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The present study assessed the bacterial contamination and the efficacy of control infection protocol in clinica=l practices in Faculty of Dentistry in Tishreen university. An evaluation of surface bacterial contamination in 4 laboratory of clinical dental practices was for undergraduate stage and 4 laboratory of clinical practices for postgraduate stage. The samples for the study were taken from various sites from and beside dental-chair. The bacterial contamination was studied by observing and recording the colony morphology on the culture plates, Gram's staining with light microscopic screening of the slides, and the biochemical characterization of the isolates using standard bacteriology protocols.The findings showed bacterial contamination in all the surfaces in the laboratory of dental practices. The level of bacterial accumulation on examined surfaces did not change over time. bacteriological analysis showed that 100% of dental chair had bacterial contamination. More the 77% of collected swabs showed Gram-positive cocci, making it the major bacterial group contaminating the surfaces of dental-chair in the dental operatory. The presented study highlights the fact that all sites of dental practice is a potential source of cross infection. The results of this study mandate a strict audit process and protocols to be set in place for preventing cross-contamination from the dental chair in a dental operatory.
This study aims to analyze the serum iron levels in children with recurrent respiratory and urinary infection . It includes 176 children who consulted the children department in Al-Assad University hospital in Lattakia and its external clinics durin g the period between 1/1/2012 and 1/1/2014 whose ages were between 1-9 years old . The recurrent respiratory infections were in 75 patients and the urinary recurrent infections in 21 patients. 80 healthy children didn't show any recurrent infection or chronic diseases. This study showed that the mean serum iron level in children with recurrent respiratory infection and those who had recurrent urinary infection compared to serum levels in healthy children was less . It is also found that recurrent respiratory and urinary infection increases with the reduction of hemoglobin.
Introduction: oral infection is one of the most common disturbances in the intensive care units ICUs, especially with the critical intubated patients. Application of oral care policy works as a very important action in preventing the infection. ADHA improved that using of Chlorhexidine Gloconate 0.12% and Povidone Iodine 1% solutions in oral care can contribute to preventing oral infection. Goal: The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of applying oral care policy to the oral infection rate with intubated patients. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted at the intensive care units of AL-Basel Hospital (Tartous), a convent sample of 45 patients. Beck Oral Assessment Scale was used to assess the oral status and results after 72 hours of applying oral care policies for the two experimental groups and the control groups. Results: our results demonstrate the important of applying oral care policy, rate of infection decreased in the first control group (p= 0.000*) which received first oral care policy procedures (Chlorhexidine Gloconate 0.12%); it was (Povidone Iodine 1%) in the second control group (normal saline 0.9%) in the last control group. Conclusions and Recommendations: our present study results recommend applying oral care policy (Chlorhexidine Gloconate 0.12%, Povidone Iodine 1%) because of its affect in preventing oral infections for critical intubated patients.

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