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التبكير في الزواج و الآثار المترتبة عليه دراسة فقهية قانونية مقارنة "رؤية معاصرة"

1589   2   114   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2009
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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السيوطي: جلال الدين عبد الرحمن – الاشباه والنظائر في قواعد وفروع الشافعية، الطبعة الأولى، دار الكتب العلمية، بيروت، ص 121
التقرير الإحصائي السنوي لعام 2003 م، قسم الإحصاء والجداول، دائرة قاضي القضاة مطابع الأوقاف، عمان، ص43
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contemporary economy is characterized by phenomenon of economic concentrations, the integration is consider as the major characteristics of the phenomenon, where the small or medium commercial companies will find themselves obliged to accept one of the two facts, namely, that they either merge with a company or a group of large companies in order to be able to face the competition from the other large companies were internal or external, or to govern on themselves to be eliminated in the result of its presence in the conditions of unequal competition.
Freezing sperms and eggs is one of the contemporary jurisprudential Issues. Therefore knowing its rules in Islamic jurisprudence requires searching for similar cases in the resources of Islamic Jurisprudence and practicing analogy where, in origina l case, used as a criterion for the new one. This paper is an endeavor to find out the jurisprudential stand of the cases where human sperms and eggs are frozen, and to which level this is compatible with Islamic shari’ah and its rules, particularly if fertilization is used for the husband and his wife (legal marriage), and if the aim of this process is to help the husband and the wife to give birth at the time they wish to, or at the time of elevating the preventive reason which was at the time of freezing. This paper concluded that the ruling of freezing the sperms and eggs is based on the reason which lead to that process; as there are reasons for which the freezing becomes lawful and there are ones for which the freezing becomes forbidden. This maxim in addition to some particular boundaries and conditions would rule the issue of freezing.
Islamic law came to the end of the previous divine laws and transcribers of them, so God has guaranteed them survival, keeping them from every distortion, and completing them and preserving them from every deficiency, and fulfilling them on his faith ful servants, and their consent is a ruling between creation in every small and large and vile and Qatmir, God Almighty said: “We are mentioned to him and I privates} [Al-stone: 9], and said, {today you completed your religion and completed My favor upon you and chosen for you Islam as a religion} [Al-table: 3], and said, {what Frtna in the book of something and then to their Lord crammed} [Al cattle: 38] And from this memorization, fulfillment and contentment that God has ordained His servants of atonement for those who sinned in his world by committing a prohibited or negligent act in a matter, then the legislation of the atonement in the Qur’an and Sunnah and the nation’s consensus came, in order to be a discipline for those who sinned, and enjoined him and people for the slanderous act, and also to atone for his sin And to be considered a transgressor, which is the need of the needy from Muslims, such as emancipating a secure neck, feeding a poor person, covering them, or fasting days or months to fine tune the same comet. Because of the importance of this chapter, which is atonement, and for the people’s great need for it, this research was written under the title (Expirations in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study) in which I tried to show the types of expiation in the Qur’an and its jurisprudence through the verses of the Qur’an and books revealing its meanings, and through the books of jurists and imams considered as the four imams And others who were following the approach of Ahl al-Sunnah wal Jama’ah, and far and near witnessed this. With regard to the subject of this research (Expiation in the verses of the Holy Qur’an, a comparative juristic study), this study has traced the expiation and its manifestation, and the spotlight is revealed on it through its touching in the Quranic verses, with a view to highlighting the merits of legislation, and clarifying its secrets and wisdom, in order to illustrate the reality of the infidels, and a statement For its importance in the life of the Muslim individual, where it gains its great importance from the book, Sunnah, and consensus.
خلصت الدراسة إلى جواز المضاربة، التي يكون القصد الأصلي فيها الاستثمار في أعمال الشركات، و نشاطاتها الاقتصادية ؛ و من ذلك الوصول إلى مجلس إدارة الشركة، و المشاركة في قراراتها الاقتصادية، و الإدارية، و هذا لا يتعارض مع وجود قصد تبعي من بيع الأسهم إذا ا رتفع سعرها، و الاكتفاء بعوائد أرباح بيعها. و تكون المضاربة بعد دراسة علمية لواقع الشركة، و معطياتها الاقتصادية، و هو ما يسمى بدراسة الجدوى الاقتصادية للمشروع ؛ و الذي يسبق عادة قرار الاستثمار.
نشأ الحق في الحبس بداية في القانون الروماني، إذ منح والي القضاء بين الوطنيين، البريتور، دفعاً بالغش لحائز الشيء الذي يعتقد أنه ملكه، و من ثم أنفق عليه أموالاً من أجل صيانته و تحسينه، ثم ظهر مالكه الحقيقي و أراد استرداده، يستطيع بموجبه أن يدفع دعوى ال استرداد التي أقامها المالك حتى يدفع له ما أنفقه في حفظ الشيء و تحسينه. و لم يكرس التقنين المدني الفرنسي لعام 1804 نظرية عامة للحق في الحبس، و إنما نص على بعض التطبيقات له بموجب نصوص متفرقة. و نتيجة ذلك اختلف الفقه في فرنسا حول هل وردت تلك النصوص في التقنين الفرنسي على سبيل الحصر، أم أنها تطبيقات لنظرية عامة، و من ثم يمكن القياس عليها، و انعكس هذا الأمر بدوره على تحديد الطبيعة القانونية للحق في الحبس.
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