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Prevalence of Extended Spectrum beta Lactamases (ESBL) in Escherichia coli in Al-Assad Teaching Hospital

دراسة انتشار أنظيم بيتا لاكتاماز الواسع الطيف عند جراثيم الاشرشيا القولونية في مشفى الأسد الجامعي

2184   2   41   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Dentistry
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Zain Baaity

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Two hundred and thirty-six E. coli isolates n=236 were collected. Antibiotic susceptibility and ESBL production were studied by disc diffusion and DDST (double disk synergy tests) according to Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute guidelines (CLSI) and EUCAST for ESBL. 75 (32%)of total isolates demonstrated MDR (multi drug resistance),62 of resistant bacteria (26% of total) were determined as ESBL producers. In conclusion, we recommend adding this standard, cheap ESBL detection method to the routine microbial susceptibility tests run in Syrian hospitals in order to determine and isolate the sources of MDR infections and do some effort to contain and eliminate those strains.

References used
Jarlier ,et al
rate research

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The empty sella syndrome (ESS) is an asymptomatic radiological syndrome, affecting 6% of post-menopausal women and can be seen in all ages. The results were similar with other studies in many respects, such as a wide age spectrum including childre n, and the occurrence of diabetes insipidus in 5.97%. The results of our study were discordant with other studies with respect to hyperprolactinemia which reached 58.2% in our study (in other studies did not exceed 33.7%). No concurrent cases of secretory pituitary adenomas were found (studies refer to an incidence of acromegaly and Cushing’s syndrome in 2.6% of ESS for each). We did not record CSF rhinorrhea nor were visual disturbances seen in our cohort. Patients received symptomatic treatment and none were referred to surgery.
Skin tags are common benign skin tumors usually occurring on the neck and major flexors of older people. Objective: To investigate and compare the prevalence of diabetes and disorders of triglycerides, cholesterol, LDL, and HDL levels in patients wit h skin tags and a control group. A case-control study was conducted in individuals between (25-70) years old, comparing cases (n=107) and age-, sex-matched controls (n=97) without skin tag. Cases and controls were recruited from patients consecutively seen at the outpatient dermatology clinic at Al-Assad University Hospital in Lattakia. All patients underwent standard laboratory tests of fasting blood sugar , triglycerides , cholesterol , LDL , and HDL levels. Results: Patients with skin tags had higher frequency of diabetes and higher levels of triglycerides , cholesterol , and LDL than the control group (P <=0.0001) and lower levels of HDL in patients with skin tags than the control group (P<=0.001). A positive correlation was found between the existing of skin tags and high BMI comparing with the control group (P<=0.0001). According to our results, skin tags might be a useful clinical sign that could alert clinicians to screen patients with skin tags for abnormal lipids, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and cardiovascular disease, and guide patients with skin tags to modify their life style, avoiding risk factors and making clinical laboratory check-up periodically
The study included 77 patients admitted to Pediatric Department in AL-ASSAD University Hospital in Lattakia for doing therapeutic gastroendoscopy between ( Jul 2009-Jul 2014),number of procedures were (195) with age ranging between( 1mon-16 y) and The main indication of interventional GI endoscopy in this series was foreign body extractions, oesophageal stenosis, esophageal varices ligation followed by polyp resection and Management of rectal prolapse refractory. -There were" not any complications during therapeutic procedures (94%), and complet cure percent was high (64,4%), but (26%) of cases are followed up and good until now, there were Two patients of oesophageal dilatation may need surgical interference.
The urinary bladder malignant neoplasms are the member of the most common malignancies through the world. The diagnosis of bladder carcinoma in its late advanced development evokes the surgeon to radical cystectomy. The studying points are the correc t diagnosis, histological types, histological grade and pathological stage of the disease, in order to achieve the best treatment and prognosis. The morphological examination of bladder biopsies were done routinely, the total biopsies were 250, obtained from 194 patients (172 male, 22 female). The low grade tumor were 41, and high grade 149.although the early stage diagnosis were 138, and the late stage 66, always we must detect the lesion early for the best life after the treatment. may be useful in the future study and detect the reason of predominance the male gender in bladder tumor, also we hope, that we can discover the role of inflammation in arising the neoplasm of bladder.
Introduction: As nursing develop with regard to science, knowledge & practice and nursing responsibilities increase, critical thinking- the ability to question and make rational decisions- becomes even more important. Whereas, critical thinking requi res that all thoughts and actions be examined objectively, in patient care almost all actions require decision making, and problem solving. Critical thinking is an essential element in decision making which involves choices, and problem solving which requires analysis. Through critical thinking skills, a nurse manager can become a transformational leader. She can challenge the routine nursing practices now, develop a more robust understanding of any problem underlying causes, and develop her leadership skills as well as develop more creative solutions when using critical thinking. Although, critical thinking skills are more important but there were few studies both English and Arabic and there was no study in Syria concerned with critical thinking skills that must used by nurse mangers to do their role effectively, for that this study was conducted and aimed to assess critical thinking skills of nurse managers in Al- Assad university hospital and Al- Wattany hospital in Lattakia. The study was conducted in Al- Assad university and Al- Wattany hospitals in Lattakia. Whereas, The study sample consisted of 21 nurse managers , and 80 nurses from both hospitals. The results of this study showed that there were positive convergence between nurses 'viewpoints and nurse managers ' viewpoints in both hospitals and that nurse managers used critical thinking skills in their practice.

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