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يهدف البحث لبناء اختبار لصعوبات تعليمية في الرياضيات وتشخيصها وتم تطبيقه على عينة استطلاعية بلغت 200 تلميذ وتلميذة، وعينة سيكومترية 400، واساسية 2671 وتم استخدام العديد من الادوات، وخلص البحث لبناء اختبار خاص بكل صف دراسي
The aim of the research is to identify the difficulties of teaching scientific values and developing them in the curricula of the first cycle of basic education from the point of view of the teachers related to the teacher and the student and the curriculum and the educational environment. The researcher followed the analytical descriptive method, using a questionnaire addressed to a sample of the teachers of the first seminar in the schools of Damascus.
The aim of the research is to identify the difficulties of teaching scientific values and developing them in the curricula of the first cycle of basic education from the point of view of the teachers related to the teacher and the student and the curriculum and the educational environment. The researcher followed the analytical descriptive method, using a questionnaire addressed to a sample of the teachers of the first seminar in the schools of Damascus.
identify the relationship of learning difficulties of attention and motor cognition with the difficulties of learning / reading and writing/ /grades 4 and 5/ of basic education . identify differences between learning difficulties of attention and motor perception and difficulties of learning /reading and writing/ In the fourth and fifth grades, according to sex.
The research aims to identify the difficulties and problems of illiteracy literacy programs, from two points of view and to associate these programs and supervisors, and to identify the differences in views between the sexes, and depending on the geographical distribution of.
Research aims to observation of The services provded by civil society Organizations in the governorate of Latakia for the development of rural women condition and to improve the Educational cultural ,economic ,health, Educational, and social level, and the difficulties facing that Organizations the implementation of its programs ,plans and activities in order to achieve the comprehensive development of rural women,and to achieve the goal of study the researcher designed an iner view cards based on the goals of the syrian NGOs, and it has been confirmed validity and reliatity and then applied to the sampl (60)members the sample of research included five organizations governorate of latakia results of research have shown there were differences of statistical significant between the average scores of members according to difficulties that facing in implementation of plans, programs,and activities to serve rural woman a ccording to changes of organization,and research confirms that the civilsociety organization a chieve some services related to sensitize raval women and educate,rehabilitate and traine her in all the educational,cultural, social,economicand health fields,but not at the level that helps to develop all round and full development to the degree of her participation in the development process whichis pushed by the Syrian society for the development and modernization process because she is half of society and the fundamental basis subsequent generations builts on.
The aim of this study is to specify the difficulties that face teachers in using the computer and the internet in teaching and learning from the perspective of graduated students of Education department in Albaath University, and to indicate the effect of the variables of scientific degree and having ICDL certificate on estimating those difficulties.
The study aimed to identify the level of social communication difficulties in Autism Spectrum children from the viewpoint of their teachers ,and to know whether there is any differences in the level of difficulties related to gender variable, and. to achieve this goal the researcher used the translated study of children Autism Spectrum by Bilal Audeh, and The scale of social communication, prepared by the researcher. the study included: 12 children from the age of 5-10 years diagnosed with autism spectrum (6 males- 6 females) ,and one of the most important results: The existence of statistically significant differences between the level of gestural expressions difficulties and the friendship difficulties with peers; this difference was in favor of friendship difficulties with peers. : the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of non-verbal expressions difficulties and difficulties of sharing the interests with others; this difference was in favor of sharing interests with others. the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of friendship difficulties with peers and the difficulties of sharing interests with others; this difference was in favor of the difficulties of sharing interests with others. the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of the social communication difficulties by sex of the child variable according to the non-verbal expressions difficulties and friendship difficulties with peers, but there are no statistically significant differences between the level of difficulties in participation with others as concerns the sex of the child variable.
تعتبر القواعد أساسا اللغة و نظرا للدور الكبير الذي تلعبه في عملية تعليم و تعلم اللغة الفرنسية فقد جذبت اهتمامنا لضرورة إلقاء الضوء على صعوبات تدريس هذه المادة. سنتعرف في هذا البحث على صعوبات التعليم التي يتعرض لها طلاب السنة الأولى في قسم اللغة الفر نسية في جامعة تشرين, و خاصة فيما يتعلق بصعوبات تعليم مادة القواعد. ثم سنلقي الضوء على الأسباب المتعددة و المختلفة لهذه الصعوبات. و لن ننسى كذلك دور المدرسة و لا سيما تأثير التربية المدرسية على طلابنا الجامعيين. كما أننا سنعرض نتائج البحث بعد اجراء استبيان على طلابنا في السنة الأولى حيث سيعبرون بطريقتهم عن الصعوبات التي صادفتهم اثناء تلقيهم محاضرات مادة القواعد. و سنقدم في نهاية بحثنا بعض المقترحات التي تسعى إلى تذليل هذه الصعوبات و الى تطوير أسلوب تعليم مادة القواعد في قسم اللغة الفرنسية .

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا