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Psychological Stress According to Teachers: A Field Study on a Sample of Primary Stage Teachers(first seminar) in Jableh

الضغوط النفسية كما يدركها المعلمون دراسة ميدانية على عينة من معلمي مرحلة التعليم الأساسي (الحلقة الأولى) في مدينة جبلة

2148   2   43   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research aimsto know the severity ofpsychological stressina sample of firstlevel teachers(the first cycle) in Jablehand to know if there are any statistically significant differences according to gender,marital status and experience. The sample of the research consisted of (60) teachers (males and females). They have been chosen bya simple random way. To achieve the researcher's aims, the researcher used(Psychological Stress Scale) which was prepared by Dr.RiadAl_aassmi. To answer the questions of the research, the means and standarddeviations were extracted and applied One Way ANOVA.Theresults revealed that psychological stress on the teachers was moderate and that there were no statistically significant differences between teachers due to gender, marital statusand experience. The results also revealed that the major dimensions that affect teachers weresocial and psychological stress.

References used
CHAN,A.; CHEN,K.; CHONG,E.Work Stress of Teachers from Primary and Secondary Schools in Hong Kong, International MultiConference of Engineers and Computer Scientists, vol III,2010,17-19
GHANI,M.AHMAD,A.IBRAHIM,S.Stress among Special Education Teachers in Malaysia, Social and Behavioral Sciences,vol114,2014,4-13
HUSSAIN,H., A Study of Teacher Stress:Exploring Practitioner Research and Teacher Collaboration as A Way Forward, 2010
rate research

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This research aims defining the problems critical thinking related to each of the following themes: (teacher, classroom environment, curriculum content, teaching techniques, calendar, school environment) from a sample of teachers of the first cycl e of basic education schools look numbered (125) teachers and a teacher in the city of protoplasm. Where the use of a questionnaire included the education problems of critical thinking in each of the previous hubs, have reached research is to identify a range of problems including: asylum teacher to orders and instructions in dealing with students, double the rehabilitation of teacher training, lack of interest in school administration by providing guide instructs the teacher to how teach critical thinking, not to employ modern technologies in educational activities, fit the calendar with methods that focus on conservation and memorization techniques.
This research aims to study teacher's emotional intelligence and its role inprofessional adjustment. The research problem was represented in the following main question: what is the relationship between emotional intelligence and professional adjustm ent of First Grades Teachers in primary schools? The sample of this research was consisted of (250) teachers (male and female)from the teacher of the first Grades in primary schools in Lattakia. They are chosen randomly from the following schools :(Saker Quraish, Al-eshterakia, Anes Abass,Kohnenas, NaderJrad, Fares Sbeikh, Al-shareef Al-Radee, Al-earaby, Yoseef Fares, SaleemOmran). A combination of scale was used in this research including ascale of emotional intelligence of (FarokOthmam and Mohamed Abdul Samea),and a scale of professional adjustment of (Hyou.MBel).
The research aimed to identify The level of teachers' practice of psychological and social climate management skills, and the level of classroom discipline problems from the perspective of teachers themselves. And to know the relationship between t hem. The descriptive approach was used to verify the validity of the research hypotheses. The study sample consisted of (89) teachers of the basic education/ first stage in Tartous city for the year 2016/2017, based on a questionnaire constructed by the researcher for this purpose. Which consists of two areas (management of psychological and social climate - classroom discipline problems) after verifying the validity and reliability, and a statistical program for educational and psychological (spss) was used. The research reached the following results: The mean value of the psychological and social climate management field was (4.2165) with a standard deviation (27456). It is a high value within a scale that "always". The degree of prevalence of class discipline problems was law. The average value was (1.9363) with a standard deviation (47,493), There is a strong inverse relationship between practicing psychosocial and social climate management skills and class discipline problems. The researcher concludes a number of suggestions like: preparing and training students teachers on the positive classroom discipline skills, to prevent behavioral problems and raise their level of managing the psychological and social climate in the classroom, conducting more studies about the subject.
This research try to defined the Temperament Models of sample of Basic education teachers in Latakia city, as well as to identify differences in the differences between the mean responses of Basic education teachers on a scale of Temperament Models to the variables (sex, place of residence, Stage school). Use the search descriptive analytical method. Application a scale of Temperament Models on the sample included (274) male and female teacher, Pilot sample consisted of (50) teachers. Reliability was established by Cronbach – Alpha Reliability at lest (0.73) and (o.796) by Spearman-Brown. Results showed the field of the dynamic operations of Neurotic was the most spreading between teachers , and came after the field of the power to cease operations, at last the force in the excitement field , there are statistically significant differences according to six in favor of female, and there are statistically significant differences according to Stage school, there are no statistically significant differences according to place of residence.
The research aims to monitor the degree of sciences teachers practice fourth grade of formative evaluation methods from their point of the view in the light of developed curricula. The researcher has constructed a questionnaire that included Forma tive evaluation methods used in evaluating sciences subject. As well, asking one question for the aim of knowing the difficulties and obstacles limiting the degree of sciences teachers practice of formative evaluation methods. The research conducted a set of results indicating the existence of a high level practice of Formative evaluation methods by science teachers of the fourth grade concerning class discussion, exercises, worksheets and follow-up, learner performance observation, self-evaluation. The results have also shown that there are statistically significant differences between the research medium degree members to that of the method to the number of experience in favor of teachers with more than ten years of experience, the results have also shown that there are statistically significant differences between the research medium degree members to that of the method to the scientific qualification in favor of teachers with higher educational qualifications.
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