هدفت الدراسة إلى:معرفة صعوبات التواصل الاجتماعي الأكثر ظهوراً عند أطفال طيف التوحد من وجهة نظر معلميهم, و معرفة فيما إذا كان هناك فروق في مستوى الصعوبات تعود لمتغير الجنس, و لتحقيق هذا الهدف استخدمت الباحثة
اختبار طيف التوحد الطفولي المترجم لبلال عودة ,و مقياس التواصل الاجتماعي المعد من قبل الباحثة.
و شملت الدراسة:12 طفلاً من عمر 5-10 سنوات مشخصين بطيف التوحد (6 ذكور- 6 إناث)
و كان من أهم نتائجها:وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مستوى صعوبات التعبيرات الإيمائية و صعوبات الصداقة مع الأقران، و هذا الفرق كان لصالح صعوبات الصداقة مع الأقران.
وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مستوى صعوبات التعبيرات الإيمائية و صعوبات مشاركة الآخرين الاهتمامات، و هذا الفرق كان لصالح صعوبات مشاركة الآخرين الاهتمامات.
وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية بين مستوى صعوبات الصداقة مع الأقران و صعوبات مشاركة الآخرين الاهتمامات، و هذا الفرق كان لصالح صعوبات مشاركة الآخرين الاهتمامات.
وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى صعوبات التواصل الاجتماعي في كل من (التعبيرات الإيمائية و الصداقة مع الأقران) حسب متغير جنس الطفل, بينما لاتوجد فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى صعوبات مشاركة الآخرين الاهتمامات حسب متغير الجنس نفسه.
The study aimed to identify the level of social communication difficulties in Autism
Spectrum children from the viewpoint of their teachers ,and to know whether there is any
differences in the level of difficulties related to gender variable, and. to achieve this goal
the researcher used the translated study of children Autism Spectrum by Bilal Audeh, and
The scale of social communication, prepared by the researcher.
the study included: 12 children from the age of 5-10 years diagnosed with autism
spectrum (6 males- 6 females) ,and one of the most important results: The existence of
statistically significant differences between the level of gestural expressions difficulties
and the friendship difficulties with peers; this difference was in favor of friendship
difficulties with peers.
: the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of non-verbal
expressions difficulties and difficulties of sharing the interests with others; this difference
was in favor of sharing interests with others.
the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of friendship
difficulties with peers and the difficulties of sharing interests with others; this difference
was in favor of the difficulties of sharing interests with others.
the existence of statistically significant differences between the level of the social
communication difficulties by sex of the child variable according to the non-verbal
expressions difficulties and friendship difficulties with peers, but there are no statistically
significant differences between the level of difficulties in participation with others as
concerns the sex of the child variable.
References used
Autism(2008), An overview of the main interventions , pdd –nos&Asperger's help.org www.Autism sheets fact
Charman ,Dan&watson,Diane(,2004),Education of children with Autism ,GAO united states coverment accountability office,Des13/2004
Family Planning Queensland,( 2007),sexuality education and Asperger,vergeion2, center of Autism, September
The study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of a training program in early intervention in developing nonverbal communication skills among mothers of children of the autism spectrum at the Association for the Rehabilitation of Autistic Childr
The study aimed to identify growth problems in a children with an Autism Spectrum
Disorders depending on the variables of disorder intensity and age.
The study included 28 children (sample) ,8 cases that are classified as simple ,
medium, and 20 c
This study aims to investigate the prevalence of sensory processing dysfunctions
by the sample of Children With autism spectrum disorder and it’s relative with some
variables(age, severity of autism).The researcher adopted the descriptive approach
Playing is considered one of the most vital needs for the child which is worthy to attention and care. This is because playing is the basic idiosyncrasy and feature of childhood, and it is the motivation behind all processes of maturity and formation
This study aims to know how far and severe the children's
behavioural and emotional disorders in Orphanages have gone according
to changes resulting from gender, age, year of residence, death of a parent
or both of them from the viewpoint of their