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This paper provides a major challenge, Because of many bad conditions that effect oil pipelines properties, this paper discuss the ability of manufacturing and applying the 3D woven spacer composite fabric for insulating oil pipelines. This paper talks over the thermal, chemical, and mechanical properties of the final product from the 3D Spacer Fabric and the polymer resin matrix. And finally, this paper gives an idea how and with any kind of weaving machines these fabrics can be made.
Evaporation forms one of the hydrology cycle elements that it's hard to measure its actual amounts in the field conditions, so it’s estimated by calculations of experimental relations, which depend on climatic elements data. So the research goal is t o build a mathematical model to estimate monthly evaporation amount in plain area of Syrian Coast, using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and depending on dry air temperature, and produce comparison study between the results of network and other models. The mathematical model was built by the (NN-tool box), which is one of the v tools. A multilayer ANN architecture of error Back-propagation algorithm was built. The suitable training algorithms, number of hidden layers, number of neurons in each hidden layer, were determined. The results showed that the ANN (1-9-1) was the best model with MSE of 0.0032 for validation group, using Transfer Function Logsigmoid and Linear in hidden and output layers, respectively. A comparison model for the results obtained from the proposed ANN with EVANOV model by using SIMULINK technique was developed. This indicated that the ANN using temperature only gives results more accurate than EVANOV equation in determining evaporation.
The re-use of return air in central conditioning systems is one of the most important procedures for saving power consumption. However, the requested fresh air of the people existed within the conditioning space imposes determining the number of ti mes to be used. This research aims to link the work of the central conditioning system (heating) of a facility with the number of people existing within this facility by modifying the ratio of mixed fresh air and return air to save the electrical power consumption. Also, to raise the temperature of the mixture air by controlling the flow of hot water continuously rather than using on-off technique. As well as, to respond to any change in the number of people and get rid of repeated machine starting. Our research has been done by using specialized physical model consisted of test room, heat and movement sensors, pump, water tank, heat exchanger and air mixing blades. These devices are controlled by microcontroller type PIC16F877A. The experimentally obtained results showed the ability of controlling the amount of return air depending on the number of people and controlling the speed of the pump continuously providing a saving of electrical energy consumption up to 68% compared with the case of full speed.
Batteries are energy storage devices that are particularly useful for powering small portable devices like phones, laptops and entertainment devices as well as mobility devices that travel over the earth's surface, through water and air. During the night, or during a period of low solar irradiation, energy is supplied to the load from the battery in solar electrical Power Systems, and that provides Continuity of power supply, and on the other hand boosts the Reliability of the system.
Pastrami, manufactured from beef and abdominal fat and of a ratio of 3 meat to 1 fat, was stored under refrigeration at (4±2 °C) and storage times (0, 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 days). The effects of storage times on the most important chemical, micr obiological and sensory properties of pastrami were investigated. The results of chemical analyzes showed that the studied pastrami conformed to the Syrian Standards in terms of the proportion of salt and fat content, and it nearly conformed to the standards in terms of humidity. The results also showed a slight decrease in the percentage of moisture, fat and protein, and an increase in each of the acidity, proportion of total volatile nitrogen, soluble nitrogen and peroxide value in pastrami with the progress of the storage period at the temperature degree (4±2 °C). The microbial tests showed that pastrami is free from some sickening organisms especially salmonella and E. coli. It also showed that the census of the aerobic bacteria, yeasts and fungi was within the limits of the Syrian standards. The results showed deterioration in the microbial properties of stored pastrami with the progress of time; pastrami became invalid from a microbial point of consumption after two months of storage as a result of the big number of aerobic bacteria, yeasts and fungi. The sensory tests showed deterioration in the organoleptic characteristics of storage with the progress of time, the deterioration was clear after two months of storage; pastrami became unacceptable in terms of taste, color, smell and texture.
Effect of different degrees of temperature, different levels of pH , different periods of light and four media (PDA, OMA, MEA, CzA) was studied in vitro against the growth of C. gloeosporioides causing anthracnose disease of citrus fruits. The resu lts indicated that the growth of fungus was maximum at temperature 30°C and at pH = (5.5,6,6.5), and Light was unnecessary for the growth of C. gloeosporioides. Among the different media tested PDA and OMA supported the maximum growth of fungus.
This research aimed to study the effect of various growth conditions (temperature, culture age and culture medium) on the fatty acids composition of cytoplasm membrane of 37 isolates of Staphylococcus aureus using Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrome try (GC-MS). Results revealed that the total number of fatty acids of Staph. aureus was 33. Eight of them were principle and included: anti-isotetradecanoic acid (aC15:0), octadecanoic acid (C18:0), eicosanoic acid (C20:0), isotetradecanoic acid (Ci14:0), isotridecanoic acid (Ci15:0), hexadecanoic acid (C16:0), antisohexa- decanoic acid (Ca17:0) and octadecenoic acid (C18:1) with a percentage of 33.96, 18.37, 14.94, 7.32, 6.23, 4.14, 3.03 and 2.89%, respectively. The percentage of each of the other fatty acids was less than 1%. Increasing the incubation temperature was associated with reducing the percentages of Ca15:0, Ci15:0, C16:0 and C18:1; and increasing Ca17:0, Ci14:0, C18:0 and C20:0. The increase in incubation period caused a decrease in C16:0, C18:0, C18:1 and C20:0; and an increase in Ca15:0 and Ca17:0. Moreover, the variation in culture media caused differences in the percent of Ca15:0, C18:0 and C20:0; while the other fatty acids showed no changes.
This study is concerned with the variations in annual and seasonal surface air temperature in Syria, depending on the data from 12 different meteorological stations in Syria. The analysis of surface temperature trends was performed using Least sq uares (linear regression) and Moving- averaging filters according to Gaussian low- pass filter. Fast Fourier Transformation was used for the analysis of periodicity for the annual mean surface temperature. The results of linear regression showed that the general trend of annual and seasonal temperature in all stations was positive except Latakya. The results of annual and seasonal temperature, fluctuations revealed the existence of important warming period in all stations starting from 1993-1994 for the average of annual and winter temperature while summer, autumn and spring temperatures averages were above the mean during the study period. Periodicities analysis showed that the surface air temperature seems to be affected by solar cycle and quasi- biennial oscillation as well as the El-nino southern oscillation.
This research discusses the affecting factors of biogas production in the digester, to define the optimal temperature and suitable loading rate to achieve high digester biogas production. The research focuses on the water compressed continuous flo w digester (chines model), and the results is presented and illustrated in suitable tables and curves.

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