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يتناول البحث التنظيم القانوني للعملات الرقمية الافتراضية، حيث قمت بدراسة التنظيم القانوني للعملات الرقمية الافتراضية، من خلال نشأتها وتداولها والموقف الدولي والوطني من تداول العملات الافتراضية والطبيعة القانونية للعملات الرقمية الافتراضية. وقد تناولت في الفصل الأول من هذه الدراسة ماهية العملات الرقمية الافتراضية، حيث عرضت في بحث تمهيدي عن نشأة العملات الرقمية الافتراضية )عملة البتكوين نموذجا(، ومنشؤ عملة البتكوين وكيفية إصدارها وماهي البرامج المستخدمة في عملية التعدين وماهي التقنية )بلوك شين( التي استخدمها مؤسسو عملة البتكوين للحد من تكرار إستخدام العملة مرتين أو للحد من تزوير العملات الرقمية الافتراضية وذلك لتوفير الثقة للمتعاملين. وبعد عرض نشأة عملة البتكوين بإعتبارها عملة رقمية نقديه بديله للعملات القانونية، تناولت تعريف كل من النقود الرقمية والعملات الرقمية الافتراضية لبيان أوجه الاختلاف بينهما وإختيار تعريف جامع للعملات من خلال تعاريف الفقهاء لهذه العمالت، وبعد بيان التعاريف كان البد من دراسة خصائص ومميزات العملات الرقمية الافتراضية لتوضيح الفرق بين النقود الرقمية والعملات الرقمية الافتراضية ومدى توافر خصائص ومميزات النقود القانونية في هذه العملات. وتناولت نهاية الفصل الأول الأتجاهات القانونية والمخاطر بشأن العملات الرقمية الافتراضية والمتمثلة في الموقف الدولي والوطني من تداول العمالت الرقمية الافتراضية، حيث تبين من خلال الدراسة اختلاف مواقف الدول بين مؤيد ورافض لتداول العمالت الرقمية الافتراضية وتعددت اسباب القبول باعتبار الدول التي قبلت تداول هذه العمالت بإعتبارها سلعة، أما الاسباب التي دعت بعض الدول حظر التداول بالعملات الرقمية الافتراضية فكانت متمثلة في المخاطر التقنية والاقتصادية وأخيرا المخاطر القانونية.
This study aims to identify the factors affecting the velocity of money in Syria during the period ( 1990-2010) based on the study and review of the monetary theories, and the analysis of some empirical studies that examined the velocity of money and its relation to macroeconomic variables. In addition to an econometric study focused on the relationship between the velocity of money in its narrow sense (M1) with the rate of inflation, per capita GDP, real exchange rate, financial evolution, interest rate and political instability, using ARDL methodology to test joint integration.
Money is one of the most important means of trade that commercial traffic may stop without them, and with the technical development witnessed by the world, has become the means of communication featured event of this century, and with this develo pment emerged new forms of electronic payment means, Some of them is a novelty and some of them is an update to previously existing tools as in the case of coins and paper money, and one of the most important of these tools are electronic money , and because of the importance of electronic money, it has become imperative to determine what these coins, and the legal nature of them , as well as e-cash forms, in order to reach a clear vision of the electronic money as one of the most important means of electronic trade , and determine how to deal with it in the business community.
This study aims to identify the level of electronic banking services in private banks in Lattakia and determine the level of satisfaction of employees with these services, The study population consisted of workers in private banks in Lattakia. The researcher used the descriptive analytical method to measure the employees' satisfaction in private banks at the level of electronic banking services provided in the banks mentioned. A questionnaire was designed and distributed to employees in private banks in order to measure the type and quality of services offered and the difficulties faced by the electronic banking business, The data was collected and analyzed using SPSS. The analysis of the data showed a lack of quality in the electronic banking services offered by private banks in the study area according to the following dimensions (quality, comprehensiveness, difficulties, satisfaction) from the perspective of workers in the private banks.
This study is concerned in the long relation between monetary policy variable and Damascus stock exchange (DSE) index, In general, monetary policy transmission can affect the markets, so the stock market also effected by that, and this study is in terested in this relation, so it start by made theoretical introduction about how can monetary variables effect the stock market index, then it follow the statistical methodology by use Autoregressive-Distributed Lag model (ARDL) to estimate the relation between independents variables which are money supply M1,M2,exchange rate EX, interest rate I, inflation INF, and dependent variables which is DSE index (M_I) The result, by using the Unrestricted error correction model (UECM) shows that there is positive relation in short and long term between money supply (M1) and DSE index, but it was and negative one in short term between M2 and DSE index, and became a positive in long term, and the relation was negative between inflation and DSE index in short and long term. There was a negative one with exchange rate in short and long term, and also negative one with interest rate. As conclusion, it should be necessary to improve the behavior of monetary policy to control all this variable in the way that made it has positive effects on DSE index.
This research deals with economic ideas and monetary at Makrisi that contribute to addressing the economic crisis and achieve monetary, economic and social stability. The study aimed to highlight the importance of critical thinking at Makrisi and lea dership and was preceded by the Western thinkers in the field of analysis of the economic crisis in terms of monetary. The results showed that the economic thought and the monetary is not the product of Western but Arab Muslims contributed effectively in the development of foundations and theories, and was Makrisi race in laying the foundations of The quantity theory of money and currency law that expels bad from the good currency trading error attributed to Thomas Grisham. The study also found that the solution to any economic crisis depends on a fundamental aspect of it to handle monetary and reform in the public administration.
Any researcher in the legal aspects of the banking and financial activities in general should talk about the activities which banks and financial institution seek to outsource to third party, and the risk which may arising from those activities. The regulatory competent authorities in the scope of payment system cannot establish sound legal and regulatory framework to govern the work of authorized banks and financial institution without studying the risk may arising from those processes and establishing guiding principles to assess ,mange, and mitigate those risk; especially in the field of activities of electronic money that require inherently intervention of third parties.
Coins are considered as one of the most important types of applied arts. Modern age culture not only searches for beauty in plastic arts, but also in applied arts. As every applied art work swings between functionality and aestheticism, an artist see ks to upgrade the aesthetic value of applied fine work for many purposes, mainly to market the work, and to make the aesthetic value itself as an aim to meet self-tendency and reveal skills and innovations. Industry related aesthetics has emerged in modern time called industrial aesthetics, the famous theorists of which were Jean Bar Telmy and Charl Lalu. Consequently, this research has come to refer to writing as a key element in shaping coins. It also underlines the importance of such an element to render an aesthetic value for coins in addition their originally functional value, starting from the emergence of coins and the need for writing as a coin element and then the development of the concepts and dimensions of such writing through time to the present time.
ظهر الاهتمام بالسياسة النقدية في الفكر الاقتصادي خلال القرن الماضي, ثم أخذ هذا الاهتمام يتزايد في هذا القرن بسبب الازمات الاقتصادية وعدم الاستقرار الاقتصادي, ولما كانت النقود هي عصب الحياة الاقتصادية وبدونها لم يكون للمجتمعات ان تنمو وتتقدم, فإن أحسن استعمالها واحكم توجيهها كانت سبيلا لخير عميم. ياتي هذا البحث على اساس المحاولة لدراسة موضوع رقابة مجلس النقد والتسليف للسياسة النقدية بشكل أكثر شمورا وتخصصا في ضوء الشريعة الاسلامية لتحقيق أهدافها الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وخاصة اذا علمنا ان السياسة النقدية الاسلامية لا تعني ألغاء ما هو قائم من مؤسسات
تؤدي النقود الإلكترونية دوراً مهماً في تطور التجارة و لاسيما الإلكترونية منها، فهي تُمكن المتعاملين بها من إجراء الصفقات و تسوية قيمتها و الشخص الذي يقوم بها موجود في منزله أو مكتبه، و توّفر في النفقات التي تستلزمها النقود التقليدية من إحداث مصارف و دفع رواتب موظفيها و غيرها من النفقات. و على الرغم من ذلك فإن لهذه النقود محظوراً مهماً يتمثل في استخدامها بشكلٍ غير مشروع بغرض ارتكاب جريمة غسل الأموال، فتتحول من وسيلةٍ لتطوير التجارة إلى أداةٍ لارتكاب الجريمة.

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