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The modern techniques of the information systems are considered as one of the most important tools, that most institutions, bodies and organizations working in the areas of planning and future development are seeking to use as effective analytical and technical tools for collecting and analyzing the vast amount of spatial and descriptive information and the data of the human and natural phenomena, for both planners or decision-makers, at the various stages of the planning process to cope with the urgent urban problems in addition to supporting the completion of development plans in record time and high quality, and reduce waste in energies and resources. In this context, the research displays the advanced analytical techniques and tool, and their role in whole planning processes, and identifies the methods of application of GIS systems as the most efficient and widely used system in the fields of urban planning and land use, and in developmental decisions support. Also, the research presents a practical model for the distribution of tasks within the departments and institutions involved in the planning, to introduce the information systems in their work, and highlights the most important obstacles that may face the use of those systems. The study comes up with a number of conclusions and recommendations for the potential application of advanced techniques and avoiding obstacles, which directly contribute to raising the efficiency and effectiveness of planning processes, and improving the planning process management.
To determine the prime potential locations of the hydrocarbon structural traps in Al-Qaryatein region, which can help in the hydrocarbon exploration processes and reducing a lot of time and fieldwork efforts, lineaments and circular features were i dentified in the study area by processing and analysing Satellite data using several Remote Sensing techniques and Geographic Information Systems. The priority locations of subsurface structures were distinguished using several special criteria; these criteria are related to the density of the lineaments and their directions within the circular features of the study area. The priority locations of subsurface structures were evaluated by the integration of remote sensing and non-seismic geophysical data which were processed and interpreted by using their own techniques, to determine the prime potential locations of the hydrocarbon structural traps which reached three locations in the study area. The integration between geophysical data and remote sensing techniques increased the trust in the results of this study.
Al- Qusier region is important agricultural areas in Syria, and contribute to cover a significant part of the agricultural needs of the country ,but it was suffering of poor land use in some locations. This study aims to prepare maps of land use an d land cover using remote sensing and geographic information systems (GIS) techniques, the study relied on SPOT-4 satellite images with spatial resolutions 10 m for (white–black) images and 20 m for color images. The study found a view of results were the ability of remote sensing and geographic information systems in the production of accurate maps of land use/land cover and establish a digital database for spatial land use and land cover for Al- Qusier region.
This research aims to study the water sources that feed watering and landscaping gardens networks in Homs city , where wells constitute most of these sources and study related problems and how to protect and preserve the quality and quantity require d for the fact that some of these wells is used to provide drinking water in the absence of the ability of water sources drinking key on it. The establishment of a database to establish the structural comprehensive sources(Master Plan) of water which are securing water for watering gardens, depending on geographic information systems (GIS) and perform analysis operations, processing and utilization of these results in making and decision support process to reduce waste operations and rationalization of consumption and conservation of pollution and help finding alternative water sources to cover the winning water deficit for watering gardens and propose appropriate recommendations.
تحليل الشبكات في أنظمة المعلومات الجغرافية ... تمثل الشبكة مجموعة من الخطوط والنقاط التي تمثل الكائنات الجغرافية المتصلة مع بعضها البعض والتي من خلالها تتحرك الموارد (سيارات , مياه , كهرباء , غاز....الخ) 1- أنظمة تدفق موجهة يتحرك التدفق من المصا در إلى المصارف الموارد لا تملك القدرة على اتخاذ قرارات المسير (على سبيل المثال، نظام النهر) 2- أنظمة تدفق غير موجهة النظام لا يتحكم بشكل كامل بعملية التدفق الموارد تملك القدرة على اتخاذ قرارات المسير الخاصة بها (على سبيل المثال، نظام السير)
The eco-tourism is an important element in the economic and social development at the both local and international levels. It represent an essential economic resource for the governmental sector, so this research particularly important because it i s looking for the possibility of using GIS techniques in the protected areas management. The objective of this study is to verify the GIS importance in creating data-base which is significant for Naby Matta protected area managers; this data-base is basically helping in the development of the ecotourism. The results of research confirmed the importance of geographic information systems in designing of database and the various maps and its role in determining the steps tourism development such as determining the places of assimilation and classify it according of the visitors density, select the better tracks for pedestrians, the appointment of entry points and restaurants, observation points, in addition to the investment potential of geographic information systems in spatial analysis such as proximity and distance analysis of particular point from another point, or search for a particular tourist attraction and find it such as searching for the best spots to enjoy the picturesque scenery away from sensitive environmental housing thus saving time and effort and speed in the service of visitors.
The overlay functions in Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are considered as one of the basic functions of these systems, and often, a variety of data stored in layers may be integrated together to generate new layers that contain useful informati on for decision-makers. All geographic objects are stored in layers and usually rely on crisp set theory, whether, stored in a vector or raster format. In many cases, boundaries of classes or objects are not clearly defined, or when we perform classification of features into classes, the geographic objects located in the boundaries of classes could be classified into the wrong class. This research aims to develop overlay functions methodology based on fuzzy logic, reclassify the objects into fuzzy classes, and study the usability of this method to integrate data of specific phenomenon to help make optimal decisions. To implement and examine this idea, a set of Fuzzy Membership Functions was developed using the Python programming language embedded within the ArcGIS environment. Through this Fuzzy Membership Functions, the user can generate fuzzy sets and combine with each other according to one of fuzzy operations, and thus the generation of fuzzy sets allows supporting the right and reliable decision. To test the proposed fuzzy model capabilities, it has been applied in Tartous governorate to select suitable tourist facility sites in accordance with groups of factors. In summary, data integration using proposed fuzzy overlay functions can improve the reliability of data representation and thus the reliability of make the best decisions.
The 3Dimension representation of facilities engineering an important stage in the context of the expression of the engineering facilities and design engineering and subsequent action to be carried out. From this point of our research is designed to compare the methods of digital representation triple dimension to civilian facilities with special uses, including the archaeological monument for subsequent Business (documentation, restoration) and ease of access to cross-sections. Technical and economic comparison was conducted between three ways : 1. The traditional way using modern civil 3d programs and programs of digital photography using mobile phone hardware and software approval. 2. Using the different potential of Geographic Information Systems, GIS software. 3. The possibility of using a Laser scanner And adopted as a standard in the comparison the method that gives maximum of economy to achieve the technical conditions.
The 3Dimension representation of facilities engineering an important stage in the context of the expression of the engineering facilities and design engineering and subsequent action to be carried out. From this point of our research is designed to compare the methods of digital representation triple dimension to civilian facilities with special uses, including the archaeological monument for subsequent Business (documentation, restoration) and ease of access to cross-sections. Technical and economic comparison was conducted between three ways : 1. The traditional way using modern civil 3d programs and programs of digital photography using mobile phone hardware and software approval. 2. Using the different potential of Geographic Information Systems, GIS software. 3. The possibility of using a Laser scanner And adopted as a standard in the comparison the method that gives maximum of economy to achieve the technical conditions.
This study aimed to development the appropriate sustainable management of the irrigated lands based on Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System techniques in Alaşehir-Akkeçili collective irrigation system. Some properties like the soil structure, land classes, sub-class properties, salinity, sodium, drainage capability, soil depth, infiltration, hydraulic conductivity, as well as the features of current land use, water requirements, the amounts of water that has to be distributed by irrigation system, and climate conditions were evaluated by the Geographic Information System (GİS) and a database based on the land ownership was created.

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