including their relationship with their family (their parents and their brothers), their relationship with their school (dynamic relationship between children and school and between parents and school.) . The study provides in the third chapter an analysis of the results of the field study based on questionnaire as an essential tool by directing it to the pupils themselves in the schools of the townof JawbatBerghäll - the second stage of basic education. The results of the study show that the social problems among males are more than those among females. Those problems are evident among higher classes compared to lower ones. It is also noted that problems are deeper among pupils whose parents’ education level is lower. The conclusion of this research is a set of suggestions based on the analysis of the results.

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