تتحدد مشكلة البحث في إطار هذه الدراسة بالكشف عن علاقة طرائق التنشئة
الاجتماعية الأسرية بمدى المساهمة الشبابية في صنع القرار و اتخاذه داخل الأسرة.
و يحاول هذا البحث تسليط الأضواء على طرائق التنشئة الاجتماعية المتبعة في
تنشئة الشباب داخل الأسرة، و العمل على تدعيم الصالح منها و تعميمه، و الابتعاد عن الطرائق غير المجدية في التربية، الأمر الذي يعزز أهمية هذا البحث.
و يسعى هذا البحث إلى تحقيق جملة من الأهداف منها: تعرف مدى مشاركة
الشباب في اتخاذ القرارات داخل الأسرة، تعرف طرائق التنشئة الاجتماعية المتبعة في الأسرة، و الكشف عن طرائق التنشئة الاجتماعية السليمة التي تؤهل الشباب للمساهمة الفعالة في نشاطات المجتمع المختلفة، تعرف عوائق مشاركة الشباب في اتخاذ القرار داخل الأسرة.
The main issue of research is to reveal the effect of family
socialization on youths' participation in making and taking – decision
inside the family. The research is also an attempt to highlight the ways of
socialization which is followed in upbringing of youths inside family. It
also aims to support the good behaviours and give up the unfruitful ones.
These things, in my point of view, would support the research.
The research is going to achieve a group of goals such as:
· knowing the extent of youth participation in taking – decisions inside
the family.
· Knowing the ways of socialization which take place in family.
· Revealing the right ways of socialization which enable the youths of
an active participation in different community's activities.
· knowing the difficulties which stand in the face of youths to take part
in taking – decision inside the family.
References used
عز الدين، فايز، الشباب في سورية، دمشق، مطبعة اتحاد شبيبة الثورة، 1986
عبود، إيمان جعفر، عمل المرأة وتعليمها وعلاقتهما باتخاذ القرار داخل الأسرة في مدينة دمشق وريفها – دراسة ميدانية، أطروحة دكتوراة، جامعة دمشق،
زحلوق، مها و وطفة، علي، الشباب قيم واتجاهات ومواقف، دمشق، مطبعة الاتحاد، د. ت. ن.
The current research aims to study the relationship between democracy and
authoritarian methods of family socialization and child's social interaction with peers in
kindergarten. In order to achieve this target, the researcher has set up a question
This research aims at present to detective the correlation
between Irrational Beliefs the and Decision-Making, as well as to
detect differences between the average scores students at the scale
of Irrational Beliefs and a measure of Decision-Making
The current study aims to discover the relationship between the patterns of family upbringing and the control center for a sample of first year high school students at public high schools. It also aims to determine whether there are any differences
The purpose of the research is to identify the correlation between selfaffirmation
and decision-making, and to find out the differences between
the average grade of university students and the members of the research
sample on the scale of self-affirmation and decision making according to
the gender variable and the academic specialization.
The research aims to identify the nature of the relationship between the
level of ambition and decision-making among a sample of first year
students at the University of Damascus, revealing the significance of
differences in performance on the lev