هدف البحث الحالي إلى تعرّف العوامل الاجتماعيّة الأسريّة المؤثرة على التفوق الدراسي للأبناء. و قد بلغت عينة البحث (240) طالباً و طالبة من المسجلين في الصفوف الأول و الثاني و الثالث الثانوية في مدرسة المتفوقين للعام الدراسي 2016- 2017م, حيث بلغ عدد أفراد المجتمع الأصلي (408). و للوصول إلى أهداف البحث تم اعتماد الاستبانه كأداة لجمع البيانات الأولية و البيانات المتعلقة بمتغيرات البحث. أكدت النتائج بأنّ حجم الأسرة لم يكن له أثر واضح في التفوق الدراسي, و بأنّ الغالبية العظمى من الطلاب لا يعانون من انفصال الوالدين أو غياب أحدهم لذلك فإنّ هذا العامل لا يؤثر في التفوق الدراسي للأبناء, كما أنّ ترتيب الابن في أسرته ليس له تأثير في تفوقه. العلاقة الجيدة بين الأب و الأبناء لها تأثير إيجابي على تفوقهم الدراسي, بينما لم يكن للعلاقة بين الأم و الأبناء ذلك الأثر على تفوقهم الدراسي, و بيّن البحث بأنّه يوجد علاقة إيجابية بين الضبط المعتدل الممارس داخل الأسرة و التفوق الدراسي للأبناء, و بأنه لا يوجد علاقة بين الضبط المتسلط الممارس داخل الأسرة و التفوق الدراسي للأبناء.
The goal beyond this research is to highlight the influence of the social family
factors on the academic excellence of sons. This research sample was on (240) of (408)
male and female students who are in the first, second and the third secondary stages for the
school year 2016-2017. For reaching the intended goals of this research, a questionnaire
was adopted as a tool for collecting both the preliminary data and the data related to the
variables of this research. The results of the research assured that the number of the family
members does not have that clear effect on the academic excellence and most of the
students do not get negatively affected by the parental divorce or even by the absence of
one of the parents so this factor does not affect the sons' academic excellence. Also, the
birth order in any student's family does not affect positively or negatively the student's
academic excellence. The good and healthy relationship between the father and the sons
has a clear effect on their academic excellence but, on the other hand, the relationship
between the mother and the sons does not have that clear effect on their academic
excellence. Moreover, this research stated that there is a positive link between the parents'
moderate control and treatment practiced inside the family towards the sons and the sons'
academic excellence. On the other side, this research stated that there is no link between
the parents' dominating control and treatment towards the sons and the sons' academic
References used
ARVILOMMI, T. O. Pupils achievement strategies( family background- school performance). The faculty of Arts, the university of Helsinki, Finland, 2003, 1- 66
COWIR, A. P. Oxford advanced Learner's Dictionary of current English. Oxford university press, 2000, 1539
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The research tries to define the most important social factors which contribute to the decline of educational achievement in the schools of the first phase of the basic education stage. These factors have been clarified through a theoretical study an
This research aimed at knowing the relation between casual attribution, and scholastic
Achievement Motivation on a sample of superior And ordinary students, and at knowing the
differences between the two sorts of each sample the research depended o
This descriptive research aims to explore the state of affairs of the top students in Lattakia high schools and the factors that led to their eminence. It also aims to identify the role of some socio-educational, familial, and economical factors (as
The present study aimed at revealing the relationship between
abnormal Family climate and some familial factors, as
economic level of the family and educational level of the father
and mother, to the Neuroticism among Public High School
The importance of consumer lies in the role that he/she is playing in the companies'
and institutions' activities which offer their products and services for him/her. The
successful marketing strategies depend on the deep understanding of the dimen