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The soil water erosion risk is one of the most important problems and challenges facing the agricultural process in the Syrian coast today. The aim of this study was to determine the spatial distribution of dangerous areas of water erosion in the basin of the Mrqyieh River using CORINE model. To achieve this objective, the first phase of the study was to evaluate the soil erosion viability based on soil characteristics (soil texture, soil depth and percentage of stones); these properties were classified according to their influence degree on soil erosion. The potential risk erosion map was based on crossing all information obtained from soil erodibility, erosivity index and the degree of slope at study area by using GIS technologies. The land cover map of the study was produced and classified to two classes depending on soil protection degree. Then, an actual risk map of soil erosion was prepared after crossing land cover and potential risk erosion classes of study sites. This study showed that 14.8% of the studied area facing high risk of soil erosion, while the soil risk was moderate in 40.4% and low in 44.8% of the study area. The highly risked erosion area was located in the center, northern and northwest parts of the study area. Moreover, the study confirmed that the land cover is the most influential factor on soil water erosion. The results showed that the Corine model for soil water erosion mapping is a highly effective and cost-effective approach
The study aimed to demonstrate the importance of applying the Business risk Audit Approach (BRA) by the auditors to improve the Audit Quality in the Syrian business environment. The study followed the analytical descriptive method and the question naire which prepared and distributed to the offices and auditing companies accredited by the Damascus Securities Market committee and the Insurance Supervisory committee.
The insurer's obligation to declare insured risk data is the most important obligation in the insurance contract. Based on this declaration, the insured is able to determine all the terms of the contract.
Water erosion is the most serious environmental problem which cause soil degradation in watershed areas in Syria cost .for this reason, this study aimed to defined spatial distribution of water erosion risk for land Bhmra Dm basin using corine mode l. Corine model depend on calculating all factor that affect water erosion ,soil erosion vability ,rain erosivity ,slop and land cover.
The study aims to examine the extent of Syrian Auditor awareness for the factors affecting the Internal Control Risk. For this purpose, a field survey conducted using a questionnaires a sample of Auditors with whom the Researcher had contact. A num ber of \56\ questionnaires were distributed, out of which \34\ were filled and returned back to the Researcher. Data analysis showed the following: There is a consensus on the clauses covering the three aspects of the Internal Control Risk : (Control Environment, Accounting System, Control Procedures); additionally, there is a kind of reservation by those auditors about many statements regarding to the Control Environment which are: methods of determining authority and responsibility, policies of individuals management and training programs set for them, and external influences affecting enterprise's operations and policies.
This paper seeks to assess the extent to which the auditing profession in Syria depends on risk assessment. This study starts by analyzing the importance of the risk approach and its implications for contemporary auditing. The study intends to exam ine to what extent, if at all, the Syrian auditing profession takes the assessment of auditing risk factor into consideration and the correlation, if any, between risk and other related factors such as business risk, assessment risk, and control risk. To this end, the researcher designs a questionnaire and sends it to 100 auditors through the Association of Syrian Certified Accountants. 51 questionnaires are properly filled. To analyze data, SPSS package has been used. The results have clearly confirmed the hypothesis that the auditing profession in Syria does not depend on risk assessment.
The study is prospective and descriptive it take place in the department of oral surgery in Tishreen university it concerned 32 patients presented a cardiovascular pathology having required an warfarine therapy and also need an act of oral surgery th e objective of this study was to determine the INR value making possible to carry out an act of oral surgery without haemorrhagic risk we exploited the following parameters: identification of the patient, oral state, type of oral surgery, type of cardiopathy, AVK posology, INR value, means haemostasis. 56.25% of our patients had undergone a single extraction, 25% had beneficed multiple extractions and 18.75% had profited from surgical extraction the average value of the INR was 2.38 with an variance of 0.07 and an ecart type of 0.27. In favour of the haemostat means no haemorrhagic complication post operational was revealed it is allowed that the risk of thromboembolic accident by stoping the treatment is much more prejudicial than hemorrhagic risk for the patent.
This study includes a full analysis of climatic, vegetation, and topographical factors in Nabe Matta preserve (Drekish Region – Tartous Governorate – Syria), which is considered as the most important factors affecting forest fires. The data were coll ected for each fire and analyzed by statistical programs (SPSS) and (EXCEL), and the relationship between these multiple factors and the phenomenon of recurrence of fire in one area (fire risk region) was studied. Then the data and the results of the analysis and multi relationship had been studied within the geographic information system software (GIS) to obtain the map of fire risk region, as well as results from topographic maps (1:50.000), aerial photographs (1:25.000), and the needed maps were designed for the study such as (slope map - aspect map - vegetation cover map - infrastructure map - fire risk region map),then places of monitoring towers and centers of rapid intervention in high-risk areas have been proposed for the occurrence of fires. These maps are considered as warning systems and with it we can predict the probability of any fire in the Preserve when the appropriate conditions are provided for it.
العولمة مبدأ ثائر، يسوق بين يديه الخطأ والصواب بعصًا واحدة، لا يمكن في طبيعة الثائر إلا هذا، فالغرب ممثلا بأمريكا –في أيامنا هذه- لا يبرح متخذًا مبدأ الصراع حتى يسلخ الشرق عن تاريخه و حضارته، أيصرع فيموت بحقده، أم يدفن بشؤم أعماله، و ليس دعاة العولمة مصلحين، بل أصحاب قوة زهاهم النصر، الذي اتفق لهم في وقت تشرذم العالم و انقسم، فخرجوا من تلك الحروب الصغيرة، و هم يجأرون (نريد، نفعل.. ندمر..)، فغلطوا غلطة أرادوها منتصرة، فعرضوها على المساكين، فقهرتهم و آذتهم في كل جانب، إلا أن هذا السعار لن يدوم طويلا، و لن يمكث في الأرض إلا ما ينفع الناس.

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