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The Protocol Independent Multicast - Sparse Mode (PIM-SM) uses one center (referred here as the Rendezvous Point “RP”) for all sources in a multicast group. PIM-SM distributes the multicast traffic of a source through a so-called shared distribution tree, whose root is at a predefined core called Rendezvous Point (RP). It also builds source-specific trees to the sources whose data rates exceed a defined threshold. In the literature, several investigations are done to improve and provide an efficient mechanism for the dynamic relocation of the RP depending on the sources or the members of the multicast group. In this paper, we extend the investigation of three search algorithms used to find the optimal RP position. To evaluate the performance of these algorithms, Estimated Tree Cost (ETC) and our improvement Enhanced Estimated Tree Cost (EETC), are used. The reason behind our choice these two methods is a comparative investigation of the RP-selection methods proposed in the literature. From the comparison we can see that ETC finds the most optimal position of the rendezvous point. The Hill-Climbing algorithm and the standard PIM-SM protocol with static RP-selection are used as a reference for comparison. Our algorithms result in a lower network load compared to RP-selection algorithm. However, they need additional control messages.
Evaporation forms one of the hydrology cycle elements that it's hard to measure its actual amounts in the field conditions, so it’s estimated by calculations of experimental relations, which depend on climatic elements data. So the research goal is t o build a mathematical model to estimate monthly evaporation amount in plain area of Syrian Coast, using Artificial Neural Network (ANN), and depending on dry air temperature, and produce comparison study between the results of network and other models. The mathematical model was built by the (NN-tool box), which is one of the v tools. A multilayer ANN architecture of error Back-propagation algorithm was built. The suitable training algorithms, number of hidden layers, number of neurons in each hidden layer, were determined. The results showed that the ANN (1-9-1) was the best model with MSE of 0.0032 for validation group, using Transfer Function Logsigmoid and Linear in hidden and output layers, respectively. A comparison model for the results obtained from the proposed ANN with EVANOV model by using SIMULINK technique was developed. This indicated that the ANN using temperature only gives results more accurate than EVANOV equation in determining evaporation.
This research aims at identifying the opinions of the secondary stage teachers in Lattakia city about the effectiveness of some of the Active learning Strategies (Asking questions, story telling and Simulation) strategies were chosen Aquestionnair was designed to achieve the objectives of the research. The questionnair was applied on a sample consisted from (90) teachers chosen in an organized way.
This research aims to study and design a single mode optical fiber using simulation, with a core and glass cladding, and also helps in ensuring the efficiency to use the optical fiber designed within the broading window C-Band,and that these resear ches and studies tries to use this window. This research also shares to set the light on the Numerical Programmes and Simulation used now in studying and designing these optical fibers. At first we used the programOptifiberto reach the confidence of Sellmeier equation for the fiber core, and this completed by using the finite element method solving the equation of propagation the electric field and finding its 3-D distribution, using the famous simulating COMSOLMultiphysics. This completed by putting the program MATLAB to reach the two equation: the total dispersion and attenuation for the designed optical fiber.
The quick consuming of products and the strong competition between producers caused to increase the complexity of products, so the digital factory became a need between design and producing actually to achieve a production system with a shorter ti me and optimal design and parameters without engineering modifications. This research offering a reference model basing on a complete framework between the engineering applications to build a computational model with a single core based on the integration between three dimensions modeling and automation of application for digital factory concept, to optimize the design of achieving the ideal execution of actual production system. Where we achieved the control of three-dimensional computer model according to process automation exactly as in actual through integrating tools, where the percentage of exact between the real factory and digital factory was 83% by using the time of process as the main factor for comparison in this evaluation.
Machine developing aimsto improve its velocity, capability and production,this is accompanied by increase of Mechanical side effects and the dynamical loads between the Machines elements and parts, that may conduct to rise the Mechanical vibrations and may cause a lot of damage in these machines, and cause negative effects on the environmentaround these machines, the study of Mechanical vibrations has a significant importance for engineering and technical students, to have knowledge of Mechanical vibrations that may arise in the machines under design process, or to study the mechanical vibrations resulting in the machines under use to isolate these vibrations and attenuate of its negative effects, for that we introduced an simulation program to show and illustrate a method to simulate some mathematical models representing some of possible types of vibrations, and to determine the most important parameters that describe the different vibrations motions, we choose an suitable programing language to merge this simulated models with an illustration and learning texts and drawings and animations in one executable application, this application show the models and the results in simple and very clear manner, and show the results in high resolution comparing with other programing languages.
In this research, a research and educational tool for studying the sensitivity of the vehicle's suspension system to the properties and parameters of the suspension’s components is developed. This tool is a program that can study different models cre ated using the Matlab/Simulink software package with its various libraries. Different types of models can be analysed, such as differential equation models expressing a mathematical model, block diagrams, or state space models. The tool also enables students to identify the suspension’s components, and its basic design parameters, and choose these parameters. Researchers and students will be able to test their models in terms of response, overshoot, and sensitivity, when conducting simulations in different working conditions.
Wireless sensor network simulation programs provide representation for an actual system, without needing to deploy real testbed which is highly constrained by the available budget, and the direct operations inside physical layer in most of these prog rams are hidden and work implicitly. This is what motivated us to build a kernel for a virtual simulation platform to be able to simulate protocol operations and algorithms at the node processing unit level, The proposed system aims to observe the execution of operations at the low level of the wireless sensor physical infrastructure with the ability to modify at this level. Since secure routing is considered one of the most challenges in WSN field, so we apply in this paper one of the secure routing algorithms inside the GUI of the proposed system to observe execution at the low level of processor operations, which give us the ability to discover the weakness of algorithms and improve them. Three scenarios were applied to evaluate the performance of the proposed simulation platform. The results demonstrate a high flexibility and effectiveness of this platform in tracing the progress of operations performed within the wireless sensor nodes at the Assembly language level.

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