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In this paper we introduce a comparison for some of data mining algorithm for traffic accidents analysis. We start by describing available data for entry by analyzing the structure of statistical reports in Lattakia traffic directorate, and proceed to data mining stage which enables us to smart study of factors that play roles in traffic accident and find its inter-relations and importance for causing traffic accident. That comes after building data warehouse upon the database we built to store the data we gathered. In this research we list a some of models was tested which is a sample of a many cases we checked to have the research results.
This study aims to measure and analyse the social and economical cost of Traffic Accidents in the Hashimyat Jordanian Kingdom governorates. The Study employs the descriptive approach to achieve its goals. Data information were collected from thei r origins and processed employing the techniques: partial correlation, multiple regression, and sum of ranke analysis. The study concluded the existence of differences in the social and economic costs of traffic accidents between the Kingdom governorates and this difference is related differences in population figures, number of registed vehicles, and traffic accident counts. The study, classified the kingdom governorates according to the levels of socio economic costs into three levels: High cost level, medium and low.
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بيان دور استعمال الأرض التجاري و تحليله و توزيعه المكاني في استفحال مشكلة حوادث المرور في مدينة عمان الكبرى. و قد توصلت الدراسة إلى أن استعمال الأرض التجاري السائد في المدينة و الذي يأخذ غالبًا و في معظم أنحاء المدينة النمط ال خطي أو الشريطي الذي يمتد على جانبي طرق النقل الرئيسة هو استعمال غير مخطط و غير موجه و لا مسيطر عليه بشكلٍ سليم ، الأمر الذي جعله سببًا رئيسًا في وقوع حوادث المرور ، فهذا النمط من الاستعمال يوفر الشروط الموضوعية التي تؤدي إلى وقوع حوادث المرور ، و ذلك من خلال ما ينتج عنه من تداخل و تعارض في حركة المشاة و حركة المركبات من جهة، و تداخل و تعارض في حركة المركبات مع بعضها بعضًا من جهةٍ أخرى.
Geographic Information Systems) GIS), and its advanced spatial and statistical analysis of traffic accidents at the city level, play a key role in improving traffic safety and urban development. This paper presents a general methodology for spatial a nd statistical analysis of traffic accidents within Homs city during three consecutive years 2007, 2008 and 2009. Maps are produced representing the spatial distribution of point traffic accidents within the city where is covered with a network of squares (300 m * 300 m) to identify the most dangerous areas in terms of the number of accidents. A map representing the most dangerous road segments is also produced in Homs city. In addition, the analysis of statistically significant hot spots (Getis-Ord Gi *) is performed. Through this study and the maps produced, dangerous areas and roads segments that have the largest number of accidents during the three years are well identified. These maps can be presented to decision-makers in the field of transport and traffic to study them from all aspects and work to solve the problems that led to an increase in the number of accidents.

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