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The public administrationenjoys in the exercise of its functions exhibition, many of the privileges which the discretionary power, which constitutes the spirit and essence of public administration, where the effectiveness of the administrative syst em requires grant administration, this power in order to take into account the varying and changing conditions in order to achieve the common good. And exhibits legislator while giving management the authority of certain one of two methods: it is either to determine the conditions and controls that management should follow when direct competence, authority shall be restricted in this case, and their work is limited to the application of the law to cases that meet the requirements of this application. Or be left to the management discretion to decide voluntarily, so have the power to estimate the time and how to engage in appropriate terms of reference and powers directly without restrictions. It is useful to say here that the judicial control over the administration's actions were not all on one level, but it is expanding and narrowing according corner which operates the judge supervision, vimta administrative judge supervision and wide in the field of restricted Chiefs of the administrative decision, while supervision narrowed somewhat in the field of Staff discretion, discretion order not to turn into a bad action threatens the rights and freedoms of individuals, it has expanded the administrative control of the elimination of appropriate management decisions scale, through the adoption of advanced theories represented in my theory wrong Albin and the balance between the benefits and damages.
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى إلقاء الضوء على موضوع إدارة التنمية البشرية في المكتبات الالكترونية من مختلف جوانبه، و قدمت تعريفًا لمفهوم إدارة التنمية البشرية و البيئة التي تعمل خلالها و تتأثر بها و تشمل: البيئة الداخلية، و البيئة الخارجية. و كذلك قدمت عرض ًا موجزًا للمهام و الأنشطة التي تقوم بها إدارة التنمية البشرية من وجهات نظر مختلفة. بعد ذلك تناولت الوظائف الرئيسة لإدارة التنمية البشرية و هي: تحليل الوظائف في المكتبة الإلكترونية، التخطيط للموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية، التوظيف في المكتبة الإلكترونية، تحفيز الموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية، تدريب العاملين في المكتبات الإلكترونية، و خدمات الموارد البشرية في المكتبة الإلكترونية.
The objective of this article is describing the changes of the coastline shape during the time period extended between 1973-2014. the coastal zone is very special because it occur at the interface between the three major natural systems at the ear th surface atmosphere, ocean and land surface. Geomorphological factors operating in all three of these systems are responsible for shaping the coastal zone, and the interaction between the three different sets of processes makes the coastal zone an extremely dynamic one. At present, a wide range of tools and techniques are available to help us to study the evolution of coastline during the time intervals determined by the available data, and thus become our ability to predict future changes. improve our understanding of the geomorphological processes affect the coastal zone allow us to minimize their effects, and use this knowledge in the development of comprehensive coastal zone management planning.
This study aimed at highlighting the reality of the Total Quality management of overall at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at al- Baath University as well as the relation between the demographic and functional changes with respect to the member s of the specimens and the principles of overall Total Quality management. This study used the field survey methodology, and the researcher prepared a questionnaire consisting of six fields: continual improvement, staff participation, training and teaching, work teams, beneficiary satisfactions.
This study aimed to answer the following main question: What are the difficulties facing the management of kindergartens and their relation to the performance of female managers from the point of view of the principals themselves? This question i s divided by the following sub-questions: 1 - What are the difficulties faced by the kindergartens administrations in the city of Homs from the point of view of the managers themselves? 2 - What is the level of performance of kindergartens managers in the city of Homs from the point of view of the managers themselves?
تركز الإدارة الفعالة للمشاريع البرمجية على: الافراد، المنتج، العملية، والمشروع. المدير الذي ينسى أن هندسة البرمجيات تعتمد بصورة كبيرة عمى العامل البشري سوف لن ينجح بادرة مشروع. المدير الذي يفشل بتشجيع التحاور مع الزبون منذ بداية تطوير المشروع فانو يخ اطر ببناء مشروع كامل لممشكمة الخطاء. المدير القليل الاعتنباء بالعملية المدارة فانو يخاطر بحشر طرق معقدة وأدوات لا ضرورة لها. المدير الذي يباشر العمل دون خطة عمل رصينة فانو يخاطر بنجاح المنتج

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا