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Divorce is a phenomena that has a certain privacy about it, although its impact goes beyond the individual to include the community as a whole. The parties to the relationship affected by divorce are inflicted by long-term moral and material damag e, due to the consequent negative impact of the disintegration of the family, the adverse and negative effects on the children, and the social and non-social effects like disorders ranging from personal to deviant behavior and crime. Divorce is an ominous accident ominous for the couple as it indicates the extent of the disintegration of the family; it is a kind of escape from the tensions and obligations of marriage. The study of divorce is important to identify the extent of the relation of disintegrated families to social problems afflicting households and families. The family is part of the community and when households are strong the society will become strong, and vice versa. The study identifies the reasons of divorce and the dire consequences on the family, the children and the relationship of husband and wife. The study discusses the strong relationship between the culture of the society and its values and beliefs and the increasing divorce rates
The research tries to define the most important social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement in the schools of the first phase of the basic education stage. These factors have been clarified through a theoretical study an d a field study that was conducted in Lattakia city in the academic year (2011-2012). The theoretical study includes an explanation of the concept of social upbringing of the children, and the educational role that the family plays in the student’s life via the surrounding environment, and the methods of upbringing. The research also shows the importance of social relations at school between the teacher and students, the relation among friends at school in general and the influence of these relations on the students’ achievement. It yielded many results as to the social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement, the most prominent of which are: the low social level of the family; separation within the family; incorrect methods of upbringing; the negative effect of the television; abnormal relations with the friends; the passive character of some teachers.
This paper aims to identify the socio-political effects of Social Media Networks on University students and to uncover the ways in which they have affected the social relations of those students especially as to reshaping their political outlooks. The research sample consisted of (157) students of which there are (70) male students while the other (87) are female ones. Those students were selected both systematically and randomly. To achieve this, the research has implemented a questionnaire as a tool to collect data. The questionnaire included (44) questions which were answered by the population of the sample. The paper has come with following conclusions: 1-The females were found to use the social Media Networks the most. 2-The overuse of social Media Networks affected the ongoing political changes. 3-The overuse of Social Media Networks increased the participation of the youth in national affairs.
The current study aimed to know the roleTopresent study aimed to identify the role of parent councils in activating the relationship between the family and the school from the viewpoint of the first episode parameters. The researcher relied on th e descriptive analytical method and the Questionnaire Directed to teachers was used (prepared by the researcher) as a tool for verification of research ُs hypotheses. Therese arch sample has been formed from (60) teachers, which selected randomly from Kindergartens which apply the parent councils in the Directorate of Education of Homs, so the selected teachers were from (26) kindergartens in city Homs., and the results were analyzed using Analysis of Variance Test (ANOVA) and (TTest) to measure the significance of the differences.
The main issue of research is to reveal the effect of family socialization on youths' participation in making and taking – decision inside the family. The research is also an attempt to highlight the ways of socialization which is followed in upbr inging of youths inside family. It also aims to support the good behaviours and give up the unfruitful ones. These things, in my point of view, would support the research. The research is going to achieve a group of goals such as: · knowing the extent of youth participation in taking – decisions inside the family. · Knowing the ways of socialization which take place in family. · Revealing the right ways of socialization which enable the youths of an active participation in different community's activities. · knowing the difficulties which stand in the face of youths to take part in taking – decision inside the family.
نزل القرآن الكريم لإصلاح الإنسان و المجتمع، و لا ريب أن الأسرة هي النواة الأولى لهذا الإصلاح، لذلك بينت آيات القرآن الكريم ما يمكن الأسرة، و يجعلها أساساً لحضارة الأمة عند انتظامها، و هذا البحث يكشف عما جاءت به آيات التمكين الأسري من أحكام و معانٍ، و يجلي ما جاءت لأجله من علل و حكم، من أجل إناطتها بمقاصد قرآنية عامة، سواء أكانت غاياتٍ و أهدافاً أم أوصافاً و خصائص عامة لما نزل به القرآن الكريم، فركزت من خلال هذا البحث على أبرز المقاصد العامة و أهمها، كرعي الحقائق و الفطرة و مقصد الإقرار و التغيير، فأنيط بها التمكين الأسري.
يعد الزواج من أهم الأحداث في حياة الإنسان لما يترتب عليه من آثار لها تأثير مباشر في الفرد و الأسرة و المجتمع، و من الطبيعي أن الإنسان يحرص على كل ما من شانه أن يحفظ نفسه و مستقبله، و في هذا الإطار فإن سن الزواج له أهمية كبرى، و يأتي هذا البحث ليسلط ا لضوء على مسالة التبكير بالزواج و الآثار المترتبة عليه من خلال ما ذهب إليه علماء الفقه و قوانين الأحوال الشخصية المختلفة، إذ نتعرف مفهوم التكبير في الزواج و العوامل التي تدفع الشخص لذلك و الآثار المترتبة عليه سلباً أو إيجاباً في دراسة فقهية مقارنة بالقانون برؤية معاصرة. و قد انتهى الباحث في هذا البحث إلى أن الشريعة الإسلامية تدعو إلى التبكير في الزواج و تحث عليه حرصاً منها على الشباب من أي انحرافٍ و لصيانة المجتمع من أي فساد، و تتأكد هذه الدعوة في عصرنا الحاضر نظراً إلى طغيان المادة و ضعف القيم و المعاني السامية في النفوس.
العولمة مبدأ ثائر، يسوق بين يديه الخطأ والصواب بعصًا واحدة، لا يمكن في طبيعة الثائر إلا هذا، فالغرب ممثلا بأمريكا –في أيامنا هذه- لا يبرح متخذًا مبدأ الصراع حتى يسلخ الشرق عن تاريخه و حضارته، أيصرع فيموت بحقده، أم يدفن بشؤم أعماله، و ليس دعاة العولمة مصلحين، بل أصحاب قوة زهاهم النصر، الذي اتفق لهم في وقت تشرذم العالم و انقسم، فخرجوا من تلك الحروب الصغيرة، و هم يجأرون (نريد، نفعل.. ندمر..)، فغلطوا غلطة أرادوها منتصرة، فعرضوها على المساكين، فقهرتهم و آذتهم في كل جانب، إلا أن هذا السعار لن يدوم طويلا، و لن يمكث في الأرض إلا ما ينفع الناس.
The goal beyond this research is to highlight the influence of the social family factors on the academic excellence of sons. This research sample was on (240) of (408) male and female students who are in the first, second and the third secondary st ages for the school year 2016-2017. For reaching the intended goals of this research, a questionnaire was adopted as a tool for collecting both the preliminary data and the data related to the variables of this research. The results of the research assured that the number of the family members does not have that clear effect on the academic excellence and most of the students do not get negatively affected by the parental divorce or even by the absence of one of the parents so this factor does not affect the sons' academic excellence. Also, the birth order in any student's family does not affect positively or negatively the student's academic excellence. The good and healthy relationship between the father and the sons has a clear effect on their academic excellence but, on the other hand, the relationship between the mother and the sons does not have that clear effect on their academic excellence. Moreover, this research stated that there is a positive link between the parents' moderate control and treatment practiced inside the family towards the sons and the sons' academic excellence. On the other side, this research stated that there is no link between the parents' dominating control and treatment towards the sons and the sons' academic excellence.
The research aims at identifying the extent to which food exporting companies in Syria are interested in cultural and social influences (family, women, education, reference groups, language, religion, aesthetics, customs and traditions) in the ta rgeted international markets. The research adopted descriptive analytical method. The research community was one of the exporting food companies in Syria.

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