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universities Egypt Helwan



The vision, the mission and the values of Helwan University The university’s vision and mission have been updated to conform to the developments and future trends. It reflects the ambitions and aspirations that the university seeks to achieve through a clear and integrated strategy. The Vision of Helwan University To be a pioneer in the production and investment of knowledge with a globally advanced classification The Mission of Helwan University Helwan University is working to achieve outstanding institutional performance that supports the production and investment of knowledge towards sustainable development. It affords smart and developed educational services in accordance with the quality standards. In addition, Helwan University implements distinguished scientific research and provides effective competitive mobility, which contributes to the advancement of the society. The Values of Helwan University Belonging and Loyalty Empowering Youth Creativity and innovation Mastery and professionalism Academic freedom Trust and accountability Competitiveness and leadership Cooperation and teamwork Social and environmental responsibility Diversity and respect for differences Integrity and transparency Justice and equal opportunities

country : Egypt

establish date : 1975 BC

university kind : public

global ranking : 1514 (according to webometrics - July 2018 Bulletin)

number of students : 198000

The total number of research : 1 (View research within the Academia service)

  +2028162062   +2028162820   [email protected]


هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا