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يجب ألا يؤدي الاحترام المطلق لمبدأ الشرعية إلى تعريض الدولة و المجتمع لخط الانهيار في حال تعرضها لظروف استثنائية طارئة. سأتبع في هذا البحث الأسلوب التحليلي المقارن بين الأنظمة المتعددة في كل من فرنسا و مصر و سوريا.
The question of the transition of power in the Ottoman Empire, an important issue shed Ottoman sultans, and occupied their mind for long periods, as they interned them in the midst of civil conflicts and local war, have been instrumental and head i n a broad and fundamental to the regime and the quality of the ruling lines, as have contributed to the emergence of the forces involved sultans and their influence was able to sneak into the decision-making centers and succeeded later in the appointment of the sultans and withheld from their basic tasks in the leadership of the state and society, paving the way for the conversion of the Ottoman government and the Alslltani Palace to the headquarters of the rival gangs competing. Doing all effort to harness the potential of all state of the army and of the financial treasury to buy military alliance and issue decision reflected negatively on the society in which they toil under a huge financial burden in order to provide the necessary cash-turned collected main recipe for the rulers and leaders. Army no longer provides the honor of the empire and sanctifies the sultan to comply with his orders as spiritual father to them but turned into tools brutalize sultans and take over others, especially that they were only puppets or animated structures for sultans helpless unable to take crucial decision.
It is almost well known that Franz Kafka has practiced serious influences on so many Arabic novelists and short story writers, especially in the sixties and the seventies of last century. Among the most important and central themes in this writer' s works is what we call (The authority and the chased hero). And being one of Kafka's most influential themes on Arabic novelists, we have chosen it as the topic of this paper. For the practical study we took, on one side, all Kafka's novels, and on the other, that is the Arabic novels, we took some of four writers' novels. Those four writers are: Fadhil al- Azzawi, Jabra I. Jabra, George Salim and Muhyi Eldeen Zangana. The study traces the encounter faces between the novels of Kafka and those of the chosen Arabic novelists.
This research deals with structure of power and its concept in Farabi's political philosophy, by analyzing his basic thesis of Utopia, and analyzing the relation between governor and the parish, and explaining the political connections that control this city, like the stratification and ideological structure down to the relationship between the prophecy and philosophy, all this through systematic reading deals with the power of speech and its relationships, and the semantic context through which these ideas emerged, and the nature of cultural relationships that control thought and cultural production in that era. By understanding Farabi's political ideas and their situation of speech context emerged the category of (good authority) as a reflection of the structure of that era, and an alternative to the category of existing power at that time which was based on tradition and the sanctity of hereditary rule. Here Farabi's summon the pronouncements of the Greek speech and reconstructing and integrating them in the context of the Islamic intellectual on the one hand becomes a necessity which is required to the building of the political alternative of religious feudal authority, and on the other hand its unique feature and characteristic distinguish the Farabian philosophy through his building a philosophical pattern which combines rationality and inspiration.
Citizenship is identified in terms of a constellation of rights intermingled with social and political duties including the right to vote, enjoying the public liberties related to political practice, and occupying general posts, etc. Such contribut ion is based on the principle of equality, and acknowledging the full membership of the individual within his community. The citizen, however, is obsessed by elevating the civilization of his homeland, and continuing its history of progress and modernity. Authority is a political and economic concept the existence of which requires the status of human conglomeration. Hypothetically, it should be elected democratically. Its function is to avail multifaceted services in order to guarantee the continuity of society and government, thus, the citizen and the state. Henceforward, authority types basically spring from the variety of services that are supposed to provide to society and citizens. The practical applicability of the principle of citizenship is likely to ensure the strength of states and the availability of the elements of its independent existence, the sovereignty of its authority, its citizens' monitoring of its treasures and wealth, its officials' keenness to keep it progressed and elevated, and their dedication to keep it upright. Accordingly, what is the relationship between rights and duties? What is the relationship of each of them to citizenship and authority?
This study aims to reveal the Argumentative Dimension and mechanism of its formation in the poetic text and deliberative about the pragmatics laws that govern the poet's awareness and affect its Social ،as well as showing the impact of Psychologic al ،culture and cultural context to the argument text may see beginning a way from any effort argumentative differentiated in the descriptive pictorial and if its variety orbital guidance clirsc loses attributes of which was strongly borne when the ،the collective consciousness who had an idea and his art mentors of this awareness ،old poet even if they tried to break free from the cullet.
The power is correlated to the life cycle of every political group, since the membership in any community involves subordination to its authority, i.e. to the power that define a framework for all members of society for their behavior and activitie s, this framework serves planned social objectives; thus Individuals respect this framework in order to maintain the social association and to prevent it from dissociation and dissolution.The current trend in constitutional jurisprudence is to restrict the power of polity and put suitable limits of it to ensure no arbitrariness from its side, and to prevent it from infringement and prejudice to the rights and freedom of individuals. The concept of sovereignty as it was described by traditional jurisprudence does not mean that power has no limits, since the release of sovereignty is relative.Thus, the power of polity is restricted by the Goal of its existence, which is to protect the natural rights and freedom of individuals. Polity non-interference in these rights and freedom is not enough, as there should be a positive commitment from the polity to protect such rights and freedom within the limits that permitted to all to practicing it.

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