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The study that we present represents an important work in Western thought. We ask about the contemporary interpretation of French philosopher Paul Ricoeur in the twentieth century. He worked hard to build a unique philosophical style that criticized and discussed all theories and methodsof interpretation, phenomenology, existentialism, Marxism, Freudianism, Nietzscheism, Theories of reading, linguistic analysis, anthropology, theories of culture, psychology, etc. In this way, Paul Ricoeur, in his discussion of the concept of will and kidney, discovers the true meaning of evil symbolism by addressing many concepts and ideas that have to do with evil. From here comes the interpretation and narrowly meditate on the language of recognition of error, which reveals the possibility and difficulty of philosophical interpretation of the symbols of sign, stigmatization and reprimand that were associated with the great legends that tell how evil entered into humanity: such as the myths of cosmology, tragedy, Humanity and morphology, and then led to the approach of thought The understanding is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of the self itself in its axiom of the demonstrative, structural, and interpretative ones. It is not a pattern of behavior, but rather a pattern of existence on Heidegger and Gadamer's path, His conflicts in the conflict between different interpretations. The structural andsemiological analysis model has also helped to expand the text's arguments, since the text is a linguistic medium that carries the author's mind to the reader, and all that Paul Ricoeur has done is determined by the expansion of the various theories into his important discovery, considering that the symbol calls for thought and pluralism. The suspicion or philosophers of doubt Karl Marx, Nietzsche and Freud, but thinking about the mysteries of the symbol led him to think of metaphor as a metaphor, or a rhetorical image of the name that emerged clearly in the history of long rhetoric in what Paul Ricoeur defined in his book "theory of interpretation", which starts with the sophists, And shows Aristotle and Cicero and Totalitarian, until it is crucial to the critics of the nineteenth century. This has led to the interest of linguistic, structural and existential theories ... to say that there are two modes of interpretation, an interpretation that emphasizes the mythological nature and the interpretation that confronts archeology. Not only did Paul Ricoeur reflect on the rhetorical side, the mythological character and the linguistic analysis only; he tried to discuss the question of truth and lies, Agustin, Greek philosophy, utopian theories, and various doctrines to that the kidney, which conceal the meaning of lies and want to reach the truth, and Paul Ricoeur interested in the concept of ideology by discussing the works of Karl Mannheim, Karl Marx and Louis Althusser discovering this relationship between idea representation and practice.
This research deals with structure of power and its concept in Farabi's political philosophy, by analyzing his basic thesis of Utopia, and analyzing the relation between governor and the parish, and explaining the political connections that control this city, like the stratification and ideological structure down to the relationship between the prophecy and philosophy, all this through systematic reading deals with the power of speech and its relationships, and the semantic context through which these ideas emerged, and the nature of cultural relationships that control thought and cultural production in that era. By understanding Farabi's political ideas and their situation of speech context emerged the category of (good authority) as a reflection of the structure of that era, and an alternative to the category of existing power at that time which was based on tradition and the sanctity of hereditary rule. Here Farabi's summon the pronouncements of the Greek speech and reconstructing and integrating them in the context of the Islamic intellectual on the one hand becomes a necessity which is required to the building of the political alternative of religious feudal authority, and on the other hand its unique feature and characteristic distinguish the Farabian philosophy through his building a philosophical pattern which combines rationality and inspiration.
إن واقع السلوك الإنساني قديم قدم حرية الإنسان, لكن الوعي الفلسفي (الرسمي) بهذا السلوك حديث يرجع إلى أواخر القرن الثامن العشر, وقد نجم عن نجاح فلسفة( نيتشه ), بعد أن استعار مفهوم القيمة من الاقتصاديين, أن غدا هذا المفهوم ذائعا في دنيا التأمل الفلسفي و عامة المثقفين. إن فلسفة القيمة مستقلة عن كل فلسفة غيرها, وهي فلسفة شاملة تهم الإنسان أياً كان وأينما كان لأنها تهتم بالقضايا الأساسية التي مازال يطرحها على نفسه, ويحاول الإجابة عنها لعله يجد في ذلك نورا يهديه في مسيرة حياته. فهي تهتم بالموضوعات التي تهتم بها الفلسفة عموماً, ولكن من وجهة نظر قيمية, وتحاول أن تبرز المعنى العميق لهذا الوجود الذي لا يسرنا حتى يصير أجمل في عيوننا وأجلى لعقولنا. وتبعاً لذلك فالاهتمام بها اهتمام بموضوع يتصدر الفكر الفلسفي. إذا كان الكثيرون قد توهموا أن الأخلاق لا تزيد عن كونها مجرد نداء الواجب أو (ما ينبغي أن يكون) وكأن كل مهمة الاخلاق أن تصدر بعض الأوامر والنواهي, وأن تضع بعض القواعد أو الوصايا, فإن من واجبنا أن نقول أن الأخلاق الفلسفية هي تعلمنا كيف نحكم, إنها توجِّه انتباهنا نحو العنصر الإبداعي في الإنسان, فتتحداه طالبةً إليه أن يلاحظ ويحدس ويتكهن بما يجب أن يحدث, إنها تدعوه إلى التصرُّف في كلِّ مناسبةٍ وفقاً لما يستدعيه الموقف الخاص, بحيث يجيء تصرُّفه سلوكاً أصيلاً جديداً ومبتكراً. من خلال هذا البحث عن فلسفة القيم سأسعى للإجابة عن الأسئلة التالية: إشكالية البحث:  ما علاقة القيم بالوجود؟  هل الشر موجود؟ وهل يجب أن نبغضه؟
The article has been split into two main parts; the first concerns illustrating the nature of the relation between method and text and which one is prior to another. We discriminated three main opinions in the history of philosophy, which are: • The first opinion is adopted by those who prioritize System to method. • While the second opinion believers tend to prioritize method to System. • The third opinion favors merging and unifying method and system. We worked on analyzing and discussing these opinions, and tried exposing their disadvantages, and expressed our opinions in this particular. The second part of the article is concerned with analyzing how to read a philosophy text, in which we discriminated two types of readings: • A closed interpretational reading. • And a hermeneutical open reading.
Rationality is by far the luckiest philosophical concept in so far as its controversial status is concerned. It is also one of the terms most liable to rejection, criticism and analysis. Hence, our paper is an attempt to unscramble the controversy re lating to tuning the term of rationality into a concept that denotes multiple significations in the era of modern philosophy, and which are considered the real foundation of what today's world has reached in its intellectual, scientific and social aspects. According to this terminological and conceptual context, we have tried in this paper to shed special light on the genealogy of the concept of rationality, its origins and evolution as a trend in modern European thought, given that it is a signifier that denotes the priority of the mind, and which derives from various meanings that are complementary at times, yet contradictory at others, whereby carrying multiple significations, that vary in accordance with its field of use. With a certain degree of special attention, we have also tried to glean some of the most basic meanings associated with the term of rationality. We hope that this way we may be able to clarify the obscurity that engulfs the term, something which has caused its ambiguity, and thus our confused understanding of the philosophy of modernity.
This study is based on the monitoring attempt based on combining three fields of knowledge are: philosophy, history, literature, reflected this attempt in the biography of science is the science of the history of ideas, and this is science culminatio n of the evolution of the two fields the first two; philosophy evolved Mbagesha of (metaphysics), to ( theory of knowledge); also resulted in other sciences as a science meeting, and Ethics. As history has maintained relative stability in terms of subject matter, identify the actions of human beings and their curricula, until the appearance of the philosophy of history taught ideal motives and Supreme underlying structures behind human. The third field any literature has remained a laboratory for each development, it is the scene of test philosophy forest, and specifically different research methods included in the field who is also the document adopted by historians in their studies and their work in the course of nations and their actions . The Mathol study presented is another type of philosophy, literary, which to this type of approach substantive literature to Atjal Thread literary purpose as much Matjal ideas - the constituent units of this topic purpose, and therefore taught literature and the same thought in the dynamics and evolution and change, being studied in more Msarha inclusive diversity in literature, and are in the process of typing another kind of history is the history of an individual separate from the history Bashklah unwavering: metaphysician (divine), and material (ground)
The study of the ethical issue in the Aristotelian attitude and Averroes one is the aim of this research. It also studies and analyzes the point of view of each one of them in three fields which are: • The originality of ethics and its field • Th e virtue theory • Virtues varieties and arrangements According to our dealing with this case, we work on specifying the degree of similarities and differences between the two philosophers. We try to show the Aristotelian moral effect in the Islamic_ Arab intellectual space represented by Averroes whose understanding of Aristotelian ethics in the process of reading and analyzing Plato Republic. In the light of the above, we have the right to ask whether Averroes has an independent ethical theory or he followed the approach of his predecessors, especially Aristotle in his similarity with his ethical issue.
This research aims to show the meaning of "the philosophical system" and the recognition its structure, and explaining it. Because of the scarcity of such studies, especially in Arabic, beside the unavailability of the references related to the su bject, we are going to study the theoretical problem about the concept of "system" in the Arabic thought, and to distinguish between the "system" and the "doctrine", trying to define the "philosophical system" and to clarify it's characters.
هدف هذا البحث إلى طرح مشكلات تشكل مداخل موضوعية لمنطق ابن سينا، و ذلك من خلال تحليل الرؤية السينوية في ثلاث أفكار أساسية أولهما: الفهم السينوي لعلاقة المنطق بالفلسفة، تلك العلاقة التي تشابكت بين النظرة اليونانية ممثلة بأرسطو و المناطقة الرواقيين من ج هة، و الفلسفة العربية الإسلامية من جهة أخرى، إذ حاولنا الكشف عن الرؤية السينوية لهذه العلاقة و أثرها في المنطق العربي بعده. ثانيهما: موضوع المنطق و مفرداته: و بحثنا في هذا الجانب عن الأثر المنطقي الأرسطي في ابن سينا في تصوراته عن موضوع المنطق و هل استطاع الأخير تجاوز نظرة الأول في مفردات المنطق و أولوية هذه المفردات؟، كذلك تناول البحث الأثر الرواقي في منطق ابن سينا. و الكشف عن العلاقة بين المنطق و اللغة، و ذلك لأمرين اثنين الأول منهما: أن السمة المميزة للمنطق الرواقي أنه ذو مشربٍ لغوي. أما الثاني منهما: فناتج عن عملية ترجمة المنطق من لغة يونانية إلى لغة عربية. ثالثهما: محاولة ابن سينا تشكيل منطق مشرقي مختلف في بنيته و أهدافه و موضوعه عن المنطق الأرسطي و المنطق العربي ذي النزعة المغربية، تلك النزعة التي تزعمتها حركة الترجمة العربية و الشرح الثلاثي الطبقات على يد متى ابن يونس، و من ثم الفارابي، و أخيرًا ابن رشد، فهل نجح في ذلك؟ و سعى البحث عمومًا للكشف عن نوع العلاقة بين المنطقين اليوناني و العربي، هل هي علاقة استمرار و بناء و تطوير، أم أنها علاقة قطع و بدء من صفر لا تاريخي، أم أن هناك شك ً لا ثالثًا لها؟
موضوع البحث يتعلق بالعنصرية المقيتة التي فرضت نفسها على كثير من الشعوب و استغلت من قبل مروجيها لتكون أداة تحقير للإنسان و شل لقدراته من خلال تغذية النزاعات العنصرية و الدفاع عن أسسها الدينية و الفلسفية التي يروج لها أصحابها، فأردت من هذه الدراسة أن أ كشف عن ضعف المحتوى العلمي و الفلسفي الذي تستند إليه تلك النظرية، و تقديم دراسة علمية تُعنى بأصل الفكرة و جذورها و ترد على شبهات أهلها، ثم تقديم لمحات عامة لقانون المساواة و العدالة الإنسانية عند المسلمين من خلال المصادر الأساسية.

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