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GIS software provide manual import tools to maps produced on CAD software to be transformed to geo-database. This operation consumes time and effort. The "transformation" however will not be adequate unless we analyze the relation between CAD and GI S software in preparing maps. The question raised here if this relation competitive or integrative? This research tries to answer this matter by studying it from different angles: modeling, spatial feature, scale, spatial analysis and data management. Analyses reveal that this relation isn't competitive at all, but rather integrative, as CAD software produce technical\design plans, whereas GIS software are dedicated for the production of general and thematic maps. Thus, CAD based spatial data (topographic, cadastral, master plans) could be "up-graded" to be efficient in GIS environment. However available tools to make this are basically manual, and for that, an automated approach was developed to execute this upgrade from CAD to GIS. This new approach was applied and evaluated and the output results were satisfactory accurate, time\effort saving, and indeed didn't miss any of CAD layers. This all could be achieved if being conditioned with the approach constrains.
The appearance of revolutionary containerization utilized by maritime transport sector has led to congested seaports. A transfer of a portion of the activities performed inside was suggested. A complement to the sea port became desired, which creat ed the idea of a dryport. We studied the effect of the dryport’s site, planned to be constructed in Hassia industrial city, on the Syrian transport network. We used geographic information systems (GIS) to get the results due potential assistance. Study shows that a dryport increases the efficiency of the transport system, thus reducing the cost and time of transport. Furthermore, Hassia industrial city is especially qualified to establish a dryport, and the eastern region would be the optimal region for such an establishment.
Solid waste management is a complex problem facing decision makers in Tartous, especially in the process of selecting appropriate of solid waste land fill sites, because of the nature of the province that rich in natural resources and high populati on density. There is a large number of large landfills that aren’t in convenient locations, and affect to neighboring regions environment, adversely affect to the social life in the surrounding communities. In this research we identified the criteria that will be on the basis of evaluation of the locations of these landfills to achieve environmental, social and economic conditions. GIS was used to produce maps for each classification criterion separately to evaluate the landfills according to each criterion, in order to extract information from weighted map to get the appropriate locations. The study concluded that landfills sites unrealized for the majority of the standards, and to get a map showing the optimum locations of 18 sites with combined areas doesn’t exceed 0,012% of the total study area.
Free and Open Source software (FOSS) is one of computer software, which source code can be accessed, freely used, modify, and distribute by anyone. It is produced by many of people or organizations, and distributed under licenses that comply with the open source definition. This software has recently begun to play an important role in the academic and scientific research field, as in the professional field. In the past few decades, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) has seen very high growth rate, and this development included each of commercial and open source GIS software. This research aims to show the great potential of Free and Open Source Geographic Information Systems (FOSS_GIS), and motivating to adopt it in developing countries, as a means to reduce licensing costs, promote local technological development through access to the source code and developing these systems. A case study is taken, in which we have tried to highlight the most important advantages of this software (i.e. FOSS_GIS), such as ease of implementation and good use, the ability to analyze and display of spatial data, professional maps production, and functionality emulator to commercial GIS software. The case study included the methodology of spatial suitability analysis, which is one of the main tasks of GIS; this methodology has been applied to choose the optimal site of urban project in Sheikh Badr area (Tartous Governorate) by proposing a set of general conditions. Using optimal site selection analysis of urban project helps to avoid the indiscriminate expansion and the irregular land-use. The free and open source software QGIS was used in this research, as well as the algorithms and tools of GRASS and SAGA softwares. Key Words: FOSS_GIS, spatial analysis, QGIS, optimal site selection, Sheikh Bader area
Regional planning is currently one of the pillars of the state and a measure of its development, because planning works to show the current or the future problems, and puts the appropriate solutions. So there is no doubt that the population is the main goal of any planning process by ensuring the various requirements of life for the increasing number of them year after year. Finding adequate housing is therefore one of the first steps in the planning process. The problem of population growth is one of the most prominent problems facing countries at present time. This is evident in city centers, which results in many problems such as informal housing. In this study, we had a spatial study to determine the best location for establishing a new city in order to accommodate the increasing number of population within the Lattakia Governorate (Syrian Arab Republic), and we also achieved a population study in order to determine the future population growth. Geographic information systems (GIS) have proven its efficiency in spatial and descriptive data management and analysis, so they have been relied upon to determine the appropriate places for urban expansion based on a set of criteria collected from a range of research that affect the selection process of these areas, through spatial analysis tools within the GIS software to reach the appropriate areas of expansion to accommodate the expected population growth.
تشير الخدمات البلدية أو خدمات المدن إلى الخدمات الأساسية التي يتوقع المقيمون في المدينة أو البلدة من حكومة المدينة أن توفرها لهم، وتشمل هذه الخدمات (مرافق الصرف الصحي – الشوارع – المدارس – المراكز الصحية – الكهرباء) وغيرها من خدمات. وتختلف الخدمات ا لبلدية المتوفرة لدى بلدية ما بحسب الموقع والتشريعات والتاريخ والتقاليد، وقد تختلف الخدمات المقدمة من دولة لأخرى أو حتى داخل الدولة الواحدة. إن المهمة الأساسية للخدمات العامة هي تلبية احتياجات ورغبات السكان، وكونها أيضا تمثل جزءاً مهماً من البنية الفيزيائية والاستخدامات الحضرية للتجمع السكاني، لذلك كان لابد من العمل على توزيعها وتطويرها بشكل يتناسب مع التطور الحاصل لذلك المجتمع. تعد قضية توفير الخدمات العامة إحدى القضايا الأكثر الحاحاً، ويمثل تحديد المعدلات والمعايير التخطيطية للخدمات إشكالية مهمة من إشكاليات التنمية العمرانية في سوريا، وبرغم كل التطلعات الطموحة لتحقيق المعدلات الأعلى أو المعدلات المثلى أو المعدلات القريبة لنظيرتها العالمية، إلا أنه يصعب احداث طفرة فجائية لتحقيق هذه المعدلات الأعلى. وقد شهدت المعرفة الجغرافية تطورا ملحوظا في مجالات مختلفة، واستخدام نظم المعلومات الجغرافية وإمكانياتها في التحليل المكاني لهذه الخدمات، فنظرا لأهمية هذه الخدمات وارتباطها المباشر بالسكان تحتاج إلى عمليات رصد وتوقيعها في نظام المعلومات الجغرافي وإنشاء قاعدة بيانات شاملة لها على أجهزة الحاسوب. ولإنجاز هذه المهمة يمكن الاستعانة ببعض النظم التي تهتم بالتخطيط الحضري والتي من أهمها نظم المعلومات الجغرافية، التي تتمتع بقدرة عالية على استيعاب كم هائل من البيانات والمعلومات، مع إمكانية ربطها بمواقع جغرافية، إضافة الى قدرتها على القيام بالعديد من العمليات الحسابية.
Geographic Information Systems) GIS), and its advanced spatial and statistical analysis of traffic accidents at the city level, play a key role in improving traffic safety and urban development. This paper presents a general methodology for spatial a nd statistical analysis of traffic accidents within Homs city during three consecutive years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Maps are produced representing the spatial distribution of point traffic accidents within the city where is covered with a network of squares (300 m * 300 m) to identify the most dangerous areas in terms of the number of accidents. A map representing the most dangerous road segments is also produced in Homs city. In addition, the analysis of statistically significant hot spots (Getis-Ord Gi *) is performed. Through this study and the maps produced, dangerous areas and roads segments that have the largest number of accidents during the three years are well identified. These maps can be presented to decision-makers in the field of transport and traffic to study them from all aspects and work to solve the problems that led to an increase in the number of accidents.

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